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Sumotherhood (2023)
A poor attempt at British comedy
13 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to see Sumotherhood, and from the trailers, it seemed like a good laugh.

However, it was anything but.

There were several moments where I considered getting up and leaving, but I held out to see if there would be any plot developments or a resolution. There was not.

There was next to nothing in terms of 'plot' and very little storyline, all of the characters were never developed and everyone felt very 2D. There were several points that were begging for elaboration or further explanation but it never came. None of the characters were likeable (not that they were supposed to be) and it was a painful watch.

Riko's bipolar was clearly meant to be a plotpoint but also reads like the producer's research was a quick Google. It's never really elaborated on. There was one scene that got so close to genuine plot development but then the director must've gotten bored of that scene because it just... ends.

There were a couple of 'edgy' jokes that fell flat because they were either not actually edgy or awfully executed.

The film included celebrity cameos which was sort of a saving grace. Though, I can see why Ed Sheeran is a singer and not an actor.

2/10 because I never thought I'd hear Jeremy Corbyn say 'Allow it, wasteman'.
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Love and War
6 October 2023
An absolutely beautiful film about the thrilling true story of Bernard Jordan, a veteran who travelled alone to the beaches of Normandy in order to pay respects to his fallen comrades. He meets some fellow veterans on his way, an unknowingly becomes a news icon!

The stunning visuals and cinematography are choreographed in such a way to bring out a deep emotional response. I often don't cry at films, but there were a handful of scenes in The Great Escaper that made me shed tears.

There are elements of romance, war drama, and comedy throughout the film, as well as brilliant performances all around, which makes for an enjoyable watch for many.

However, the pacing was way too fast in my opinion. The film is about an hour and a half long, but I feel it would've been better suited to be two hours or two and a half hours.

If you fancy a trip to the cinema, The Great Escaper should be high on your priority list!
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BlackBerry (2023)
Not a bad biography
4 October 2023
BlackBerry is a biographical film about the rise and fall of Research in Motion, or 'BlackBerry'. It delves into the origins of RiM and the issues that they faced when the company was just getting off of it's feet and the issues they started to face after the customer demand and the release of the Apple iPhone.

Some of the scenes tend to drag on, but it does the job. The performances are great and I have no critique about that.

The problem is that there's a point where it feels like you're watching the same part on repeat and it drags on far too long. There were some segments of the film that I felt could've been cut out to create a much more streamlined storyline.

However, it's not bad for what it is and is ultimately enjoyable. I like the small detail that the cinematography becomes more 'professional' and less The Office-esque as the film progresses and RiM grew as a company.
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Dumb Money (2023)
A take on the modern working-class revolution
19 September 2023
Since the trailer came out, I was incredibly excited to see 'Dumb Money'. And it did not disappoint.

Based on the true story of the incredible GameStop Hedge Fund escapade of 2021, it follows Keith Gill - or Roaring Kitty - and his dedicated fanbase. The film has a very meta feel to it as the events are not exaggerated; though sometimes it feels as such; and has a naturalist flair throughout.

Viewing a pre-screening for the film, the theatre was packed full of people my age (17) up to around 70. It was easily digestible for everyone and it was truly lovely to have a shared laugh with everyone. Even the less internet-savvy were able to appreciate the art of the commentary on the reddit community.

The film has wonderfully paced comedy and none of the scenes seem too long or too short - an absolutely incredible feat from Gillespie. Each actor and character gave a look into the different walks of life and how the GME stock boom effected each. Brilliant performances!

Absolutely on my 'to buy on DVD' list.
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Thought-provoking masterpiece
1 September 2023
Well, what a film! I was wary going into it knowing the topic but I found it not to be as painstakingly gruelling as I was expecting, and while it of course did have it's fair share of distressing and upsetting scenes, it was handled in a powerful, meaningful and creative way. I found the balance between acting, drama and reality to be just right, however a couple of scenes felt like they dragged on a tad, long pauses included, but I can understand how this may simply be a representation of Ballard's hard decision-making.

Fantastic performances from the actors, to the point where it felt like a documentary rather than a film. Based off a true story, it stayed loyal to it's source.

The film shared a message of despite the world seeming irremediable and miserable, we can all spread hope. We are told not to feel impuissant. On top of this, the production has raised over $20million on a fundraiser for tickets for people who cannot go and see this film on their own budget which I think is simply wonderful.

(Also, stick around for the beautiful message from star actor Jim Caviezel in the credits!)

I hope this film reaches as many people as it strives to. Amazing!
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Theater Camp (2023)
'Nativity' meets 'School of Rock'
22 August 2023
'Theater Camp' is filmed in a mockumentary style with occasional slates of narrative text and jokes and gags throughout. I enjoyed the gritty handheld style of filming, as I felt it gave a hand in making the film feel more realistic and down-to-earth. The characters were mostly likeable and I felt myself silently rooting for Glenn throughout.

The comedy was dry -- I love that type of comedy. One-liners, straight to the point, fantastic. As well as a couple of visual gags, the comedy mainly relied on the stills of text and off-handed dialogue. However, some of the 'comedy' that was supposed to be found in the character of Troy, a man-child who only knows YouTube and Cryptocurrency, was clearly written by somebody who isn't the most knowledgeable of such topics. Maybe that was the point, but I didn't find it very funny.

There was almost a romantic subplot between two characters, which felt weird to me because; A. The man had 'come out' (though it's never specified what as) and B. I hate romantic subplots when there doesn't need to be any.

It turns into a moral story of friendship and trust, though I felt there was much more conflict and not much resolve.

The musical numbers were fantastic and I tapped my foot along to the songs. The score was simply brilliant and I have nothing negative to say about that.

Overall, 'Theater Camp' is a great film about teamwork, morality and the arts, however I felt there were still many aspects of the story that could've been delved into in further detail or scenes that simply should've lasted a lot longer than they did which left me a little disappointed when the film ended.
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Strays (2023)
21 August 2023
After watching a trailer for this film, I was excited for the release of what looked to be a funny, witty film about the world of being a stray dog. How disappointed I was in the theatre, I was ready for a silly, crude film, yet it turned out to be wildly uncomfortable viewing throughout. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude by any means... but it sure wasn't for me.

If you're looking for a film where dogs are weirdly sexualised throughout and potty humour is your thing, 'Strays' is just for you. This film had the potential to be a genuinely hilarious film about revenge and standing up for yourself, yet was ruined by the writers' strained attempts to be witty. They tried too hard.

Two stars for cinematography work and VFX.
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