
7 Reviews
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do my wife, I give you free CAT scan
2 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
A great film that is interesting, unique and worth watching. I have spent a little too much time in hostels with British blokes and William is in an amazing compilation of many of them. Just a perfect character. Offensive, boorish, thoughtless...but in the end affable.

Is the guy with the necklaces, the slob, really just Corey Feldman?

The only part that needs to be changed is the husband's reaction. Wouldn't he have killed him with some deadly gamma rays in during the cat scan after the little jerk had bagged his wife? And I can't imagine him attending his going away party either. Or is this how Frenchman are?

Either way, see the film and it'll make you look at life a little differently for awhile. The scene with the arrival of Alistair is wonderful.
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Commando (1985)
Where is Sully?
11 November 2002
This is Schwarzenegger before his agent told him he was an actor, not a tough guy. Guns, death, muscles and one-liners. The theme song is amazing and incorporates a xylophone, a true cinematic watershed. We get to see John Matrix drive a Bronco, fly a plane and paddle a boat in a speedo. What a multi-dimensional man! It almost makes me want to join the army.

Oh yeah is also has Alyssa Milano and Rae Dawn Chong. Bennett gets killed whilst wearing a chain mail shirt, and don't forget that Sully is from "The Warriors", the best gang movie ever.

If you don't like this movie stop pointing the finger and start pulling the thumb...because you have no one else to blame.
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Real Genius (1985)
Don't eat that hamburger...
31 October 2002
Alright Mitch looks a little bit feminine but let's give him a break, he's a boy-genius, not a quarterback. I am willing to place this as Val Kilmer's third best effort, behind of course Tombstone and Top Secret. He doesn't seem to be stretching much to fill this role. I firmly believe he COULD hammer a nail through a 10" board.

Lazlo Hollyfeld is a great addition to any dorm room closet, and one that we all should have been so luck to have.

Roll popcorn, cue credits and play...."Everybody Wants to Rule the World." Amazing closing song.

Real Genius is real good.
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The Warriors (1979)
It wasn't me man,...I didn't kill Cyrus. It was those Warriors.
31 October 2002
A great gang movie that did it right. Colors was pretty boss, Boys in the Hood was good, but neither can compare and both owe a great deal of gratitude to this one from the old school.

The fighting scenes are great with good clean hand-to-hand action, plus liberal use of chains, knives, baseball bats and bathroom doors. A gang on rollerskates? Amazing! Plus the Warriors were groundbreakers of social ills - they were multiracial.

If all of this wasn't more than adequate to deem this a keeper let us not forget the Lizzies. I'd run a train on them... and they'd like it.
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North Shore (1987)
Rick Kane gonna stomp your ass
28 October 2002
This movie is so boss it doesn't even know it's boss. It is a seamless hour and a half of excitement! Rick Kane takes a stand and flees the landlocked Arizona desert, against his single-parent mother's wishes. There is great surfing, good shots and an amazing implied sex scene.

Having some of the world's best surfers before surfing and extreme sports became so "hip" makes this movie pure class. Hearing Occy say, "Hey Alex come jump in with us," in his Aussie-talk is priceless.

I first saw this movie on HBO when I was a grommet in '88 or so. Since three copies have been snaked by those who live life like Burkhardt. Fortunately this past weekend I finally found a new copy. By the way this film could be the reason Gabrielle Reese chose to marry Laird.

Here at imdb we treat friends no better, so see this film. Am I going to tell you that you must see this? If I have to.
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Normal Life (1996)
a pleasant surprise
20 June 2002
One night while living in New Zealand I was flicking around all 3 channels that we got when I stopped on this movie...due to the stat-laden cast. Luke Perry and Ashley Judd. I was sold, well until I watched it. The movie would have been a total loss were it not for the lightspeed sex scenes. From start to finish they lasted around 30 seconds, as Perry humped away like a first-time teen. The frequency of these short encounters was also an added plus. I was able to put up with his mustache just in hopes of seeing more ridiculous sex scenes. I guess it was his years of bedroom romance on 90210 that tought him how to make love like a real man.
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Troll 2 (1990)
like peasants and farmers
20 June 2002
Watching this movie is the best way to spend an hour and a half of your life. I tell anyone that hasn't seen it to view it as soon as possible, for it can only have a positive impact on your life in some way or at some point. I recently spent two hours walking around downtown San Francisco, a reportedly "cosmopolitan" city, but couldn't find Troll 2. I had to have a friend send me his copy. However I was able to find it in Video Ezy in New Lynn, New Zealand.

Embrace the film, the depth of the characters, the carefully written lines and of course the idea of a house switch with a family named the Presences'.

I was introduced to this gem by my friends and could not ever begin to repay them for how they have dramatically influenced my life.

Jennifer Aniston...ECK!!! Don't you know we hate friends here in Nilbog
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