
27 Reviews
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Fun If You Don't Take It Too Seriously
27 August 2024
It's a fun movie in terms of it does raise your heart rate a bit trying to figure out who the killer is. It makes you want to know who did it... until it drags on. Now you just can't wait for it to be over. And once you find out the reason for the murder, you can't help but crunch your eyebrows because you KNOW there has to be better reasons for killing someone that what this movie provided. Even the choice for the killer is so far fetched. You can tell the writers said, "Let's choose the most unlikely killer and throw in a random reason and make it work! They'll never see it coming and that's what will sell!" and thought it was brilliant.

It's a little bit more murder-y than your average everyday Hallmark mystery movie that's why it feels more exciting-- it makes you think the stakes are higher. The creep factor is to a 10 and that I can appreciate. But once you find out the reason for the murder you'd be just as as me. All that drama for nothing, very underwhelming. You'll appreciate the journey more than the destination.

The writing is disappointing. The whole time you're watching you're being made to believe it's brilliant because it's impossible to tell who the killer is based on the clues. Turns out, the clues themselves are unreliable. It's just a bunch of red herrings and wild goose chase with no connection to the actual killer until the 11th hour. If there is a connection it's so minor and vague. They magically show you that ONE and only important piece of information that tells you who exactly the killer is but only the characters know. You're in the dark same as the protag until come face to face with the killer themselves. Here's the thing, we get it. It's not the first time we're seen this kind of trope. It's just done lazily. It's like 99% of the movie was useless and might as well jumped to the last minute to where the relevant stuff actually happens.

The other disappointing part is how Jewel oversells that controlled emotion expressions that Hallmark makes all the main female leads from their other movies do (because true realistic emotions from women are forbidden in Hallmark, as we all know lol) to a point where it's annoying. In the 1st movie, you notice it after a while BUT are able to brush it off. Not in this 2nd movie though. This time you REALLY see it and you can't ignore it and it's cringe. It doesn't help that her crooked teeth takes you out of the fantasy that this movie is selling as well.

Overall, it's fun enough if you ignore all these things. It's still a nice family movie on a Friday night if you don't want to think too hard but still have a thrilling time. Plus the houses and interiors are beautiful, so there's that.
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Want More Sphere and the Hidden Training Plant
23 August 2024
So glad to see the o.g. Cast! But something's missing in them. As always, Liam hemsworth ruins everything. He just depreciates the value of any movie he touches. He just ruins everything and I dunno why. The movie still would have worked without him in it same with the kids in Joey king's entourage. I mean, what's up with the newest addition? Brakish, Levinson, Charlie, and the president's daughter seem to be the only salvageable ones. Charlie is super adorable.

This is nothing like the original but the fighting tactics are unique and fun. Also, I wanna know more about the sphere! She seems cool and seems to carry so much information.

For some reason it lost its heart along the way. But the ending is SO worth it to explore. I hope they do Independence Day 3 focusing on the sphere, unity and team work of other species in that hidden planet. The training montage will be so epic. Hopefully they don't approach it like Marvel since we're sick of those vibes. Plenty of Marvel to go around.

I hope they do it in the same heart as the first movie.
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Accepted (2006)
Feel-Good, Funny & Inspiring
16 August 2024
Justin Long is a movie gem and i'm proud to say that i grew up watching him and knowing about him. I don't think there is any actor today that can rival or even be an equal to Justin Long. He always mix great movies he is just that great of an actor.

But this movie Accepted just popped out of my mind out of nowhere reminding me that no matter how bad your situation can be right now your brain will be able to dig up some of the good nostalgic movies that you grow up with so you can reinspire yourself with something that's actually wholesome & familiar.

This movie has a great speech about reinspiring yourself as well as being creative. It shows people that you can learn from other people too when it comes to learning skills or knowledge in general everyone has something to offer there is not an entity that is above academ that can choose who can learn and who cannot.

