
6 Reviews
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Oh, God! (1977)
A Great Family Film
18 March 2003
What can I say about a film that stars two of my favorite actors? Its one of my all-time favorite family films.

George Burns is wonderful as God. He is patient, kind and easy to talk to-- everything that God is, in my humble opinion. I do like the fact that he is represented as less than perfect; he shows us the human side of our creator.

John Denver is great as the grocery clerk, the naive, put-upon modern Moses who tries to convince everyone that he's not insane.

The appeal of this film is the underlying message that God cares for us, and also the way the message is delivered in such a non-denominational, non-preachy, non-judgmental manner. Its a fun movie that reminds us that God is always watching us---not to squash us like a bug when we make a mistake, but to be there for us when we need him.

The movie appeals to all ages. 10/10 stars.
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The Electric Company (1971–1977)
Wonderful! Golden childhood memories...
27 January 2003
When I was a child, I remember watching The Electric company with my friends and family. The actors were amazing, and the skits were unforgettable. I adored Morgan Freeman's cowboy sketches! Jim Boyd's character, the inimitable 'Crank', remains my personal favorite to this day. I loved Luis as 'Yankee Doodle'. In all of the historical skits, he looked like he was having as much fun as the viewers! Luis is an amazing talent, and I've been taping all of his movies just to see him in other roles. Rita, Judy, Lee and Hattie were all wonderful, too! Skip Hinnant is also very talented and funny: When he was in a scene portraying a Romeo type character, and Rita was the angry director screaming at him, he muttered "The things I do for art," and then

slammed himself back against the wall when she glared at him! I couldn't stop laughing!!! I also enjoyed him as "Roy the Toy Boy".

My favorite sketches are: "Boris the Boxer" (Jim plays a toothless boxer who has been hit in the head quite a bit, and throws punches when he hears a bell), "Greedy Greg Grabbed The Green Grapes" (Jim again), the "--ing" song (sung by Brenda, who was 'swing-ing' and 'sitt-ing' on a bee that was 'sting-ing' her), "Pandora the Brat" (Rita Moreno), "Nitty Gritty" (Hattie), "The Galloping Saddle" (Morgan and Jim), "Springing From A Sponge", "Yankee Doodle" "The Mad Conductor" ("YAGA! Are you trying to turn me into a little bowl of pasta???" Luis yells at Jim, who can't seem to play the right note on his tuba), "Grouch" (Morgan introduces the sketch, where two cavemen, Jim and Luis, are busy pounding rocks. Luis tries to show Jim something, and he growls: "GRRR!" and then pops Luis on the head with the stone hammer. "OUCH!!!" Luis cries... the scene repeats itself several times before it dawns on them that they have created a new word! Vaudeville music strikes up, and they dance around (with the dazed, confused look that only Jim can effect!) chanting "Grouch! Grouch! Grouch!" LOL!!! I still howl with laughter whenever Jim pulls that face!), and "Skunk In The Trunk", where Jim opens a trunk and discovers "...a pretty little kitty---with BAD BREATH!!!"

As an adult, I still love this show (maybe TOO much!) and I would recommend it to people of any age who like to laugh and have fun. Life is too short to frown all of the time! Let Electric Company "turn you on" and "bring you the power"... of laughter and positive vibes!

I give this show 10/10 stars.
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Rowan Atkinson Live (1992 TV Special)
Brilliantly Funny; I laughed so hard, I cried!
12 June 2002
What can I say about Rowan Atkinson that hasn't already been said? He is brilliantly asinine, wonderfully silly and a greater comedian I have yet to see... if he made you laugh in the "Black Adder" and "Bean" series, you'll love his blend of naughty humor in this live show. There are ten sketches in the show, and each one is a gem. My personal favorites are "The Good Loser", in which he is a bitter actor who has lost an award to a loathed castmate; "With Friends Like These", in which three of his 'near and dear ones' each give a toast at his wedding; and "Pink Tights and Plenty of Props", in which our man Rowan gives one of his most hilarious performances ever as an acting instructor (watch for when the evil brother is 'fatally' wounded and 'dies in character'. I screamed with laughter and tears ran down my face! I also had to run to the loo, 'cause I laughed so hard!) All in all, I just want to say: "DO NOT BUY THIS TAPE IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO LAUGH!"...and you might want to put a plastic cover over the couch cushions just in case! (smile!) ENJOY!
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Fascinating and eerie!
2 June 2002
This movie was one of the most interesting experiences that I have ever had! On one hand, it made me cringe. (The graphic sex was a surprise; I expected the gore.)On the other hand, it was beautiful and eerie. Great atmosphere... dark and smoky. Full of mystery and forbidden pleasures... cannibalism, vampirism, underage sex, corruption... the list goes on and on. Kurt Raab was frightening as Fritz Haarman: child molester, vampire, cannibal and black market salesman. He lures young boys off of the street and takes them back to his small, dingy apartment. Once there, he molests them (before, and sometimes after he kills them) murders them in cold blood and processes their carcasses to sell as meat in this post-WW2 drama. Both sexy and revolting, Raab draws the viewer into his dark, tortured psyche without garnering any sympathy for his dilemma. He is in one word, depraved.

Fritz' neighbor is hearing strange chopping noises in the night--- she does not like his way of bringing strange boys to the apartment. Suspicious, she contacts the police, who basically patronize her, until the murders become so numerous that they are impossible to ignore any longer. Go see this film. It is a truly disturbing experience.
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Fast-paced and brilliantly funny
13 May 2002
Love, honor and obey is the type of film that will either make you

scream with laughter or hold your head and groan. To enjoy this movie, you must first plant your tongue firmly-in-cheek, because the whole thing is, the movie does not take itself seriously. It is not meant to be a straight-on gangster film. It is a black-as-midnight comedy, wickedly funny, fast-paced look at the seedy underworld and the faults of the human psyche. Rhys Ifans is brilliant as Matt, a man who lets his temper get the best of him in a battle with Johnny (played by Johnny Lee Miller). Johnny is all about stoking the fire between their two rival gangs. A newcomer, Johnny has no idea about the goings-on of the London underworld, and

uses his idealized version of what a gangster should be rather than going with the everyday flow of thug life. Love, honor and obey is about nothing and everything--- it should be taken at face value for what it is: a lightning-paced black comedy with some truly funny moments. Don't miss it, or the "Little trippy doggy" will be at your door!
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Twin Town (1997)
Wildly original! Loved it!!!
12 May 2002
Twin Town has to be seen to be believed! It can make you laugh harder than you could ever imagine, mainly because the characters are like

people that you know and love. It is a story of life in Swansea, South Wales... a new and different culture for some of us. The scenery is gorgeous, the accents are char- ming, and the script is clever and incredibly funny!!! Rhys Ifans and Llyr Evans (brothers in reality) are Jeremy and Julian Lewis, two boys who are out for revenge after their dad is injured at work and his boss refuses to compensate him. What follows is some of the crudest, most off-the-wall humor in the history of film. (Look for Fergie the poodle and the wiener-wagon scene --- I laughed out loud!) Suprisingly, there are some serious moments as well, and you may find yourself wiping away a tear. This is when you find your identification with the Boys, and the movie becomes yet even more wonderful. All in all, this is my favorite movie because of the wonderfully warm and funny cast and the never-say-die attitude of the Lewis brothers. Don't miss it!
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