
4 Reviews
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Worst Movie Ever
6 July 2017
This is a vanity project by Frank D'Angelo. The writing, acting, direction and production are all extremely amateurish and that is being kind. The good reviews for this movie are so obviously fake it's hilarious. Read the real reviews by real critics- Google is your friend. The storyline runs like it was written by an eleven year old who just discovered profanity. There are scenes in this film and I hesitate to call it a film, that don't add to the plot or the character. At least ten minutes are spent showing him urinating with difficulty and waking up from hangovers. It appears that someone failed to hire an editor. D'Angelo has convinced a few of his marginal movie star buddies to appear in this abomination. I'm sure he's a nice guy but Frank D'Angelo should stick to making juice. If I could have given this a zero rating I would.
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25 September 2016
Instead of watching this dreck, go out into the world whether it be sunny, raining, a thunderstorm. It'll be much more inspiring and positive to your life. My God, this film is an abomination and an excuse to call something "art". It's supposed to be improvisational but it is truly nonsense, rubbish. The only redeeming quality it had is its cinematography. It could be video version of House and Garden magazine: no one lives there and no one acts like that. The director has allowed the actors to improvise, but really, who wants to see these airheads pretending to be original? Waste of time and money that would have been better served feeding the hungry.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
The Emperor Has No Clothes SPOILER ALERT
14 January 2016
Maybe I am the first one to say this but this movie is god awful. If I could give it a negative rating I would. I don't know when directors got the notion that a long movie makes for a good movie. Whatever became of good editing? I fell asleep watching Leo DiCaprio limp through the snow for 2.5 hours. Sure it's a tale of fierce determination, but really, it could have been told in 90 minutes with no loss in quality or character development. I feel that the movie was horrifically bad and would present a strong cure for insomnia. Out of mercy's sake, I would volunteer to jump into the movie and shoot him dead; to put him out AND the audience out of misery. Please note this is not a death threat but only an improvement to the waning plot. The movie is incredibly Hollywood-predictable to make me laugh out loud, even if it's based on a true story.SPOILER ALERT: In retrospect, if I saw this movie again, I would root for the bear. Hopefully the academy has some sense and realizes that they should not agree that this is good cinema just because that's what everyone else is saying...I say that the emperor has no clothes!
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STUPID DumbA** Movie!!!!
6 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Kevin Bacon as a tough guy? Come on! Anyone could beat his scrawny butt. Both myself and my girlfriend burst out laughing when after a couple of hours of reading the "User manuals" for his newly purchased guns he is able to go out and slaughter a gang of armed street-hardened thugs who have been shooting guns for most of their lives.

The whole premise is laughable. I like how he decides to shave his head and "finds" a leather jacket out of nowhere.

I guess there is a lesson to this movie: Any slack-jawed yokel with a gun can go out and be a tough guy, not necessarily courageous, more likely ignorant.
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