This movie is a great message about how some learning institutions are just trying to create prestige with knowledge when that can be so damaging. Not everyone is neurotypical! South Harmon Institute of Technology really helps the case of the modern age about how some neurodivergent people can only learn in a certain way.

It's so open minded and takes learning earnestly and with passion without taking itself way too seriously.

I truly hope a whole lot more people watch this movie because i don't think in this day and age has anything like it anymore, perhaps the closest is "Booksmart" in terms of spirit.

Honesty i hope people remember this movie out of nowhere and rewatch it or urge the yougner generation yo watch it for they can learn something and see a different side of it, all while laughing heartily.
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The Costumes Ruined It For Me
6 August 2024
Pros: Pericles the chimpanzee has to be the only one thatvwas worth watching for me. Adorable and funny, easily the favorite one in the whole movie. I dont get the ending dor him though..

Cons: I can just see that the costumes were plastic. Some of the apes were convincing like Thade's but everytime I see Ari I get taken out of the fantasy. Also the bigger ape's costumes were really obviously fake. I can tell they did their best though so i can atleast acknowledge that.

I also don't like Mark Wahlberg so I couldn't appreciate it fully but he carried it. I almost forgot he was a piece of shiete human being. In his younger years he definitely sold his acting.

The human woman was wayyyy to gorgeous to be a scavenging and desperate specie in this universe.

Confused about the ending though. Wished they closed it out. The next movies that came after this had no connection to it whatsoever.
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Irish Wish (2024)
Lindsay Lohan is BACK
24 July 2024
Don't let the negative comments get you! If you love cozy movies and movies that transport you, this is the one for you. It's cozy because it's giving Disney vibes when it comes to problem solving and the inconsequential actions of the protag. It's an easy watch and good for friday night movies with the fam.

Lindsay Lohan is showing her prowess as an actress once again and she succeeds. You can tell her she was still getting her bearings in "Falling for Christmas" and now in this movie she's picking up pace. This makes me excited for her next movies.

There were some cringey moments in the movie but her crying is not one of them. She makes it work! The leading man is absolutely cute too. If you love Irish anything that's light hearted and fun this movie is for you. It even has magic and history. They really showcased everything that's beautiful about Ireland and if you're anything like me, this movie will placate your Irish cravings. I gave it a 9 mostly because they made me feel like I just visited Ireland lol.
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Tugs At Your Heartstrings Last Minute; A Nice Chaser to the Traumatic Thanos
2 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's a little bit confusing because how is Thor, who was able to beat Thanos, had a hard time beating an almost nobody & kinda unheard of "god killer". He just seemed anti climactic and someone i cant take seriously after Thanos.

It hurt my heart however to see Jane wither. I thought as long as she held mjolnir she'd be immortal but i guess i was foolishly hopeful. Her end was gut wrenching i gotta say.

Then it got all weird cuz now the big baddie wants Thor to take care of his now resurrected child???? And Thor is now a dad???? Wtf.

The only positive things I enjoyed cuz it was hilarious is the jealous gf storbreaker, Zeus flickong too hard angering Thor, and Jane arriving in Valhalla. That was a nice surprise!!

Overall still a good watch. You can appreciate it if you're optimistic. People are too mean to it. It's supposed to be a bit happier after all the Thanos trauma and drama.
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When Netflix & Hallmark Had A Baby
14 December 2023
I love that Lindsay Lohan finally has a movie out. It may not be as good as her prime era but it's a start and I have such high hopes for her. I loved the ending bloopers better if we're gonna be honest. Everyone seemed a whole lot warmer, funnier, and more authentic but that's just me. The actor that played Tad has prime comedic timing. I wish to see him more in roles that highlight his golden retriever energy.

Honestly the movie can do so much better in terms of writing. The plot of the movie isn't something we've never seen before. It's very predictable but still fun. Good for a cozy night in with the family.

