
3 Reviews
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Murder Maps (2015– )
My favorite murder/mystery series by far!
6 November 2019
Not only are the recreations top notch, but presenter Nicholas Day makes an already excellent series even better. I have seen multiple murder/mystery shows, but none are presented anywhere near as well as Murder Maps. This is easily my favorite murder/mystery series, partially because of the forensic evidence, and especially because of the production values and the excellent presentation of Nicholas Day. Murder Maps is far and away the best forensic/murder mystery program available! I sincerely hope Murder Maps continues!!
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A lousy follow up to the first two
15 November 2017
I'll be brief: Bad acting, bad cgi, bad acting, lame over the top weaponry, and bad acting. Characters yelling at each other is no substitute for a story. It was so bad I didn't even finish watching it. Not even the type of bad that is accidentally funny, just bad. The first movie was good, the second was OK, and this one is junk. Save your time and skip it.
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The Grand Tour (2016–2024)
The trio are still at it and as good as ever!
21 December 2016
I LOVED Top Gear and was so bummed when it came to an end. I was a bit reserved in my hopes for The Grand Tour and am so very happy to say it feels like they're back without missing a beat and exceeded my expectations!

Are some things different? YES, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Change can be good, and so far (5 episodes in) I am loving the show and the chance to spend an hour a week with three awesome, fun, and talented guys! Besides, based on how things ended with the BBC how could you not expect some changes?

And are the boys being more than a little silly? Again: YES, that's what they do! I can't wait to see how the show evolves and what awesomeness they get up to next.

Amazon did a wonderful thing here, God bless the Grand Tour!
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