
4 Reviews
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Not just a war movie
1 March 2015
OK,I have to write a minimum of 10 lines, so here goes.

I wish I could review this movie in a word or two, but that's not possible.

Here are a few words that I could use.

Garbage, stinks on ice, very very bad, waste of time, one of the worst movies to ever have been made.

Acting...see above paragraph.

Direction, who knows. With a script like this, and the brainless actors, who knows.

Being a musician, I usually enjoy the back-round score. Here, our composer did the best he could with the trash he was given to work with.

It always amazes me that crap like this gets the bucks to fund it.

I guess our hero's all slept with the producers more than once.

The only enjoyment this vomit of a film gave me, is writing this review.

I hope this review lets you spend an hour and a half of your life watching something better.

Hell, with this movie, anything you watch would be better.
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Lou Pucci, a star is born...
18 April 2013
Just finished watching this flick for the 2nd time and "Luke" and was still captivated.

I immediately got all the movies I could find with Lou in them and due to bad parts in bad movies he would always remain a bit part actor in flop movies...How Hollywood ignored this movie and Lou's performance is beyond me...

Could compare this flick to "Forrest Gump" have a box of tissues at hand.

I know I'll be watching this a 3rd time soon.

There's so much crap out there and its a mystery how some get financing The supporting cast does well to set the stage for Luke...

Good writing, editing, etc make this a very watchable flick...

SO, if you get the chance, pick of this flick and'll be glad you did.
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What If... (I) (2010)
Great Flick...(not for non-believers)
10 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand some folks not liking this movie...however, If you like "fantasy", and you could say "si-fi", and of course heart warming family stories, this is for you...

Hot shot successful business man gets to go back for a second shot at life...

All actors are endearing and play the parts well as they steal your heart.

Not enough of these movies around...

Like I said earlier, this is a movie for Christian believers especially...

Maybe it will turn a heart of the non-believer...who knows
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Farino hits it out of the park!
29 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since "Get Shorty", I have been a Farino fan...but in this dark hard hitting drama, if he's not in the running for an Oscar then there's as much wrong with the Oscar nominating process as there is in the selection of the noble prize. Throughout the movie I was hoping for a Hollywood ending, but as the title suggests, not today.

Direction, casting and lets not forget location...perfection which adds to the genre and feeling of this memorable flick.

The entire cast drives this movie home... Heck, I even enjoyed the way the ending credits played, with a continuation of the sound track from the last scene played on.. Definitely in my top 100 must see movies...
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