One of the things that really took me out of the movie is that even though I understand that it's fiction, it's highly unlikely that the police wouldn't have been called when the main characters and protags disappears, ESPECIALLY when they're the offsprings of rich people. I don't think it's a spoiler since it clearly shows in the trailer that Lindsay had one of those amnesia story lines in. They're always in connection with someone be it handlers, PR team, publicist, manager, bffs, etc. And no contact for more than 8 hours and no search party???? Unbelievable.

Very weird progression of the storyline. It felt like I was watching a Hallmark movie when it came to the writing. No depth but high production and very family friendly.

I suggest going in without high expectations. It's one of those feel goof easy to follow movies.
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Evolution (2001)
2 November 2023
LISTEN. If you were a kid like me back when this came out you know how I feel when I say it was one of the COOLEST movies ever at that time! It was easy to go along the science and they really focused on the action and adventure. The whole eureka moment was near marvel hero standards for me. Scientists solving the issue and being the hero as a narrative was so refreshing now that I think about it cuz its the complete opposite of how we feel about them now. So if you wanna reminisce the good ol' days and enjoy some nerds in action, and see what it's like if scientists worked for the good of all instead of for profit and evil, this movie will definitely make you experience that.
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I love the big budget production but
28 October 2023
BUT the writing could honestly be better. It's not cohesive. This movie gave me Hallmark vibes with the perfect family town and mediocre writing with a lot of plot holes and weird dialogues but in a positive note, also giving BIG Disney vibes. The weird part that really made my eyebrow crunch was how the mom just laughed at the end after all that just happened to her. When it was her first time dealing with something like that. The dad I can understand, he was dealing with spooky stuff all day. Also, the 3 new friends were so much more interesting than the main cast. I wanted to see THEIR adventure instead lol.

After all that, the movie was still fun! Perfect Halloween themed movie for the family. The adventure, the healthy family dynamic, the safe town environment, and dad bonding is something I can really appreciate. Marlon Wayans NEVER fails!
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Chicago P.D.: Infection, Part III (2019)
Season 7, Episode 4
Entertaining and high adrenaline!
4 October 2023
I saw a 10 minute clip of Infection part 2 on youtube and it was hard to find at first because the poster didn't put credit. But the thing that I dislike most is that I wish I ran into a yt vid of part 1 instead so I could have started it all and feel the action and suspense from the get go.

But alas too late I was invested in part 2 and watched until part 3 and honestly, it was SO FUN. I was supposed to watch a fun action movie like Ghosted but this actually drew me in. I understand that some of the protocols have not been followed in the tv series like not wearing a mask, and not wearing a hazmat, and i get it, the actors needed screen time. But atleast make an effort? Like atleast let them wear and remove it? Cuz this might teach people who are watching who don't know anything about infections and contagions that its ok not to mask up or suit up in the face of a dangerous outbreak! People already showed ignorance in co*vid. So not being accurate in precautions is not helping.

HOWEVER, if you don't know enough about medicine and don't see the mistakes, you just might end up enjoying the show. I loved it it felt like a movie. I was able to overlook some of the mistakes and just enjoy the high adrenaline action and mystery.
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
It's Cute and You'll Have a Great Time, But I Prefer Michael Bay's
27 September 2023
It's cute. I cried tons. John Cena is a GEM lol. But it's weird that they made Bumblebee so pet-like in his mannerisms and behaviour. It's definitely catered to the younger audience. The redesign alone is proof of that. I understand it's a different storyline and franchise altogether.

