3 Reviews
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Critical Mass (2001)
I bet this was one expensive movie!
18 January 2003
Wow, this movie is awesome. You see, it starts with this building, and some terrorists get into it, put explosives everywhere and then they steal all this Radioactive Material (TM). Then they proceed to kill some SWAT people, and they're surrounded but the guy who's waiting in a bulletproof truck drives thru the lobby of the building! Can you believe it? They all leave, and you are treated to a wonderful scene of the building exploding! But there's this helicopter chasing them, firing automatic weapons from the cockpit thru the glass, which as we all know, is standard police procedure during helicopter chases. It goes under a bridge, but then one of the terrorists has a terrific idea! He orders his buddy to hit the brakes, and the chopper smashes into the truck! The terrorists then drive away.

I mean it's a wonderful scene! I swear, it's very original, I'm pretty sure it's never been done before. They must have spent a lot of money on all those scenes, and destroying that expensive helicopter, and the building, oh boy!

They even thought of this unique name for the building. It's called Cyberdyne Systems. Uncanny!

Did I tell you about the part when one of the older terrorists throws a desk thru the window of the building and then starts firing at the police cars?
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Great work by Lombardi
22 October 2002
This accurate portrayal of the peruvian military school Leoncio Prado, this shows the diverse problems that students had to go thru while learning the facts of life. Extreme discipline, a fair amount of corruption, without overdoing violence or misery that's common in other flicks. By the way, not everyone who speaks spanish is a Mexican, and trying to say that this is another "cheap Mexican movie" is in extremely bad taste.

This institution exists, and my father was a student here, along with a lot of people I know. 'Unfortunately' I missed the opportunity to study here by barely obtaining decent grades at my regular school :D
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JAG (1995–2005)
Perfect example of US ignorance
29 May 2002
This show is about a bunch of US people doing lawyer stuff and occasionally shooting at somebody. It's fairly standard Law & Order kind of thing, except it is centered about the US military (don't know if any specific branch). Sometimes they travel around the world to see the sights and they show us wonderful real-world locations.


Glue together a church made from adobe, some rural roads, donkeys and a lot of people dressed in ponchos called Paco or Maria. Say it is Lima, Peru and mention Sendero Luminoso somewhere, and you have an instant in-location scenario!

If anything, this show is only one of many myopic examples of US knowledge of foreign culture. I mean, c'mon! just look at some pictures of a city that's bigger than any on the States except NY, and by a short margin! TV writers should travel more, or at least do some research instead of pulling world facts out of their butts.

What should be a dead ringer of the mistakes is that everyone in that ep is Mexican! But it's not surprising that nobody watching the show noticed. I mean, what's the difference? Mexican, Peruvian, Cuban, Spanish... they're all kinda... "latino" right?
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