
3 Reviews
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Unfrosted (2024)
Netflix does it again: a star filled cast with an empty script
3 May 2024
Amazing actors could not have been butchered worst! Unfrosted is without a doubt among worst movies I've seen this year. It's supposed to be a comedy but draws no laughs. The premise is silly, which s ok, but the writing is as lousy as it gets. The target audience s missed completely: it's supposed to be a family movie yet falls flat both with adults and kids. Watched it with my nephews and here' what 6 and 8 year olds said: "ewww gross" (kids eating out of garbage scene), "that's dangerous" (guy putting a metal object into a toaster). Guess kids summoned it up well: ewww gross, that's dangerous.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Over hyped yet really disappointing
8 October 2019
The only good thing about the movie first: Joaquin's performance is just brilliant and definitely et par with Heath Ledger's. Other than that there was nothing redeeming about this picture: the story is flat, story pace is unstable, directing does not raise above gotham centered TV series and worst yet is the heavy and overwhelming use of music! Sentiments and feelings in every scene is pushed down audience's throat with unbearable music. Anyone who, honestly, loved this movie upon watching it again will be disappointed with how receptive they have been to popular hype. Joker at best is an OK movie, no masterpiece, nothing new or original under the bat sign...
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The Protector (2018–2020)
Flat narrative stuffed with every outdated superhero cliche...
16 December 2018
From first episode to the last, the Protector, serves its audience a bundle of outdated cliches kept together loosely with a boring and slow paced story. Chosen-one is found and gotten readied by a band of misfits, in search of a few magical artifacts to get rid of the band of baddies sworn to destroy humanity... A familiar story we have seen many many times before, only the Turkish production makes a complete joke out of each element, making the title further unwatchable. The cast is not bad but acting could not be worst. Literally there is no prevailing feeling or sentiment, rhythm or continuity in any of the scenes (let alone in totality of the production). Directing seems to have been done by a team of film students, all of whom wanted to copy their favorite superhero scene. The only redeeming aspects are Okan Yalabik's performance and the soundtrack (at times). If you have the choice of tormenting yourself by watching Iron Fist Fist for a second time or the Protector for a first time, go with the former! At least you'll get a sense of respect for your time invested as a viewer.
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