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Chico and the Man: Too Many Crooks (1976)
Season 2, Episode 21
Joey Bishop and Jaquelyn Hyde
2 June 2021
This episode was made so much better, by the addition of Joey and Jaquelyn Joey's "one liners" and insults in the garage, to members of the gang that had entered there, were classic, and very reminiscent of his routines on the Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts! Jaquelyn's presence helped add a little something extra. Her response to Chico's command to put all her valuables on the table, when he was masquerading as the Stocking Bandit was priceless! This is one of the episodes I remember watching this episode as a kid in th 70s and it was one of my favorites! Three others were from this same season; "The Hypnotist," "Reverend Bemis' Altar Ego" and "Chico's Cousin Pepe." The only thing that could have made it better would have been to have more Joey in it!
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Chico and the Man: The Disappearance (1975)
Season 2, Episode 5
Mixed Emotions!!
20 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Although I found the beginning of the story funny, with Flora and Ed's first meeting in the bar, and GREAT to hear the song Ed sang to Margaret, I came away with mixed feelings about how the episode unfolded. The premise was that Ed was getting too lost in the past. However, with his new found fame, he was happy. Though it may have seemed that he was neglecting his business, he really wasn't. He encouraged Chico to hire help, because Ed had begun to make better money at the bar playing piano than what the gas pump was bringing in. I understand that the theme of the show was Ed and Chico's relationship, as it revolved around the garage, and the theme needed to stay intact. But I think the ending could have been handled better without having Ed give up something he loved doing, that was actually bringing him out of his shell. Shows like this have FAMOUSLY developed storylines and introduced characters, only to drop them and never allow the viewer to see them or visit the story lines again. (and this show has been no different.) This has sometimes been to the detriment of some shows.

That being said; The most redeemable quality of this episode was the great banter between Flora and Ed on their first meeting! Great comedy! Also, the wonderful performance of Jack Albertson at the piano as he SANG! Although I was born WELL AFTER all those songs were written and popular,(1961) I thought that they were ideally chosen and wonderfully performed! Therein lies my dilemma!
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Chico and the Man: Ed Steps Out (1975)
Season 1, Episode 17
Another Side of The Man
19 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When Ed meets the new bakery owner in town, it turns his world upside down! By episode's end, she is under her car, in a pair of coveralls, helping him with the repair! The kind of thing two people do that have become a couple, would do! Not to mention the fact that Ed ends the episode HAPPILY dancing across the garage floor, at her departure from the premises, in anticipation of their date later that evening. It's good to see the joy that comes to his life as he let's others in.
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Chico and the Man: The Letter (1974)
Season 1, Episode 10
One of The Best!
18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best episodes of the series, due to the fact that it shows the true bond and love that Ed shared with Chico. If there was any doubt in the viewers mind of Ed's true feelings for Chico, the doubt will be gone by the end. Adding to that, we see that Chico's concern goes far beyond a simple business relationship. He truly loves him! It is great to see that the love he has for Ed is, in reality, reciprocated by Ed. It's just too bad that we don't see Ed stay off the bottle later on!
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Emergency!: Limelight (1977)
Season 6, Episode 21
Brice Strikes Again!
9 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
During this episode, we watch more of the continuing saga of John and Roy's challenges dealing with Craig Brice! I must say that even though Brice has only shown up I three episodes by this time, his arrogance wears thin very quickly. The character has a way of tiring the viewer. I guess that helps us enter into what John and Roy are feeling.

Even at the end, after the big fire, when it seems that Brice exhibits some humility and thankfulness to John and Roy, and John seems to soften a bit towards Brice, I caught myself saying,"Don't count your chickens!" Then, Back at 51, during the news coverage, Brice is reported to have been the "rescuer" of the downed firemen! Even as he comes out of the building, the Reporter asks him one brief question, which he responds to, and it helps set the narrative in Bruce's favor again! So, Even when he doesn't even try to do so, he is given the credit for a rescue that wasn't even his! Where does the irony end?!
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Emergency!: Isolation (1977)
Season 6, Episode 20
Fun and Out of The Ordinary
8 May 2021
It was interesting to watch as John & Roy interacted with Station 86, in taking care of the medical emergencies of the area. This is another episode that shows how Paramedics can help care for the needs in an area and be of great benefit to doctors and community alike.

It was also good to see another Station work their area, and the comradere that ensued, even though they were from different Houses. Different House but same Family!

