
3 Reviews
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Loot (2022– )
Got through season 1...
29 April 2024
We tried. At least each episode was only half an hour long, but we switched off part way through season 2, episode 1. It just isn't funny and the characters are both terrible and poorly acted. It comes across as a crass attempt at a bit of social justice. Shame as the premise looked promising.

And now it seems my review is too short so I need to write some more. The French billionaire was terrible and that whole subplot was flimsy. Along with the scripting. I'm not sure how we're supposed to feel about these characters. They certainly don't demand any kind of emotional buy-in as they're all pretty terrible.

Okay, I've met the minimum character limit. Phew!
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Road House (2024)
And the most convincing performance goes to...
13 April 2024
The crocodile, closely followed by 'The Boat', which was convincing as a boat. I started the movie questioning if the world needed a remake of Road House, and at the end of the film, the answer if definitely 'no'. It was kind of entertaining, but the acting was terrible, except for the crocodile and 'The Boat' as each were convincing in their respective roles. And just when you start to think it couldn't get any worse, cue Conor McGregor. Who on earth thought that piece of casting was a great idea?

The storyline was okay, but the Road House was a side story and the characters were parodies of every other film with a similar storyline.

But Conor McGregor...really? What were they thinking?
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1923 (2022–2023)
Not yet as gripping
5 November 2023
What to say...? 1923 isn't as strong as either Yellowstone or 1883, both of which my wife and I really enjoyed. 1923 just didn't grab us in quite the same way. We watched episodes seven and eight last night and as the credits rolled for the season finale my wife and looked and each other and said 'is that it?' It'll be interesting to see how season 2 shapes up as the whole of season 1 seemed to be laying the foundations for it.

Both Helen Mirren's and Jerome Flynn's accents I found to be distracting. Just cast Irish and Scottish actors to those roles as they just didn't work.

It just didn't feel as well written, in terms of both the story and the characters and the 'big names' weren't enough to carry it over the line.
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