
3 Reviews
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Superbad (2007)
Superbad was Supergay
17 September 2007
This movie was full of online slap-shot laughs that won't work on you a second time. You hear or see them once, they're funny, you see it again, it's not funny anymore. This whole movie was pointless, it wasn't even that entertaining. It was just a way to waste a bit of time. I expected SO MUCH MORE after seeing Knocked Up, but apparently...Supergay was all they could come up with.

People who've gone to see this movie or have given this movie a high rating must be high as well. I must be getting old (ripe ol' age of 23) and out of touch with the younger generation or kids just have bad taste.
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Balls of Fury (2007)
I saw this movie for one reason alone - Christopher Walken
17 September 2007
I knew going into the theater after seeing the previews that this was going to be a stupid movie. How could one NOT know? Look at the title people! Don't go complaining about it if you're not smart enough to figure out a ping-pong comedy was going to be stupid.

What wasn't stupid, however, was Christopher Walken. He did an awesome job, though he always does an awesome job. I'm pretty sure all they did to get Christopher Walken to play this part was show him the wig he'd be wearing and an outfit or two and said "the movie is about ping-pong" and he went "Okay, I'm in!" That exactly how I image it, because Christopher Walken is awesome enough to do something like that and still do a great job at a stupid role.

My favorite part of this movie, however, is the panda bear. Christopher Walken as Feng takes the moronic hero into his den of evil ping-pong memorabilia then comments that he got a panda, but thinks it's dead, because he could not figure out how to feed it. Later one of the male sex slaves runs back into the soon to be exploded compound to save the panda, only to run out a few minutes later and comment that the bear was already dead, poor panda.
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A must see - if you'd like to see, quiet possibly, the worst movie ever put into theaters
17 September 2007
My boyfriend and I went to see this movie after the theater we went to had informed us that the original movie we went to see - Shoot 'Em Up - was down for the day due to problems with the projector.

What a mistake! This movie is, by far, the worst movie I've ever seen. I saw Balls of Fury last week and even though it was SUPPOSED to be a stupid movie, it was NOT AS STUPID AS THIS ONE! There is no coherent plot, there is no coherent story line, there are no coherent actors (I'm pretty sure they had to be on something to be in this flick and think what they were doing was acting), and the CGI was almost worse than the old school use of claymation.

The only good thing I can say about this movie is that it gave my boyfriend and I a lot to laugh about - first off at ourselves for being lame enough to see this movie, second after reading a lot of yahoo user reviews and reviews on here (one man said he'd shoot himself in the knee cap if anyone asked him to see this movie again) we felt highly entertained (though one could just read those reviews and avoid the movie and be fine), and third at how we could not name ONE MOVIE we've ever seen that was worse than this one.

So if you LIKE terrible movies, like REALLY terrible, then this is for you. If you like things that won't give you a headache at how RETARDED they are, don't see this.
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