Another home run episode for Emergency! Shows again what makes this series great! A lot of shows have copied them, but none have topped them, in my opinion! They don't make 'em like this, any more!
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Emergency!: Bottom Line (1977)
Season 6, Episode 17
A Sad But True Rendering
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode went a long way to depict what can and does happen in the real world of medical treatment and emergencies. In many cases there is overkill when giving treatment, such as the situation with Dr. Morton and the hyperventilating patient. Then there is the case with the young boy, Randy, who is hit with a ball and receives delayed treatment, which ends up resulting in fatal consequences.

The tension felt in the first situation, between Paramedics & Doctors, as the ramifications were discussed, was excellently done. Just how to resolve it, was not shown, as often happens in real life. Answers don't always come easily or quickly, in a tv series hour.

In the second, we see all to often, what happens in the real world, when treatment is neglected and time is a factor. I feel that it was portrayed accurately that the Admitting Nurse was not intentional in her neglect. But it would need to be addressed, none the less. As Dr. Brackett stated, there was no excuse. It was interesting and honest to hear him note that as doctors, they expect a certain level of responsibility from their paramedics, and yet still, something of the same nature can happen in the hospital, full of doctors, who hold those paramedics accountable.

The only thing not seen, is the devastation that took place as a result of the hospital's negligence; the discipline or firing of a nurse, or the lawsuit that was leveled against the hospital or doctors and staff involved. Needless to say, the full consequences were not seen by the time of the rolling of the final credits.

This is one of the best episodes of the series, in my opinion. Because it showed, in some degree, the ugliness and tragedy of life as we must face it. When I see episodes like this, it makes me wish that the series had gone on for many more seasons than it did. Then again, maybe that is just my nostalgia talking!
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Emergency!: Breakdown (1977)
Season 6, Episode 15
Good But Incomplete
7 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was a good one. Especially since it showed that the Firehouse would have situations that would put them out of service and keep them from doing their jobs. From Squad to Engine, all in the same day! Now that's true to life!

Where the ball was dropped is with the Anthrax case, especially in the hospital, where they leave us hanging with the patient in distress. What were they thinking, leaving us in the middle like that, with no resolution? I know the usual format is to show a big rescue at the end, but that could still have been done without sacrificing a storyline this way. Unless that was their intention, as it is from time to time, to leave something unresolved and leave the viewer to "write their own ending," in their own mind. Personally, I've never cared for that approach and it has ruined many a good story for me, from books to movies and tv shows. This is not the first time the writing/directing staff has done this.

