
6 Reviews
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Megamind Rules! (2024– )
BigBrain sucks
22 April 2024
This show was just weird to sit through at first, like all the humour I found was just from random clips I edited and like two jokes that got a laugh at me, specifically the taxes one in episode 1 and cake in episode 7, the main thing I was just confused by was the fact that they seem to set up a thing with Megamind in the first episode but it never actually goes anywhere aside from a few mentions of it few and far between

Megamind also had his character majorly assassinated with him being an idiot here and weirdly egotistical, it's also just weird that a lot of conflicts are caused because the heroes in this show like they can't do anything remotely competent

While this does retcon stuff from the first movie I will have to view it all as canon till it's confirmed otherwise, I'm hoping for a season 2 tbh just to see how far this downward spiral gets, also so Shaffrillas can lose his mind more.
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Halo 5: Guardians (2015 Video Game)
Halo: modern warfare
22 April 2024
Honestly this is my least favourite Halo, it still includes the enemies from 4 which I never found super enjoyable to fight, and also completely overhauls the gameplay to feel more like call of duty, which just makes it feel more generic, I haven't played many shooters like Halo so why they wouldn't wanna stand out is confusing as hell to me, the weapons from Halo 4 also still aren't fun to use, the only thing I found this game did kinda ok was the ai teammates in story, they actually function well and followed orders With that said the story is also just a weird kinda mess, like main villain feels like they should've had the moment at the end earlier in the story and actually have been a better antagonist and it also ruins part of what I liked in Halo 4 even if I don't like that game.

Overall the worst Halo, can't talk about the online as every game other than infinite seems to have a player base with a population that's catching the plague and dying or something.
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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023 Video Game)
"I'm a jedi survivor Kestis"
22 April 2024
This game took me time to think about, so I'll start with the gameplay, it's definitely an improvement, it doesn't take away anything from the first game and just gives you more with new abilities and new lightsabers which adds more variety to the combat, the exploration is similar to the first game but, idk the planets here felt lifeless compared to the first, like there wasn't any lore or story to them, the inclusion of fast travel was welcome since the planets are all bigger this time and getting around on foot all the time would get repetitive, we're also given side content but the bounty hunter stuff feels like an ai made it, and finally the bosses were more fun and improved from the first game, especially Rick, hardest boss in any game I've played

In terms of story it feels weaker than the first, that game played it more straight and felt ,pre effective, with this there's a thing they keep bringing up every 5 minutes which is the main goal but it feels like all the main villain for the first two acts talks about without any depth, the third act definitely carries the story with a fun twist I won't spoil

Overall fun and I'm interested to see where the third and likely final game goes.
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Spider-Man 2 (2023 Video Game)
"I'm Spider-Man" "I'm Spider-Man too"
22 April 2024
So I've been aware for a while now that this game was rushed, which explains the last part of it, as I feel it's under development with venom as a villain feeling weird, and this thing that happens with Peter, I won't spoil it but if you've played the game you know That being said the first two acts are good, Kraven is a badass and his scenes were really cool, he wasn't as good a villain as Doc Ock was due to me having more emotional stakes with him but I still enjoyed him for what he was. I'm also liking the implication that the next game will be the ending as insomniac can then work on more marvel games, like their upcoming Wolverine game and their X-Men game

The combat feels like a good leap from the first but not as much as I wish they took, like it's definitely not dlc and feels like a new game, but I wished some things were different, like Peter and Miles playing too similarly, I'm one of the few people I've seen who doesn't mind the gadget wheel being removed since it kinda got in the way slowing things down a lot, they also improved the MJ stealth sections in this game actually letting you fight back, and the bosses feel more fun, like I'm not just waiting for my bar to refill so I can hit them, as they actually have health bars now. The web swinging feels more fun with the new options they've added for it in the menu and the web wings.

All and all I'd say I prefer the first game but this isn't a massive drop in quality and I do prefer it gameplay wise, just that the first one has similar gameplay and a better story.
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Devil May Cry 2 (2003 Video Game)
One of the worst games I've played
22 April 2024
Now as this title suggests it is genuinely one of the worst games I've played, and for a time it was the worst with it being topped by resident evil 6

The combat from the first game is somehow downgraded will all your melee weapons doing the same thing and not having cool combos like the first game, so you pretty much just have to spam your guns which are good in the other games, but not when I have to just hold the square button down till I win, like the damn helicopter boss fight where I swear I physically could it reach it so just had to shoot it for what felt like hours.

The story is the one reason why it's above resident evil 6 in my book, not because it's good, but because it feels like a pirated copy that doesn't work, as a lot of context just feels missing, like I had no clue who the main villain was or how I got to certain places, which was just funny even if it was also terrible

Overall this is easily the worst devil may cry game and I'd just recommend skipping it, there's nothing important here.
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Yakuza 0 (2015 Video Game)
Best rhythm game with weird story and melee side content
16 April 2024
This is honestly a top 5 game for me at worst, I finished it recently due to a friend recommending it as a starting point and this was perfect for that

The game is all over the place and messy in the perfect way, one moment I'm laughing at something stupid, the next I'm angry at a character in the game and wanna beat them with the wrath of god, then I'm emotional devastated over something because let me say this games ending hurts

The story is paced well and constantly has my investment each chapter, plus the characters were all brilliantly written, with my favourite of the bunch being Goro Majima, this is all further complimented by the simple yet satisfying melee combat system which can make you feel like an absolute badass at certain points

Either way I'd 100% recommend this game as a start to Yakuza as it really shows you the bond between two characters Kiryu and Nishiki before Kiwami, which makes that games story even more impactful, as well as making Majima more than just a funny guy used for comic relief

"This truly was our Yakuza 0" - Goro Majima.
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