
3 Reviews
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Bones: The Blackout in the Blizzard (2011)
Season 6, Episode 16
The one where B&B are stuck in an elevator
4 August 2023
Hi Bones Booth pod!

Boy do I love this episode! It's one I go back and watch over and over because I just love all the B&B scenes and how their relationship is addressed following the exit of she who shall not be named!

It's crazy now to watch this episode with the whole "killer deadly virus outbreak" and how pre 2020 that seemed slightly unrealistic?

Anyway, moving on.

The actual case is sad, a woman trying to help people who are being human trafficked, is killed. Unfortunately though, that's overshadowed in this episode more for the character and relationship development of B&B.

Being stuck in an elevator is not a good time for them, especially with Sweets trying to get them to talk about what Hannah's exit means for them, but in the end they both acknowledge that they need to talk about it.

The end scene is of course my favourite. Both B&B realise that whilst they both have acknowledged how they feel about each other, and may want to give things a go, timing is everything. Despite the fact we all want them to be together, I think them jumping into bed the moment Hannah left, wouldn't have been the right move. Probably an unpopular opinion.

Any way, I love the concept of the final scene and I can't wait to hear what the boys think!

Overall - 10/10!

Worst part - the PTSD from covid

Best part - that end scene.
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Bones: The Daredevil in the Mold (2011)
Season 6, Episode 13
Exit stage left Hannah....
3 August 2023
Hi Bones Booth pod!

So glad you've arrived at Hannah's exit! I know the boys wondered at the start of the season how long she stuck around for, and here we are.

The case this week is forgettable and I only remember this episode as being the one where Hannah leaves, though I do love any ep with Fischer and of course the return of our fav stalker Noel.

The proposal- I think subconsciously Booth knew Hannah would turn him down (or at least he hoped as much) to pave way for him and Brennan now that she's finally admitted her feelings. After all we know Booth still loves Brennan despite his "love" for Hannah. I'm not sure what would of happened if Hannah had of actually said yes! I am very much a Hannah apologist as well, I don't hate her like a lot of the fandom, and agree that Brennan had her chance and she said no. Booth moved on BUT I dislike the proposal scene and her comment "she's not the marrying type". You packed up your life and moved to DC to be with a man who you know wanted to settle and get married. You gave him mixed signals. What did you expect? That he'd never propose?

All of that said, I also tend to agree with a lot of the other reviewers about the final scene and Booth's comments about all the women not wanting what he has to offer. A little gaslighty victim to me. But I'm glad Brennan of course chose to just stick around and have a drink and say nothing.

Overall 10/10

Worst part: Booth proposing to Hannah and her telling him she's not the marrying type

Best part: Booth proposing to Hannah and her telling him she's not the marrying type.
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Bones: The Mastodon in the Room (2010)
Season 6, Episode 1
Ready for season 6!
29 April 2023
Hi Bones Booth pod!

This is my first time leaving a review for an episode but I've finally caught up on the podcast eps to do it!

Anyway jumping into the ep! I absolutely love that we get to see where the gang are during their time away and how each of them are going. Brennan talking about how she's only scared of snakes when Booth is around to be jumped on is pure gold!

Caroline calling everyone back, and then actually coming, is very telling on how far her relationship with the team has come!

The reunion between B&B is wonderful but also a little heartbreaking to see Brennan's face when Booth tells her he met someone. I always get this impression she wants to tell him how much she missed him and thought about them being together whilst she was away (or maybe I've read one too many fan fictions that have that happen 😂)

Anyway the case is a tough one, as all cases with young kids are, but it's nice the team are able to solve it and ultimately decide to come back and stay in DC and get the band back together again!

Bones' excitement over the Hodgela baby is great and overall this is a good ep to kick off season 6! As with basically every Bones ep I give this a 10/10!

I look forward to hearing what you guys think and for your thoughts on the season ahead! Bring on season 6!
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