
8 Reviews
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Great Mini Series
16 January 2020
A little predictable in places but has some surprises too. Good acting from a great cast although I did find 'Jakob' a little flat at times.
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Touching Evil (2004)
Utter Rubbish
10 September 2019
Jeffrey Donovan cannot act (see Burn Notice) I gave him another chance with this and wasn't surprised at it being another masterpiece of utter rubbish from him. If it wasn't for Vera Farmiga giving the program a bit of glamour there would be no point in turning on the TV.
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The Son (2017–2019)
Time Span Inaccuracy
5 June 2019
I couldn't agree more, I sat working out several possibilities and still came to the same conclusion that the 'old' McCulloch was extremely young looking for what his age should have shown?
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Britannia (2017–2021)
Utter Rubbish
18 March 2018
This is, by far the biggest load of tosh I have seen in a very long time. Far too involved in Celtic and Druid ceremony which, unless you are an expert, is very difficult to follow as well as some of the characters parts.
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Altitude (2017)
You Must be Joking
27 May 2017
One of the worst films I've seen in a while. Only started to watch it because of its rating however, I found it so bad and the bad language from Richards just too much to bare. The acting is doesn't even reach third rate and the scenario extremely predictable. I switched it off.....and if you have any sense you'll not bother with this utter trash.
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NCIS: Los Angeles (2009–2023)
Almost Utter Rubbish
7 March 2010
Why oh why did someone think it necessary to provide us with another version of NCIS when the one we had was perfectly acceptable? This Los Angeles version is pathetic and wooden. The acting is at best amateurish and I really cannot understand what Linda Hunts character is all about? Chris O'Donnall was much better in Greys Anatomy and is just about the only decent actor in this series, his partner, Adam Jamal Craig needs to get an attitude change and comes across as having a huge chip on his shoulder as well as needing to go back to acting school, he really is not credible.

The plots are flawed and almost totally unrelated to the Navy, the nearest Naval Base is miles away from LA anyway???

As far as I am concerned the producers of this series have tried to cash in on the success of the original NCIS and this should be the one and only series they make. Forget about making any more and let Bellisarius keep on making the original NCIS with Mark Harmon and his team who are by far producing one of the best programs on television.
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The Worst Film Ever
2 April 2009
They couldn't have made a worse movie if they had tried. I can't believe I actually watched it through to the end. Perhaps in the vain hope that it might have livened up. Not a hope. The acting was wooden. the plot was wooden the dialog was wooden in fact everything was wooden (except for the wildlife and even that was spliced in)and as for the directing, well a child of 3 could have done better. Can someone please explain how anyone can go off on safari in the African Bush without a trace of equipment save for an obviously well stocked handbag, being as her ladyships makeup remained almost perfect throughout, and a revolver. When Quartermain announced "we'll make camp here for the night" one had to wonder what with? Total and Utter Rubbish.
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The worst Batman Movie ever.
23 January 2009
This has got to be one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time. The dialog was often difficult to hear, especially Batman who, for some unknown reason, seemed to be suffering from Laryngitis. Because of the "Dark" nature of the movie it was often far "too dark" to see what was happening. All which meant that the plot was far more difficult to follow.

Since the days of Adam West, we have seen several different "Batmen" not least Val Kilmer and Michael Keaton to name two who were far better at it than Christian Bale. As for Heath Ledger, I thought his character was so over played that he stole the show so to speak but as for awarding him a posthumous Oscar, well thats another matter and I personally don't think so.
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