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The Batman (2022)
Depressive Batman movie
28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a fan of Batman since the first movie ever made about him, and so far, I was nicely pleased by all the different actors chosen for the role and stories.

However, this particular Batman lacks of everything that makes a typical Batman movie. Except the Batman suit, there are not many action scene, the Batmobile is ridiculous, the classic character such as the Penguin just look like ordinary folks, and the whole movie just focuses on a detective style work, making Batman acting like a sort of Sherlock Holmes, instead of the night avenger we know.

Plus, having the whole movie covered by that dark sad "noire" atmosphere, isn't making it better either. It's long and depressive, and totally disappointing for a Batman hard core fan such as myself. After watching this movie, I wanted right away to go back and watch any of the other better Batman movies, to just try remove this one from my memory.

5 stars just because the actors did they best, but the movie/story itself deserve none.
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The most disapointing of all movies from the franchise.
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I will stay short.

This movie was very disappointing actually, and in my humble opinion, the worse of all movies from the franchise. It has just lot of Drama in it, and actually not enough Michael Myer, as well as not much of the expected disturbed or imaginative killings he does (come on, everybody wanna watch a Halloween horror movie for the killings, not the drama!).

Instead, we get a drama story about a post traumatic boy who turn into a killer, without even being good at it, while he tries to imitate Michael Myer, whom he also manages to overpower pretty easily too. Really ?...

On the top of this, and without giving any much spoilers, I will also say that the ending was very weird, rushed and also totally unbelievable in today's modern's days.
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The Drone (2019)
A movie to make drone pilot like myself look bad
18 October 2019
No seriously, how could this movie exist ? Acting is super bad to begin with, but the worse part of this movie in my opinion is making drone "evil" devices that can easily spy on people privacy. This comes of course at the worse time where people worries about those and FAA is trying to make even more strict rules, just because of a few idiots out there who fly their device recklessly.

That's what most of drone-hater out there thinks they can do, while realistically you can't spy with those device at all. First, model used in this movie appears to be a DJI Phantom drone, which is a pretty loud quad which you will know is right there. Sorry, can't be stealth at all like the movie want you to believe. Second, the camera on those drone is not good enough to see well inside any house or even a backyard in that matter, especially from far away.

And to conclude, I just want to remind to some people that military satellites and helicopter can if they want, read your license plate from space or far away in the air (or yes look through your windows) much more easily than the drone fly around by Mr everybody.
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Not a sequel of the original movie. Don't bother!
2 July 2019
From the tittle and lovely made poster, I thought (or they wanted to make us think it was) that was a sequel of the awesome original The Car movie from 1977.

This was not at all a sequel, nor even a well done horror movie using a car. For me, this movie just look like they were hoping to "click & bait" people who watched and loved the original movie.

I figured that right after like the first 30mn, and stopped watching by then. But hey, if you like the genre, go and watch it, and I will let you be your own judge.
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Les cinq dernières minutes: Mort d'orque (1989)
Season 3, Episode 59
Suspicious murders in the French Riviera
17 March 2011
I don't advise you to go, just because I was actually part of the making off of this movie (training the animals from behind the camera), but also if you like crime scene investigation and especially weird story, this is a movie for you.

As a part of the famous French series called "les 5 dernières minutes", here is a interesting episode taking part in Marineland Antibes, France, where the famous French police investigator already known from all the previous episode, investigate this time a strange murder that happened in the main killer whale's pool...

People who also love the place and/or the animals, as well as the quite well known French actor there too, will definitely appreciate.
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