
2 Reviews
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Magical tale of hope in the face of futility
2 August 2008
I saw this movie in Auckland New Zealand around 1980 and went to the cinema to see it 3+ times - taking all my friends with me. The third time the cinema owner came to the screening to announce that with this film his cinema had finally broken even in takings. It was a huge hit with the NZ art-house audience and is still one of my all-time favourite films that changed the way I saw movies and life.

I loved the magic mixed in with the ordinariness of the lives of the two middle-aged protagonists who found a new future by taking a risk on their own abilities. Poignant and with a gentle almost ironic humour you begin to want this easily fooled couple to win the game of life as it were. Watch it.
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A charming, fresh, British movie
14 November 2002
The beautifully framed opening scene of a break in the clouds signals the timely descent of a charming, fresh, British movie that explores a post-modern, upside-down version of angelic delights.

The two main characters are slackers looking for love and a life beyond work, football and serial affairs. Two angels are shipped from above to sort them out. But these are angels with a difference - one is an ex-dolphin and the other an ex-squirrel. Come on believe this, it's fun!

There's a fab, sexy swimming scene with the ex-dolphin (it works, well she's beautiful)and the ex-squirrel proves his worth too - he's a brave protector and warrior who crunches nuts with relish.

Of course because this is a rom-com there are hitches, but don't let that put you off, this is a great movie for a night in. In the 21st century, Offending Angels is a special experience, a movie with heart. Watch it and enjoy.
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