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The horror beneath this rich and layered dystopian cautionary tale
17 June 2023
Saw this film as the opening night fil of the Marina Del Rey Film Festival. It is intense, amusing, shocking and very real. Great artwork in the title sequences as well, a very unique and interesting painting. Within the obvious story of the movie lies many layers of what ifs with several obvious real life characters bunched into the few that lead this film on our obsession with choosing morally bankrupt looney tunes to lead the country and the disastrous consequences of a total lack of critical thinking when it come time to vote for your elected officials. The protagonists Alex is on a serious career path seeking his due without realizing the profound effects his professional choices will have on his personal/family life as they are ideologically contradicting. He will soon find out what happens when you choose to sell your soul to the devil and the outcome of what happens when you attempt to get it back, but it's too late because the devil may already have plans for you. In this movie the devil is deceiving, cunning, a bold face stare into your eyes, a liar who will trick constantly at will without observing any consequence associated with his actions. He may be neatly packaged as a biblical prophet who will make things right should you choose him/entrust him your vote and your support. The Devil here is personified as the person who will see to it that what he promised gets delivered two fold and swiftly without thinking of any lies, deceit, empty promises or fraudulent or continuous proliferation of false statements that may affect or be the cause of extreme collateral damage. The scariest part of this movie is the foreshadowing - the way - the politician has already dutifully predicted several outcomes. This movie is what happens when crazy is left unchecked. It is a harrowing movie based on our reality with one warning after another that if we don't wake up soon enough to see through the sewage being spoken daily for our ingestion by these marginalized fringe politicians. This movie in particular details one specific - or maybe two politicians - one is getting constantly indicted the other hates Disney. These two jokes seem to have been merged by the writer into one character. This politician of which we shall not speak his name could very much cause irreparable damage, chaos and destruction so bad it could take several generations to fix our democracy to a semblance of what it used to be. I give this film a A for being so audacious and another A for all of the symbolism it may take several viewing for you to discover.
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