
2 Reviews
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Management (2008)
really good film with maybe the worst trailer, ever.
16 May 2009
the trailer led me to believe this would be a 'charming stalker' movie, and that's about it. but the story and characters are deeper and richer than that, their motivations are realized beautifully, and the conclusion, if not real-life, makes sense. remember the ending of 'annie hall' and Woody Allen's explanation for why we create works of art. so, this isn't, y'know, 'rules of the game' or anything, but it's nice to see Jennifer Aniston playing a real, live person, lonely, uptight, scared, and aspiring to be a good person. Steve Zahn has a hard job, making his character likable and a reasonable facsimile of a guy desperately in love, but without much grounding in why he's stuck on this woman, except it's sort of the closest thing he's got to having a shot, however remote and unattainable. the soundtrack features great songs, well- placed, from the new pornographers, and the supporting cast is really strong. not a Woody Harrelson fan, and he's a bit of a cartoon here, but the script covers him and as unlikely as it seems every step of the way, it works as a journey of two good, lonely people learning to lean on each other and taking risks that have no guarantees. in spite of having lots of opportunities to totally go off the tracks, the filmmakers manage to make it work start to finish.
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dreary and pointless
26 January 2008
obviously has some talent attached, Maria Bello is always great. but this is just a dreary wast of time, portraying every character as someone to be loathed and exploited so someone could make a movie out of an 'interesting' story. well, i hope they got it out of their systems. unfortunately for the audience, there is no insight, no sensitivity, no context, and really no humanity. which would all be fine, except it has no humor, no horror, no context, and nothing constructive to say about the story it's trying to tell. bad things happen, you sit and watch it, you don't care, so what? 99% of the time, the words 'based on a true story' constitute an unintentional warning to the audience. it means the director and screenwriter are lazy and fascinated by some events they heard about somewhere, so they just throw them up on the screen and expect the 'true' nature of the story to make the audience feel something without the filmmakers having to do any of the work. i hope they had a great time making this movie. it stinks on ice.
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