10 Reviews
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A Fascinating Piece
17 July 2024
This documentary film delivers a story we all know, but at the same time gives some interesting facts, that I at least did not know, which adds to its worth, of spending time to watch it.

This documentary runs at a good pace through out and never delves to deep, from the narrative of the life of Jesus Christ, The Son Of God.

The visuals are good, as they represent Jesus and his story through out, and are therefore relevant and appropriate for the life of Christ.

The music selection is some what interesting for this kind of documentary, as it is less traditional than most would use, how ever it does work.
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Moses (III) (2024)
Very Detailed So Very Good
17 July 2024
Well its all in the detail, for this sort of thing for me personally and I think that this is the strength, of this particular documentary film.

This film is efficient in its narrative, giving the facts of the story, but also useful insight, as to many of the elements of Moses's life and as a result of this, it runs at a good pace, that keeps you engaged and entertained.

Suitable middle eastern music is used almost through out, which gives it the feel of the time and that part of the world, which helps you emotionally and visually, imagine the story of this great man.

I would recommend to anyone, interested in religion.
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Are We Alone (2024)
One Of The Best
3 June 2024
I have watched loads on the big questions "Are We Alone In The Universe? " as I find it fascinating to think, that they may be other intelegent life forms out there, wondering if we exist and off course there is always the question, as to whether or not they could come and destroy us, as is the case in so many films.

I really enjoyed this one, as it went straight into the facts and stayed there, rather than expressing certain peoples opinions, which is all well and good, but an opinion is simply an opinion.

This documentary was also very concise and wasted no time, in its efficient delivery of the science, of the subject.
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Nuclear War (2024)
Very Interesting
15 May 2024
With us all on high alert, what with the threat from China and Russia, this documentary is as relevant today, as it ever was, so I thought I would give it ago and I am glad I did, as it was a very good documentary film.

This documentary is packed with interesting facts, that really make you think about how dangerous the world is, as countries continue to not trust each other.

This was a well put together piece, that was well edited, with a fast pace and interesting music, well worth a watch if you are interested in such things, or if you are simply a person of planet Earth. I recommend highly.
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Loved it
26 March 2024
This is a very thorough documentary, that gave all the detail one would need, to know the life of Jesus Christ, the son of God.

This documentary takes you from the very beginning of his conception, all the way to his resurrection. It includes all his deeds, miracles and non miracles and it really helps you get inside, the mind of the Lord.

The editing was great on this, as it placed you in the time and place, of his life and it was accompanied, by very fitting music, that transports you back in time, in the Jerusalem, at the time of Christ.

I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in Jesus, religion or history.
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Very Good
19 December 2023
I have watched a few films about Robin Hood and enjoyed them very much, there is something about the character, that always intrigues me, so when I saw this, I thought I have to give it ago and I am glad I did.

What I really liked about this documentary film, is that it gives a lot of information, on the history of the time, which provides an excellent and very accurate foundation, from which to understand the character and his motifs.

I felt that this documentary really flushed out the character of Robin Hood, and provided a lot to think about, in terms of deciding whether or not the man actually ever existed.
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Very Interesting
6 November 2023
Well I have to say I enjoyed this a lot. It is not the sort of thing I usually watch, but thought I would give it a go any, and I am glad I did.

It was packed full of information, I did not know and have to say, I found the history of it very informative. It has fundamentaly changed my preset view of witches and witch craft,.

Infact off the back of this, I may end up watching more stuff on witches and witch craft, as it has opened a curiosity in me about the subject, which I guess is what documentaries, are in fact supposed to do.

An enjoyable watch, that I very much enjoyed and would recommend to others.
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31 October 2023
I have watched a lot of documentaries on the mafia, and they are all quite similar, but I must say, that this one stands out, because it takes you right to the beginning, and by beginning, not the beginning of the mafia in America, but the beginning of it all, which really fascinated me.

It was so interesting, to see how the political and financial situation in Sicily, created a platform, from which the mafia developed, and how it all grew from there.

This documentary film, gives an insight, that I have not had before, in understanding how the mafia operated and how it was so successful.

Definataly worth a watch, if you are interested in such things.
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Very Intertesting
19 October 2023
I'm a big fan of the whole gangster genre, so have watched lots of stuff on the legendary Al Capone, and I have to say, this one is up there with best.

Off course I had heard some of it before, it is in the end of the day, un avoidable, if you have watched loads of films, on a very famous person, but this one did provide a lot of original insight, which really got me thinking.

A thorough documentary film, that carries at a good pace. I thoroughly enjoyed this documentary film and would recommend to any one, who is interested in Alphonse Capone or just generally interested in the gangsters of the past.
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Best I have Seen
26 July 2023
I have watched lots of documentaries on zombies and have to say, this is the best that I've seen.

I say this because, it is incredibly detailed in its exposition and gives a thorough insight, into how zombies could actually happen.

Many documentaries talk generally about the subject, but this one goes into serious scientific detail, that makes it easy to believe, such beasts could some how exist.

This is a well structured documentary, that answers a lot of question and raises other, very thought provoking ones, that are very relative to the subject.

Well worth a watch, if you are interested in zombies.
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