I do love that the next generation of youngins can experience Transformers in their own current media style. They deserve to grow up with something so cool the same way I grew up with Michael Bay's Transformers. I prefer Michael Bay's Transformers. The concept is darker, edgier and it has a rougher look. Optimus is super prime daddy in MB's world 🤣

Anyway, I just want to publicly declare that no matter what universe or franchise, Optimus Prime is daddy 😂 Ya'll in love with your kpop idols, hot actors or anime characters, while I'm in love with a self sufficient sentient automobile that can talk and has the moral compass of a saint 🤣 Make of it what you will idc but yeah woohoo Transformers lol.
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Some parts were cool; some were cringe
16 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
PROS: OK the DINOBOTS WERE SUPER COOL. Let's start there! Just when you thought the twists and turns were over, they gave us DINOBOTS. I loved every second of it. You thought the return of Megatron was the pinnacle of the antagonist's plot, but turns out it wasn't.

CONS: I think they made it too complicated with the millions of villains in this movie. It's also weird how Optimus didn't kill Joshua (Stanley Tucci) knowing he melted down his autobot friends and family after MURDERING THEM. It's also so weird how they worked so hard to make Joshua and Attinger as the biggest darkest baaddies yet one was easily redeemed??? To a point his ex told him she was proud of him?????? WEIRD.

Overall it's a fun movie. The biggest problem is Mark Whalberg since he's so out of place and he's a raging raci, st motherfcker. Aside from that, the film was bearable.
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Battleship (2012)
You'll Root For The Naavy!
14 September 2023
Honestly, first time I saw this movie it chemically changed my brain for the better. As I rewatch this today, I still root for and celebrate with the navy, air force, military etc. As they WIN! I still think it's one of the coolest alien movie out there while being army based and somewhat realistic.

The thing I love about this movie is that even though years have passed by, I still look forward to the cool parts of this movie. I anticipate the scenes everytime I rewatch it. The oldie timers doing the cool walk ready to fight again? The "art of war" move? RIHANNA existing and acting? Rihanna playing with the big boys? OOF. I don't care what anyone says, Rihanna did a good job here and it baffles me that some people made fun of her for doing this movie. Unbelievable.

If you don't have aa stick up your ars, love the feeling of unity with the army and military, and love the cool tactics of beating aliens, with a hint of nostalgia (for some reason) this movie is definitely for you!

It's adrenaline pumping and funny!
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Brilliant, Magical, Creative, Engaging and FUNNY!
8 September 2023
I was pleasantly surprised how much I was drawn in the first 5 minutes! That usually never happens in movies! The costumes, the color schemes, the settings, the lore, even the comedy- ALL WONDERFULLY DONE! AS very fun and adventurous movie for sure.

I love fantasy movies like this and I'm so happy it reminded me of LOTR, but warmer. It also reminded me of Harry Potter but less tragic. I'm actually ok with comparing them with these movies cuz they're dear to me and I love that I was reminded of them while watching this movie.

Simon's spell casting is so cool everytime he does it I get goosebumps! He is definitely one of the cooler wizards out there! Now, Doric is just an amazing shapeshifter. I have never seen a shapeshifter like that in any movie or tv series EVER. I also love the Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy similarities with Holga. SOFINA is the MOST villainous villain in ever and I love it.

So if you ever just want to be awed by the wonderful feeling of adventure and enjoy some amazing fantasy, while laughing your butt off, I HIGHLY recommend this movie! The dragon and the before the hand fights of the wizard nearly took me out lol. I won't say why as I want you to enjoy and discover for yourself.
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It's A Fun Movie If You're Not Stuck Up
1 September 2023
DJ was the most fun character in this movie. They levelled him up while keeping him the funniest character. The only disappointing thing here is how effortless Jason is at "beating" the megs as if fighting PREHISTORIC ANIMALS was an easy feat. The unbelievable stuff in this movie kinda brings you out of it cuz you end up cringing. However, it was still a fun action fantasy movie.

Personally enjoyed the upgrade of the "tech" esp the submersibles. It brought me hope that one day we just might have that and we'd get to see live feed of their dives with water worlds we've yet to see.

