
7 Reviews
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The Garfield Show: Rodent Rebellion (2016)
Season 5, Episode 1
4 September 2023
From the voice acting to the story to the animation, this epsiode is a miracle. I have never seen anything like it. The Garfield franchise is a blessing to this universe and is a must watch. Garfield really outdid them selves with this one, I cannot believe how good this episode was and I think everyone on the planet should watch, and it should be taught in schools and colleges. This show is a masterpiece, and it could bring the world together and bring world peace. Please give this episode an Emmy, or at least a nomination cause that's how good it is. It's up there with The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange.
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Legendary piece of Television
4 September 2023
It pains me to see that people hate on this masterpiece. I was at a very low point before watching this show. I was mentally unstable, bankrupt. In the midst of the darkness a beacon of light shined upon me, a beautiful orange light. The frame of an orange appeared and stuck it's greasy peal and towards me, I grasped the peel and it lead me to this show. I was enlightened, I was on top of the world. My boss gave me an amazing promotion and I was loved by everyone after watching this masterpiece. I asked what the orange's name was and it responded with "The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange". We both laughed and then annoying oranged all over the place.
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Beautiful piece of television
2 September 2023
Annoying Orange. You may look at this show as a joke, a non sensical piece of tomfoolery, but unlike me, I see it as a greater philosophical concept. Where should I even begin? Annoying Orange receives the terrible news, he has only 24 hours to live.. what should he do? Where should he go? How will he go!? Annoying Orange is questioned with the idea of knowing his final moments and he is forced to spend them. I do not want to give off spoilers but I do want to say this. Annoying Orange is a masterpiece, hell. It's the most beautiful piece of art work to ever be shined upon in this universe........
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This episode changed my life.
27 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this episode I believe there is no other episode that could top this one. This is the peak of television. This make's Breaking Bad's Ozymandias look like a preschool project. When I first watched this episode I instantly burst into tears when Annoying Orange said "It's Annoying Orange time!" And Annoying Oranged all over the place. I am currently crying typing this cause this Annoying Orange had so much impact on me to the point that I literally exploded of Annoying Oranges and become one with the Orange and then Oranged the orange annoying orange orange annoying annoying orange oranged annoyeding orangeys orange.
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Total Drama Travel (2021– )
A must watch.
15 August 2023
This is the best show EVER. I really don't know how I will watch anything else, it tops everything by a long shot. I would erase my memory just to watch this masterpiece for the first time again. 10.0 rating, it deserves a perfect score cause it's a perfect show. I created an IMDb account just to rate this thing cause after what I just watched, it need to be rated. Every episode was PERFECT. The finale had me shook and I still get chills to this DAY just thinking about it. You need to see this masterpiece at least once in your lifetime, actually EVERYONE needs to see this masterpiece at least ONCE! Thank you for creating this work of ART, Tyler.
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Total Drama Travel: The Island Race (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
I am at a loss for words
15 August 2023
This was the PERFECT ending. I didn't know so much buildup to this was even possible in only two episode but once again I've been proven wrong by such amazing writing. I am truly gonna miss this show and I don't even know how I will watch anything after this cause this just tops every other show. Now I don't wanna cause spoilers but let's just say this is the best finale OF ALL TIME. I truly do not know what to say cause this was so well structured and everything. I am gonna miss this show so MUCH but I am so glad I've watched it. I wish I could erase my memory and go through the experience of watching this for the first time, thank you for blessing us with this absolute masterpiece, Tyler.
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Total Drama Travel: Total Drama Island (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
An absolute masterpiece
15 August 2023
From start to finish I was interesting in this episode. Honestly I never thought anything could top Breaking Bad or other award winning shows until I laid my eyes upon this masterpiece. From the acting, to the dialogue, to the animation/cinematography. I honestly believe this is the best episode ever, nothing can ever top this. Let's start with amazing character development, we have already started on the first episode and characters are already being developed. It was how we already see this episode forming keep me on the edge of my seat. Another thing I would like to point out is the effective symbolism this show keeps, now I'm not gonna go too in depth cause I obviously don't want to cause spoilers but in one of the frames we see a rock symbolizing what's gonna happen next, as I stated before I don't want to spoil this masterpiece for y'all, everyone in the world needs to see this. Children, Adults or elderly this is meant for everyone, and could potentially bring the whole world together!
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