
14 Reviews
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The Long Game (I) (2023)
Underdog story, heartwarming
29 April 2024
I liked this movie. I didn't realize it was a period piece so at first I was confused it they were showing us flashbacks with the war scenes, but it isn't. I thought the subject was interesting and heartwarming. I like underdog stories. I thought all the actors did a great job. This is a movie a family can go to and you don't have to worry something inappropriate will come up. It would also spark conversation about past history in the US and how things have change, and should continue to change in the future. I was glad they showed what happened to the main characters at the end of the movie since it is based on a true story. I hope more people give this movie a chance because there are a lot of interesting stories to be told out there about the melting pot that is America.
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The Burial (II) (2023)
I liked it
26 December 2023
Not knowing anything about this case I can say as far as the story, production value, and casting, I really liked it. Now a days I take theses "based on a true story" movies with a grain of salt because of how they are embellished for entertainment purposes. I don't mind that though. If this hadn't been based on a true story it was still good. You can't go wrong with an underdog story because it is a universal theme. Everyone can relate to how unfair the world can be. There will always be those who like to take advantage of others whether it is for greed or power. Watching someone get a win can feel satisfactory even if it isn't you who benefits.
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Awkwardly funny
7 December 2023
No this is not a family friendly Christmas movie. It's almost an anti-Christmas movie. After I realized it was meant to be a spoof of the Hallmark movies it made more sense. I personally have a like/hate feeling towards those movies. So predictable and saccharine sweet. If you only watch one once in a while it's cute, but too many and you feel nauseous and depressed from the sugar crash. This silly movie hit just right. I needed a few laughs. I knew most of these actors were better than they were playing so it was funny to realize they were over the top on purpose. Justin Long must have used every cliche comment ever used by a sappy good ol' boy out there. I thought there were a couple of moments where you could tell he and the cast were trying not to laugh at their own lines. The old people being the crude ones was a bit over the top. The boyfriend was hilarious as the jerk. If you don't like cheesy Christmas stories and have a slightly naughty sense of humor this movie might be just what you are looking for. If you are a Christmas movie fanatic and only want the most sweet stories, you'll hate this. Definitely not appropriate for kids.
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The Shift (II) (2023)
deep, beautiful, powerful, action packed
3 December 2023
I've been waiting to see this movie in theaters for a long time. When I first saw the short film presented to Angel Studios as a potential project I had my doubts, but I really think it delivers. I was really impressed with the quality of cast and production value on a low budget. For a first time director, I'm really amazed at how well it turned out. I was worried the story would be confusing for those who hadn't followed the behind the scenes videos posted on The Shift's youtube channel. However, my two friends who saw it with me, and who didn't really know anything about it beforehand, were able to follow the plot just fine. I did think it was a little long. I think the whole cast did a great job with their parts. I hope people give it a chance and go see it in the theater. It isn't preachy. To quote another review I saw "It is deep, beautiful, powerful, action packed, suspenseful, and intriguing all at the same time."
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Candy Cane Lane (I) (2023)
Laugh out loud funny
2 December 2023
I saw this at an early screening and it was fun being with an audience in the theater. Too bad they aren't releasing this in theaters for a time because I think it would have been successful. I enjoyed the cast. I thought Eddie was back in fine form. The story was unique and fresh. I laughed out loud several times as did others in the audience. I thought it was interesting switching up some of the Christmas folklore to black Santa and other things. The special effects were good. I could see this being a new staple in the Christmas movie playlist each year. Very glad I saw it and I recommend it for adults and kids.
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Well, I'm absolutely gobsmacked!
12 November 2023
I don't mind musicals, but they aren't necessarily my favorite genre of film. I saw the trailer for this movie and thought it looked corny, however, a friend wanted to see it so I thought I'd give it a chance. I have to admit I was blown away. Yes they do take artistic license with some of the nativity story, but the most important aspects are featured so I don't think anyone would say it was heretical. What really captured my attention though was the musical performances. The singers were amazing. The musical score was top notch. As I was watching it other artists and productions came to mind to compare it with. One of the early songs Antonio Banderas sang reminded me of the Imagine Dragon song Believe (it wasn't exactly like it, just gave me that strong hard edge vibe that fit the horrid King well). A song that Mary sang reminded me a little of the film The Greatest Showman. I even got Evita and Yentl vibes. The quality of the performances were that good. If you like musicals you should like this one. And, it doesn't stop there. The cinematography was done well and the production value was high quality. Great costumes, make-up, and set design. I couldn't find how much their budget was, but if it was low you sure couldn't tell it. I hope people give it a chance. The more people who go the longer it will stay in theaters. I might even go again if it doesn't leave theater's too quickly. It's a good family friendly movie, just right for this time of year.
