
6 Reviews
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One Day (2024)
Great female casting!!
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why people are complaining about the female lead casting. I think she is what Emma is supposed to be ( not conventionally attractive a bit quirky) if they casted an attractive person it would have taken away from the story. She is supposed to be like that so that the storyline can fit. The fact that over the years he chose to continuously date other people and not Emmah shows that he clearly was dealing with finding her physically attractive. He did love her in his own weird way but not enough to settle down with her. He only chose to be with her last minute after he saw her move on and realized he would lose her if he dint step up. All that wouldn't have been a convincing plot if Emmah was good looking. Like come on its so obvious. If anything I thought the lead actor was not attractive enough for that role. When he cries he makes this weird face. I don't like him at all. He was supposed to be a 10 but turned out to be a 7.
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5 March 2024
I definitely liked the movie but I wouldn't say it's a 9. I'm confused with the very high rating. With these shows you have to compare the with the best of the best. Not unless we are only competing with other Kenyan films. But if we aren't then a 9 is very unrealistic. Even in comparison with other local films I definitely wouldn't give this a 9. But I have to give credit where it's due. Philip is definitely getting more creative and so is Abel. I would like to see them advance to other complex scripts in the future. Let's not just stick to the boy from the hood who has to make it through a tough life. I feel like all Kenyan scripts revolve around that. Nairobi half life is about that and many others. Please Think out of the box next time.
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Mea Culpa (2024)
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't have much expectations as I clicked this movie on Netflix but man was I bored. I really didn't like the slow dialogue and unamusing cast. Sean Sagar was definitely underwhelming and so was everyone else. No catchy storyline to keep me hooked and interested. Tyler Perry's only strength is with s*x scenes so he should probably switch careers and join the adult film industry. Some parts were really fake like the dropping the phone scene with Mea and the mother in law. The story dint make much sense coz why would you say someone is dead instead of missing if you haven't found a body. These are things Mea should have argued in court but guess what, there were no court scenes. We dint get to see Mea "the so called best Lawyer in town" in action. We just see her running around town and s*x dungeons with fancy suits, having s*x with murder suspects, chasing her husband's crazy family, instead of doing her actual job. Tyler is definitely a horny soul if he can sacrifice the movie plot for some irrelevant s*x scenes. A good movie doesn't always have to have a s*x scene but it seems this guy dint get the memo. That time spent pouring gold paint on Zyair's cheeks could have been used to build up Mea's brother in law's character by creating scenes where he is actively campaigning for Mayor using his mother's fake illness. We should have seen Zyair somewhat distraught by the whole thing and atleast one scene where he is taken in for questioning. We should have seen atleast some public opinions on the murder case on whether or not they think Zyair did it. This was more of some glorified soft core porn disguised as an erotic thriller. I think i've seen better plots on p*rn hub than this cr*p.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is the only series I would ever rate a 10 well until I find something else that will impress me the same way. Vince is clearly a talented film maker and the actors got the assignment, a perfect blend. The build up in this show is amazing. We can see Walter's descent to madness first hand step by step. He gradually becomes something not even his past self could ever imagine he'd be. The best part is witnessing his family and friends share the same dismay as the audience at how heartless Walter had become. Only a show like this can manage to make us feel this way about a character. We are there with him every step of his transformation. The build up of how deep they got into the meth business is also excellent. Jesse and Walter start dealing small amounts of meth with small dealers like crazy 8, then they graduate gradually with time to worse dealers i.e Tuco and Gustavo. The further they go, the harder it becomes to get out, the more addictive the drug dealing becomes and the more morally decayed they become. It paints a clear picture of how you can change with time without even realizing it and by the time you do, it's too late. A wonderful series and I will definitely be rewatching.
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Blood & Water (2020– )
Not that hooked anymore
5 March 2024
I loved the first season. After that it's just going more downhill every season with uninteresting plots. I hate Wade's character and how naive he is in general, so annoying. Season 4 I only liked the last episode. The other episodes were really boring and I had to force myself to finish them. I wish they would find interesting storylines as the stalker with the sex tape plot is very cliche. The cross over with elite really didn't add much to the story. I think this show has run its course and right now they just dragging it out. Wrap it up already Netflix. I give season 1 a 7 and season 4 a 3 so an average of 5 for the whole show. Idk if I'll continue watching other seasons.
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Disconnect (II) (2018)
28 February 2024
This was a terrible movie. Nothing fun about it yet it's supposed to be a romcom. It was supposed to give Think like a man but came of as a failed attempt at a highschool play. The actors were terribly bad at acting especially the main actress Brenda( the actors at alliance Française can do a better job than that) Most of the cast was completely irrelevant to the storyline and had no role in the movie. The character development of the cast was missing... Like why should I care about people who I know nothing about. We are just shown people crying and laughing with no real depth to what they are or who they are and why they are the way they are. The script was shallow and didn't make sense. The comedy part of the movie I failed to find funny because they weren't even convincing enough to be funny especially Pascal ( it seemed so forced and cringeworthy). The make out scene between Nick and Bridget was really fake and there was no build up chemistry in the scene between them before they made out. Overall the acting was not convincing. The directing was poor and the director should find another job hii imemshinda. So far I give this movie a 1/10 and that just because I can't score a 0/10. And Kenyans should stop being excited about such mediocre acting and expect more.(BTW why do they keep recycling washed up actors when there is real talent put here, sad)
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