Most of the episodes are great and I know that you may not hit 100% all the time. This is still a great series to watch!
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Emergency!: Insanity Epidemic (1977)
Season 6, Episode 14
Good Change of Pace
7 May 2021
This episode did a good job in showing just how a day can unfold and you just don't know what has gone wrong! Funny, quirky little things all day, mostly dealing with the cases that were called in. The best part of the story was how the Captain was off his game so much, due to the new Battallion Chief! Stanley was definitely not his usual calm self. It would have been good to know some of the backstory that caused the Captain to be so nervous. Interspersed in the storyline was the typical serious situations that were dealt with. It was good that they didn't just play the episode for comedy, or it would have ruined the stories and subtracted the elements that made this series great. The title says it all! I think we have all had these kind of days and felt the insanity around us!
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Emergency!: An Ounce of Prevention (1977)
Season 6, Episode 13
Comical But Educational
7 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The scenario with the television show was great for a comical ending but also went a long way to educate the public on what Paramedics really do. The episode ended in a non typical way, without a lengthy segment of a raging fire or difficult rescue, as is the usual case, and yet, was able to show how the Fire Dept. Was able to work as a team, to get the job done.
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Emergency!: Loose Ends (1977)
Season 6, Episode 12
Great Episode For Showing The Human Side of Characters
6 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The writing and acting was great in this story for showing several characters in their humanity! First, with the Parimedics & how they responded when they saw that one of their victims in the car crash was Dr. Brackett. The way they let their guard down and dealt with him on a personal level was perfect for showing their closeness to him, even as Johnny communicated to him at the hospital, that if he needed anything, to just ask, showed that their relationship was more than just professional. Drs. Early & Morton showed their more than professional feelings as the call came in and as Early dealt with Brackett in the ER on just being a patient. Of course, Dixie's concern for him was more than predictable, if not to say expected. Johnny's concern for the little girl, Tina, and her plight after the car crash, made for a good story, especially when his willingness to talk to her to get her to open up to someone was suggested by Dr. Early. Brackett's concern was seen throughout the episode. First, in his feeling of responsibility for the death of Tina's father, but more so in the care that he took in genuinely talking with her to express his remorse for what had happened and wanting to comfort and help her. One of the best scenes in the story was when Tina opened up to Brackett and expressed to him that she honestly felt that what had happened was not his fault, and then proceeded to tell him the backstory leading up to the accident. I think this went a long way to help Brackett put the incident behind him, to some degree. It is never really revealed why Tina would not open up to others that spoke to her, besides Gage and Brackett, especially if she new that someone in her family would need to know of her condition, but it was unique to see how she bonded with two men she had never known before, especially Brackett. A fun part of the story here was to see how it seemed that Brackett and Tina had become friends at the end. Even to the point of Brackett asking her to go with him to the Fireman's Ball, and her happy response. Their continued friendship is never addressed in later episodes. But all in all, this story goes a long way to show another reason why this series is still one of the best that television ever had. It's actually one I would watch over again and recommend that someone watch if they had never seen the series before, as one of the best they could watch.
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Emergency!: Welcome to Santa Rosa County (1976)
Season 6, Episode 10
One of The Best!
6 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is great for being one of the final episodes of the sixth season. It was great seeing how the community came together to meet the needs of people in trouble. No one acted as if they were put out or inconvenienced. That's how it used to be! It seemed that John and Roy bonded with the Sheriff during this time and enjoyed helping him in his plight to see his county have what it needed in the way of emergency assistance. The way he was willing to do whatever it took to get the job done, because the need outweighed the protocol, was great! The way James Jeter portrayed him was excellent! You could feel the Sheriff's love for the people he served. The Drs. At Rampart showed great concern as they assumed responsibility for treating the burn victim and worrying about the consequences later. I believe that was not just Hollywood taking artistic license, but how it truly was at that time; Drs. Who wanted to treat the patient, not just do a job. Sadly, we will never get back to that quality of care again! In the final scene, the guys are with the Sheriff, formulating a plan for him to cover his county by training a group of EMT-1 teams, instead of Paramedics. Because of the size and demographic of the county and what seemed to be a better fit for the time being, to more adequately meet the immediate need. All in all, it was a very uplifting and positive episode that I think did much to educate the public at that time, about the way emergency medical services in a community could be adapted to specific local situations, and were not always a "one size fits all" scenario. Being that this kind of medical service was new at the time Emergency was a new program, this episode took another step in showing communities what could be done. Today, these kind of services are common, and this series did a lot to help make that possible. There have been many shows like Emergency, but none have had the impact this series had! Truly a classic and one of a kind!
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Emergency!: The Nuisance (1976)
Season 5, Episode 22
Good Amount of Tension and Comedy!
28 April 2021
This episode is, in my opinion, one of the best in the series. It was great as a Season Finale because it closed the year on an emotional yet funny high note that was riveting to watch in the dramatic scenes and fun to watch in the comic ones as well. I could truly see something like this playing out in real life, as quirky as life can be! We see Randolph Mantooth portraying the injured John Gage, in a very believable way. The way he portrays the suffering John goes through makes you sympathize with his pain, as he becomes the patient. The way Roy deals with John's temporary replacement after his telling Roy smugly that he is sure "his" way was right, was another example of how you could feel the tension in the situation. We also see John's Physical Therapist change her perception of him as she witnesses the concern he bears as they watch the news report of the trapped firemen, during the final rescue. The expressions on her face as she quietly observed him, was perfectly done. It was good to see Johnny win the day on this one! Lastly, the final segment with Carole Cook as the tough but flirty floor nurse was played to comic perfection! As she retrieves John from Roy and Marco's room and then informs Roy of her soon return for him, not only her dialogue, but the final look on Roy's face, not to mention Marco's, was pure., classic comedy! It makes you wonder if Marco was victim number three. All in all, if someone wanted to see the various elements that make this series great, they could see all of them in this episode. The segment itself deserves watching again!
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Emergency!: 905-Wild (1975)
Season 4, Episode 22
What's Not To Like Here?!
15 April 2021
I can't figure out why this series would not have garnered at least an attempt, from this Pilot! It is easily MY favorite, of the whole series! Would have been good to see some crossover episodes worked in as well! Too bad they decided not to persue it. This episode kept my interest from start to finish!
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Emergency!: Women (1972)
Season 2, Episode 9
Answer To; Where Is Dick Van Patten?
24 February 2021
Dick Van Patten is playing the character with his hand stuck in the sink garbage disposal. He & the actress playing his wife provide excellent comic relief to an episode that had a lot of tension from unnecessary attacks on the firehouse crew, from the female reporter.
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