
4 Reviews
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Rosalie (1937)
8 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Rosalie has to be the most zany musical ever produced!!! The Plot was all right but the chemistry between Eleanor and Nelson is just bland. Eleanor Powell's dancing in this musical was as best as ever. It was a routine which was performed on a tier of giant drums taking Eleanor Powell 2 weeks to rehearse it. It was a very different routine with its desperation in both the music and movements of Eleanor but the end result was a beautiful yet powerful performance by the Queen of Taps!!!!! Ray Bolger and Frank Morgan manage to supply the film with some great humour. Eleanor Powell's West Point Cadet Routine is very likable.
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Judy Garland Introduction
7 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The Second of the trio of Broadway Melodies and compared to Broadway Melody of 1936, 1936 has a much more detailed and entertaining storyline than BM of 1938.

The Finale of Broadway Melody of 1938 has to be the most memorable and true zest and meaning of Broadway. Eleanor Powell, manages to display this Broadway Rhythm perfectly.

George Murphy and Buddy Ebsen are also a funny duo with fine chemistry between Robert Taylor and Eleanor Powell. Judy Garland makes her appearance along with famous Sophie Tucker with the numbers "Everybody Sing" and "You made me love you", the famous song written for Judy Garland to sing to the well known charming actor Clark Gable
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Broadway Melody of 1936.....The year of Robert Taylor and Eleanor Powell
7 January 2008
Broadway Melody of 1936 is definitely recommended to those who have a kick for Eleanor Powell. This musical is an excellent introduction to the Queen of Taps!!! Not only does Eleanor Powell dance with such terpsichorean display but also manages to act fairly well in all her scenes. Robert Taylor as handsome as ever delights his audience in a pleasant singing voice along with June Knight and Buddy and Vilma Ebsen.

MGM's future relied but not too severely on this film, it proved a success and Eleanor Powell became an overnight star. This musical is a must see for those who adore musicals in their original state.
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Lady Be Good (1941)
Dry Dry Dry
7 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This musical would have to be the most long and boring musical I have ever seen. The plot has no interest at all, however with the likes of Robert Young and Ann Southern you certainly would have expected something more. Eleanor Powell as beautiful as ever only does two routines in this film the first with Buttons and the last the famous Fascinatin' Rhythm number directed by Busby Berkeley. The Berry Brothers also make a delightful and heartwarming appearance in this film too. I suggest if you ever see this film to fast forward to Eleanor's routines as they are the only things that keep the movie going!!!!
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