
5 Reviews
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The Actress (1953)
I remember this movie!
28 August 2002
When I was a girl, TV movies had hosts. Bill Kennedy was the movie host for the Detroit area. I remember seeing this movie just once some time in the late 60's, but I never forgot it. I still remember the scene when Ruth kisses her beau, and tells him to remember this was his first kiss from an actress. It was pure joy!
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The Debbie Reynolds Show (1969–1970)
A woman with convictions!
2 August 2002
What I remember about "The Debbie Reynolds Show" is that the first sponsor for the show was a cigarette company. Ms. Reynolds felt that cigarettes were NOT the way to promote a family show, and she threatened to quit rather than give in to the sponsors. The powers that be gave in to her demands, and I think Hunts Catsup sponsored the show. I never forgot that. She was a woman of convictions and I admired her for it.
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Luv (1967)
I loved it!
24 July 2002
Although I haven't seen this film in years, it remains one of my favorites. It was goofy, quirky and an odd-ball film. Jack Lemmon wearing a paper scrub hat and hollering at the TV doctors is priceless. Peter Falk's running gag of selling things is truly a genius at work. I would love to see it again, if I can ever find it!
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I love it!
25 June 2002
I found this video in a dollar store one day, so I don't know if it can be found in a video store, but if you can find it, it is a lot of fun! Irene Ryan (before she was known as Granny on the Beverly Hillbillies) is funny. The running gags in this movie make this a real treat.
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I liked the movie.
14 June 2002
I think this movie is charming. It is part farce and part whimsy. It is not a great comedy, and I don't think it was ever intended to be. It has a few stereotypical characters, but that can be fun. I have seen the movie several times. It is pure escapism.
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