
2 Reviews
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Why is everyone hating it?
14 June 2023
To be honest it's not perfect, the animation isn't eye-catching and the plot has some problems too, but it is sure much better than what people are saying.

My main issue with the movie is that Kara just becomes a superhero out of nowhere. It would've been OK if we already had a Supergirl animation that featured her origin, but right now it's weird! I know all about Supergirl, but not everyone is a DC geek, that should've been taken into consideration.

I quite liked the story, some say it's predictable but for me it was OK. The supporting characters were original and cool, and Kara was just adorable, the classic girl of steel!

To sum up, it has it's own flaws, but people are really underestimating it, and I don't know why!
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Didn't sound like Batman
14 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think this was not a Batman story, you could've just used any other character and would've felt the same! Gotham wasn't Gotham, Batman wasn't really like himself, and the supporting cast sucked.

Aside from Alfred and Oliver who were great as always, others were really unlikable. I mean Dick didn't make any sense, he was just a random person with brown hair! (WTF?) San Jay supposed to be Jason? If not who did he supposed to be? And Kai Li ... well she was OK, but again, when you give the audience a completely unknown character, if you don't give them enough screen time they won't be appealing.

To sum up, I'd say I was below average for a Batman movie, and about average as a general movie. The plot wasn't bad, it was just the characters. I think this should've been a mini serie with new characters outside of the Bat-Family. I also didn't quite enjoy the ending, I mean the sacrifice was good but it seemed like Bruce just wasn't smart and strong enough to solve the problem, which isn't really the Batman we like to see.
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