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After Death (I) (2023)
Inspirational movie, thought provoking
3 November 2023
I liked this movie. I liked the book Image Heaven, the author is in the movie. I hope it wakes people up to the reality of life after death. It is also has beautiful cinematography, visual effects and soundtrack. If they only had the interviews it might have been boring, the visuals helped. I think this movie can also give people peace if they are unsure about the afterlife. It is good they tell the stories of people who went to heaven and hell. So many people don't believe in them, especially he'll. Seeing it on a big screen is better. I don't think it will look as spectacular on a tv screen (unless you have like an eighty in screen. Worth seeing!
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The Blind (I) (2023)
Worth seeing, heartfelt and inspirational
5 October 2023
I thought this was an above average film. The acting was pretty good and the soundtrack. The story was interesting. Really showed how one's life can fall apart when you are living for your own hedonistic pleasures. Showed how much better things can be when you turn your life over to Jesus, done in a good way, not cheesy. The only slight negative is the pacing is a little slow, but that didn't ruin it for me. I don't think I'd seen the actors in anything before but I was impressed by their performances. Joyful and gut wrenching. Stay to the end because there are some bonuses at the end of the movie and credits.
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Nefarious (2023)
Top notch movie, worth the 90 minutes
5 May 2023
I went to see it when I determined it wasn't going to be a true horror movie because that isn't my thing. I did like it. I'd call it a psychological thriller. I thought the acting was compelling. I'd even characterize Sean Patrick Flanery as riveting at times. He really knocked it out of the park playing two different personalities. Even though there is a lot of dialogue I didn't get bored. Yes there were some bits that were unrealistic, would have been nice if they'd been fleshed out more, or corny, but not enough to put me off. I know they didn't have a huge budget so there is a limit to what can be done. It made me think of the conversation in Silence of the Lambs between Hannibal Lecter and Clarice when she first interviewed him. Would be interesting if they have a part 2. I'm a Christian so I agree with the sentiments, but I think anyone could be entertained by it. I liked that it was a nod to The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis.
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Touching story, sad at times
19 June 2022
I just saw this movie and liked it, though it was a bit of a downer at times. It's hard watching someone who can't get their life together even though it means hard consequences will be enforced. Addiction is hard to watch. It was a touching story. Well written, realistic, heartwarming, sad, well executed. You'll go through a spectrum of emotions before the movie ends. Not giving it a 10 because it dragged in parts. Acting was great from everyone. I'm always amazed at the depth of range some child actors can bring to a performance. Being from Wisconsin I liked seeing my state represented. I've driven down lakeshore dr to admire the fancy houses and going to see a brewers game for the first time is an exciting experience. Worth seeing.
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Maiden (2018)
Great story
22 November 2021
I really am glad I came across this story. It was fascinating and inspirational. The world is always ready to knock you down if you dare to think you can enter another sector, whether it's male/female, race, cultural differences. If someone else has gotten used to being the top winner they'll make it very hard for anyone else to get a piece of the pie. Very sad and ultimately unnecessary if egos could be set aside.
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Awesome movie
21 November 2021
This was one of the most enjoyable movies I've seen in a while. It had action, comedy, and heartwarming moments. I thought it ticked all the boxes you'd want in a new Ghostbusters movie. I have to admit I didn't hate the female version as much as some did, but this version knocked it out of the park. I liked that they weren't afraid the poke fun at itself as it gave little nods to the original. Paul Rudd(new sexiest man alive LOL) as usual was a great character in the story. I thought all the kids did a great job. The only"spoiler I have is you have to stay until the absolute end of the credits or you'll miss something. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I hope they have another one!
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The Chosen (2017– )
14 April 2020
It started slow, but as I kept watching I couldn't stop. I ended up feeling like I was experiencing a transcendent moment. I do fully understand it is a TV show and they are using imagination and artistic license, but I think it stays true to the heart of the bible stories. It really makes you want to go back to the bible and refresh your memory of the stories. I think the stories are plausible even if they are trying to imagine things that aren't spelled out in the bible. I think the actors did a good job, not corny like some faith based projects. You'll laugh, cry, scratch your head, and want to reach for your phone to verify a story or a character. They present the stories of Christ and his followers, and detractors, in a real-world way. I think that will reach a whole lot of people in a new way. I really hope they can raise the money to produce more episodes.
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Funny...wish they didn't all swear so much
28 August 2019
I'm not a prude and I like good comedy, but I do think comedy can be just as funny without every other word being a swear. I thought all of these comics had funny jokes, some more than others. I was mesmerized by April Macie's shoes. The type of thing that would catch my eye, but I'd never buy because they would be so uncomfortable. I hope this show opens a door for more seasons to showcase other comics.
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