
6 Reviews
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Poor Things (2023)
Emma Stone - shining star
27 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I must say I knew Emma Stone will shine in this movie, but her playing exceed my expectations. Her geasture and style of walking...she play unnatural person and she done this perfectly natural. I have believed this character from begining. Of course all of the cast made a fantastin job, but Emma stole the whole show in my opinion. Camera movements reminded me about 60s movies and I am really grateful for that. It was a lot of close-ups on the actors faces. The scene where Bella made a operation to Alfie and replaced his brain with a sheep's brain makes no sense for me. I tought this kind of operation can do only "God" and it wouldnt be too easy for Emma to do this. Doubylessy, I will come back to this movie. :)
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17 December 2023
I am aware of some critizing opinions about this movie. I realize a lot of scientistic facts are disorted even I am not the climate specialist. Nevertheless I enjoyed watching this production. First of all, great cast. Specially, I think about Jack and Sam. Fun fact for me is that Jake Gyllenhall (I have no idea how to spell his surname haha) played 17 years old teeneger white he had 24 white shoooting. Even of this fact, cast was reliable for me and I kept my fingers crossed for the future face of the characters. I have no doubts special effects was really good. I know some green screen was too obvious for our eyes, but it did not disturb me from watching. In this movie we can see tipicak scheme of character who is always right and nobody listen to him until it is too late to prevent the danger. But also this did not make me tired. I rate for strong 7. ;)
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Simply complicated
14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was planning to watch this movie for a long time and I finally did it. I really like the shots. One wich pay my attention is when Tom first time see Summer in the conference room. I also pay attention on building shots espacially when creators showed up close the building of fine arts. It made an impression on me. Cast was chosen good, but honastly Summer was irritating person for me. I felt like she've been playing on Tom's feelings. I know some People think Tom was naive and Summer clearly told him she doesn't look for relationship, but.... she known Tom was in love with her and why did she go to his apartament after fight and kiss him? Why did she show up at their place after she got married and held his hand? It hard to stand on one side. And I adore the idea the film was not shown in chronological order. :)
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
Will come back
12 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My flatmate reccomended me this show. Shed said it's funnier than Friends and I decided to watch. I wasn't convinced by first 5 episodes, but then I got into story. After 5 season I just skipped some parts, 'cause I was really curious about the ending and who is the mother. I must say, it was really dissapoiting. But after few days I knew final is like suppose to be. But.... I really enjoy watching Barney and Robin together and I think they should have be together after kiss car scene. But the wedding was too fast. I didnt expect to experience this serial so much. Cast was perfectly selected. I do not agree this show steal so much from Friends. HIMYM has much diffrent cospect. Sometimes I felt tired about Barneys sex life. First 6 seasons is great. I will come back to this sitcom.
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Feedback (2023)
26 November 2023
I mean....this serial was very moving for me. I am glad producers did not bleach the main character. I have not seen Mr. Jakubik on the screen for a long time (maybe I missed something), so this role gave him wings again. He was... so authentic...i am so shocked. But to be clear, all cast made a great job. :) This serial shows real problem of alkoholism and DDA. From the begining I've believed in batle the main character fought with himself, with his own fears and insecurities. All cameras close-ups was spot on! Sometimes I got lost in case that Kania tried to solve, but I think it is only because I was not focused enough.
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Friends (1994–2004)
Forever in my heart
21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I realize this kind of humor is obsolete nowadays, but I grown up with this show and watching it will always be a pleasure. I have not watched Friends since 2021 because I wanted to forget about some scenes to live it again, but it is impossible for me. Some scenes/epizodes I will remember for the rest of my live. One of my favs now is "pivot", "my eyes" and that when Monica went shopping without Rachel 😂 Firstly, my fav character was Rachel, but over the years it has changed to Phoebe. She is absolutely my type of personality: dark humored, direct and lovely at the same time. But I love all!!!
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