
2 Reviews
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Vampira: The Movie (2006 Video)
A great visit with Vampira
22 October 2007
If you've ever been curious about who Vampira is and how her presence has affected the genre of goth/horror film, this DVD has the answers. Glamor-goul Vampira as she is today walks you through how it all began; and how films changed her life. She was WAY ahead of her time, and this shockumentary is a fantastic chronicle of her journey with insights and commentary from a host of goulish actors, musicians, filmmakers, etc. There's lots of reflection on her appearance in Ed Wood's film "Plan 9 From Outer Space". This is clearly a DVD made by a knowledgeable fan of old horror films who brings many of the names of horror-hosts old and new to one fascinating discussion on the Queen of Horror! At the end of the shockumentary, we get the chance to listen to the filmmakers and how they brought it all together. If you like horror films and are fascinated on how it all began, you'll enjoy this immensely.
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Ringers Lord of the Fans is a classic!
13 January 2006
As someone who has read Lord of the Rings once a year over the past 35 years, saw each of the films at the theater an average of 55 times (3 of them marathon viewings), attended many of the conventions, and has been a devoted fan of Tolkien's work since 1971… I have to say this documentary captures the passion, dedication and FUN of being a Ringer. This is a thorough examination of Tolkien's journey in writing Lord of the Rings and the influence it's had on generations of fans of all kinds.

There are scholars who have dedicated years to the study Tolkien's world. There are people young and old who enjoy getting lost in the fantasy story that launched the genre with style and intelligence. And there are people who just have fun as they escape into the realm of dwarfs, elves, hobbits, wizards, and a collection of villains. This documentary looks at all of that! This is, hopefully, the first of more documentaries by this team of devoted Tolkien followers who have done an amazing job introducing us to the spectrum of fans. I discovered Lord of the Rings as a hippie living out of an old green van traveling the country, and I find their approach to MY generation to be great fun as I revisit that age.

As with any work, there will be those who relate to the films, books, or documentaries… and there will be those who miss the point. As an avid fan of Tolkien both in films and in books… I embrace this documentary as one of the best historical and most entertaining examinations EVER of Middle-earth and those who love it. Well done!
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