
8 Reviews
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The Call (VIII) (2020)
Don't waste your time.
30 August 2021
The only good thing was Tobin Bell & Lin Shaye. Not scary in the least. Bad acting, ridiculous plot & bad writing.

"What did you see?" "The darkest part of my mind"..... -_- give me a break.
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Loved it !!!
7 January 2021
This was so good !! Carey Mulligan is amazing who can demonstrate strength, vulnerability, humour, creepiness, forgiveness & grief. Cassie is not a character you want to mess with or get in the way off. Such a dark matter & good to see rape revenge not done in straight up horror. I did think the ending was a bit rushed but still loved
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Freaky (2020)
Freaky Friday meets The Hot Chic meets Scream
12 November 2020
This is mindless slasher fun. Was funny, some good deaths & an awesome red jacket. Don't take this serious, its a bit ridiculous but a fun way to escape for an hour & a half.
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Hyped up shimmer dusted fluff
29 October 2020
STICK TO THE ORIGINAL !!! I had to edited this review, its the day after & Im still thinking of this movie..... for all the wrong reasons...... This makes no sense right from the start. It starts with Lily driving along with her mum, they put a song on & Lily starts crying...... we never find out WHY !!! All it does it sets it up they she may just be an over emotional teenager who cries at anything. I also don't understand what was the point of the youngest son... ok he was nice to Lily but those scenes / conversations could have been with ANYONE !! In the original you see the girls daily struggles, from bullying, being outcast, rumours, lack of self confidence etc.... this made you feel & root for them. But in this take theres nothing like this, no struggles at all to be on their side.... the closest is when Tabby mentions she's wanting to protect her brother. and no one sits with them at lunch, even transgender character Lourdes was under-utilised for portraying struggles, the only thing mention by her is she doesn't get a period.... are you kidding me !!! What a waste for not giving her more of a platform........You never see any real struggles, its just portrayed they're just wanting 'super powers'. The only good thing to come out of this is it gave the young cast a job, but clearly the older cast were hard up for a pay cheque to agree to star in dribble. This is just a bunch of embarrassing fluff. There are hints of misogyny throughout.... I kept waiting for this to build to something bigger.... granted no amount of misogyny is acceptable but it seemed like this would become a bigger thing (again another thing lacking). When it came to the final confrontation honestly they could have just used a cardboard cut out for all the thrill & action the 'big bad' gave. They only intimidating thing was their eyes went black.....and even that was just eye roll worthy....

Not sure whether thats due to lack of a strong story or whether has been watered downed by the studio to make it appeal to a wider audience, but has caused major harm. If your a fan of the original AVOID THIS AT ALL COSTS!! If you must see, wait till its available for free then cleanse your palette with the original. This is only going to appeal to a younger audience who haven't seen the awesome original. I was skeptical when the rumours of a remake started, that was then heightened when the trailer dropped.... The story was all over the place & just seemed like a lot of fluff that hadn't been fleshed out enough to make a good story with a good confrontation. Just a bunch of glitter dusted misogyny (that wasn't developed enough to be the big bad). Even when the girls decided to take a break made no sense... Im still shaking my head trying to make sense of what I just watched & why the hell there was so much glitter eyeshadow....... Very poor attempt at a reboot, more time should have been given to get it right.
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Follow Me (2020)
Escape room meets Hostel for the digital age.
17 July 2020
What a friggin bore !!!!!! Do not waste your time. Was so boring & predictable !! You can see whats coming from the start. Badly written & even worst acting. None of the characters are likeable. Keegan Allen can't act his way out of a paper bag. Give this one a big pass !!!
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The Lodge (2019)
6 June 2020
This was definitely advertised as something its not. Was so disappointed. Was so bored as theres no real tension until the very end & by then I didn't care what happened to anyone. Being set in a cabin in the middle of nowhere during a snowstorm did not get the desired effect of isolation but it did look very beautiful. Great concept underdelivered.
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The Grudge (2019)
Groooooan !!!
3 February 2020
I want that hour & half of my life back !!! Why did this have to be made ?! Was such a disappointment all around. For a moment I considered walking out & bloody wish I did. The jump around of the time lines was annoying. Also for a moment I forgot the detective even had a kid. Completely missed the mark about bringing the curse to America *face palm*.
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I am struggling...
26 January 2020
Only half way through & I keep asking myself why am I still watching... I like the overall premise of a monster fighting family, but the annoying moody twins are so cringe worthy. In fact all the teens are stereotypical & annoying AF ! Get rid of the teens or at least make them likeable & give us more monsters !!!
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