
2 Reviews
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5/10 I saw Swingers...didn't know it had a twin...
8 April 2002
Ok I saw the film about a month ago at the Texas Film Festival, and while it had its funny moments it felt like a Swingers knockoff the first hour and then it just got "eh." However, it seemed to be a big hit among the "mainstream" audience, of which I am not a member...

Adam Barrata's directorial debut however is impressive and I think he will be capable of amazing things in the future...
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So good!
8 April 2002
Another wonderful independent film. I had the opportunity to meet the Jane White herself, the amazingly talented Kim Little. She is awesome and totally makes the film a success. David Latt did a wonderful job with this film and it's one I feel will reach cult status. I can't wait for the rest of the world to find out how wonderful this film is.

It really says something about the importance of television in today's media driven world.
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