So yeah, if you're not too stuck up with the details, it's one of those fun action movies you can watch when you want an easy watch with just a hint of spice. It's not full on action, for me atleast. So better watch it for yourself and form your own opinions.
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Finally, A Movie That Matches JLaw's Funny Personality
1 September 2023
This movie made me laugh and giggle, and it certainly made me feel. I cried quite a few times actually but it was nice. It tugs at your heartstrings way more than expected, and that's ok!

I came in with low expectations and it ended up being more fun and wholesome than I thought. This movie feels warm and more of a coming of age story than a comedy. But not just for teens, for adults in their 30s too trying to refigure their life out. People have expectations that once you hit a certain age, you got everything all set up. Though that might be true for some, some have to deal with massive changes. Both internally and externally. This movie personally made me think about that without being too serious or draggy. It made me take a hard look at my life and wish someone would push me like Percy and Maddie pushed each other.

Look, the movie is really simple. But it was told really well. It's like your early 2000s coming of age movies but a little more modern and polished.

Watch the film on days you just want an easy watch. The scenery shots were a plus and it really takes you there too.
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Love An Easy Watch
26 August 2023
First off, casting Mark Strong was *chef's kiss*. I love that man.

I like that the movie wasn't too complicated. It was still a mystery as I had no idea who the killer was. And the clues they showed were fair. It wasn't totally out of pocket clues. I also love the twist at the end about who the accomplice is. We had no real clues leading up to that one but the reveal has been fun nonetheless!

LOVE that Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler showed action prowess (despite the stunt doubles) and hot spy energy in their fighting scenes despite their age, selling the fantasy that the Spitzes were, even though domestic, were build for crime fighting. I also find it charming that they always just get invited to these extravagant getaways and they always end up with money lol

My only complain is they have way too many mumble scenes droning about like when they first arrived in the island being greeted by Vik and Claudette.

Overall, it was fun and gave you the whodonut vibes. A little crazy but I guess that's the charm of the movie.
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Fun But Can Do Better
21 February 2023
Selena Gomez's acting confuses me here. Some times she gets it right, and some times, it's like she doesn't know how she wants to convey herself. Is she a secret villain or someone that just doesn't have energy? In the first season, she was called "shifty" by Martin Short's character. He's incredibly right. Mable Mora is as confusing as it gets. Not mysteriously enticing.

The whole idea of one young girl being besties with two old dudes is cute, but after a while, it makes you think if it's realistic enough for these old men to have THAT much energy to be running around with so much murder and drama.

Speaking of, the first season ended in a dramatic way. And you mean to tell me someone wants to leave another dead body so early on in the season 2 to kick start the plot? It's too rushed! Too inconsistent! Too unreal.

Plus points though, I love their fashion and the interior is beautiful. It gave off the expensive vibes Gossip Girl reboot wished it could convey.
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Beautifully Dark
15 February 2023
Personally, I love it when artists can make something so dark and creepy seem so beautiful. The macabre has it's own aesthetic and if you're not careful, it can cross the line of horror. But this movie, albeit short, was beautiful. It's wrongly labelled as a horror. It also had such good animation and sounds. The settings was accurate. I feel like I can smell the rot and despair. I was actually grossed out.

The vibe was different from most gothic but likeable movies I've seen. Had it been longer and more detailed, this would have been an AWESOME movie.

I hope they make a whole universe out of this. I am reminded that Tim Burton isn't the only one who can play this game. And I'm so here for it.
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Velma (2023– )
I Actually Liked It
17 January 2023
I'm not gonna lie, I actually liked it. Personally interested in it. The characters are a little weird but not that hard to swallow.

The fact that I couldn't wait the next day to be finally be able to see the next episode means something to me. I just went into it not expecting too much and it's enjoyable. As long as you don't treat it too seriously. I did laugh at a few jokes as well, and I'm very picky with my comedy.

Also, I gotta give credit on the hallucination parts. They really were scary. But most of all? This show made me interested enough to find out what happened to Velma's mom. I wish they release the new episode soon already.
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Deceivingly Bad Movie
31 August 2021
First of, the lighting, outfit and school concept is cool. It had great potential. But that's it.

