
2 Reviews
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Station 19 (2018–2024)
A reluctant viewer
17 March 2024
Being totally honest I was very reluctant viewer to this show. A scene from Season 6 Episode 5 came up on my TikTok FYP of Maya and Carina. Looked like interesting characters so I checked it out. Once I saw it was a GA spin off I was a no.

Nothing against GA its just not a show I've ever really gotten into. Too much drama and too many names for me. It's just a personal preference.

However scenes from Station 19 kept coming up on my FYP. In Dec 2023, bored over the Christmas holidays I checked it out on Disney+ - but I tried only watching the Maya & Carina storylines. Gradually I realised I was missing out on a lot of other really good characters (played by amazing actors) & storylines that I went back and revisited it.

Again being honest I'm more invested in the Maya, Carina & Vic (she has forced her way in) characters than the others but it is such a well written, easily diverse cast, its such a pity its facing cancellation.

It has literally been the only thing on Disney+ I've watched in a while. To the extent I was thinking of cancelling up until I found this show.
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Viking Wolf (2022)
A decent watch
6 November 2023
I had to create an IMDB account just to write this review.

Like a few other people the harsh reviews on this are just weird. Is it a game changer in the genre? No. Is it decent and watchable, for me, absolutely. Liv Mjönes gives another solid performance as the new to the town police officer. It clips along at a decent pace. Are there flaws, sure. It could have spent a bit more time building tension or back story. Thankfully the CGI was better than expected. Would be set up well for a second movie.

I would definitely watch it again, especially with family members who are easily scared & miss out on these type of movies.
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