I appreciate movies in terms of me being able to still see the good in them when the general consensus says it's bad. I can see other perspectives and it helps me appreciate a movie while it's telling its story.

Daphne and Velma is NOT one of those movies. I have forgiven a lot of movies because I saw something in them even when other people didn't. I trust my own judgement when it comes to movies and whatever story they may tell. Even if it's not what the writer ir director intended, I still always end up learning somwthing or realizing something. Daphne and Velma have zero of that.

I have never met a movie that made me go "huh" from beginning until the end. It gets even crazier and the nonsense factor is jacked later into the movie.

I love Scooby Doo but this movie just spat on the whole franchise. I have never thought I'd feel so mad at a movie ever.

If you value your time, DON'T watch it. Even if kids watched this they'd get pissed too while simultaneously getting bored.
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Thoroughly Surprised; Really Enjoyed It
19 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of, Rain or Jung Ji-hoon, is insanely BEAUTIFUL. I didn't even know he made movies. This movie has made me seen the absolute sculpture that he is. Was he carved by the gods himself or what!?

Thank god for accidentally stumbling upon this on HBO. He moves perfectly and his vibes are just PERFECT as a rogue ninja assassin. The martial arts here, however theatric, is very good. For a 2009 movie, it's pretty amazing.

I'm mad that there aren't more movies like this of him. This could have been a franchise ala John Wick. Him having a heart was what made me stay.

I type this as I listen to the awesome ending music. Great soundtrack, HEART STOPPING SCORE.

Aside from a few goofs (spoiler alert: like Mika trying to smoke herself to throw off scent, while her damaged car is LITERALLY OUTSIDE the motel where they were staying at to hide from the killer ninjas and interpol), I'd recommend this to everybody else who appreciates a good action movie.
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Psycho Escort (2020 TV Movie)
Talented Cast; Disappointing Ending
17 June 2021
Seriously, who signed off on that ending? I hope they got fired. That was the most wtf ending I have ever seen that I audibly said "wtf". And I give EVERY movie I see a positive review because I can always find it in a mocie no matter what it is. But this? Impossible to find. That's a first. The only redeeming quality is that Diane and Miles'd acting were supreme, wasted on a movie like this.
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The Lorax (2012)
You'll have so much more fun watching paper burn
10 July 2016
I barely pause on movies. Even more rare do I pause and never come back. I can never shake off the feeling of not finishing something that I have started that can be easily finished. The halted story also haunts me on my quiet times, so I would naturally come back to it. But for Lorax, I could easily pause it and never come back. I can put it in a box and stuff it in a a corner in the attic and never look back ever again and I'd be fine with it. The only reason why I was able to finish this god-awful movie was because the internet was down and I was bored to tears.

I regretted the very moment I pressed play. I now had to waste my precious time and brain cells. It doesn't help that I saw Taylor Swift contributing to this movie, which made it just a little bit more unappealing.

For this one, I was just happy it was over when the movie finally ended. Lorax is the reason why I read synopses and watch trailers.
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Watch It With An Open Sense of Humour
19 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a no-brainer and gives hope to bighearted dorks around the globe. To get the girls (oh yes, girls) and coming out a winner while tackling a subject such as sexuality in an untroubled and fun way while simultaneously getting a happy ending? Great!

Easy and fun, albeit, unbelievable but still a great ride. Literally. I had a few good laughs in there and I'm pretty sure you'll appreciate the lightheartedness of it too. If it was meant to be a flop when it first came out and doesn't seem like it has cult following potential, I now highly believe the opposite.

I think this movie has the makings of a "classic adolescent movie". Give it 10 more years and the teens of the coming age will give I Love You, Beth Cooper a chance as my peers have given The Breakfast Club and Empire Records a chance. And you know what? Everybody loved those movies. So, I won't be surprised either if people will end up loving this as well.
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