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Hacks (2002)
One of the most ballsy comedies in a long time!
23 February 2002
I dont normally write reviews of things 'cause i don't want to waste the time, but after reading the first review of this film, i HAD to write to defend this movie. i saw the movie at sundace film festival in january. ohmigod - i have never laughed so much in my life. i went away from this film blown away at the kinds of things being done on such small budgets. i know the budget from this site anbd cant believe it. Hacks was beautifully shot, expertly performed, brilliantly edited and f*cking hilarious. and in an extremely intelligent way. i read the first guy's review and freaked. i agree that auple of parts (only two VERY small ones) were a bit long, but c'mon!! the movie was so quick paced - and the jokes and perfomances so funny, the slow parts were a nice break! and to suggest that things were done 'in poor taste' - PLEASE! the movie is a parody. if you really GET the joke, you understand that the film was intended to make fun of the self-righteous morons that run show business - even on the lowest rung of the ladder. i thought the movie was f-ing brilliant. you can tell that the people who made this film were very smart, clever individuals who unedrstand that just because you employ certain comedy devices, it doesn't necessarily make it 'low brow' as slower people might lead you to believe. anyway, the movie rocked and deserves to be in every friggin theater in the country. the cast of Hacks are all going to be household names very soon. mark my words. if you can catch this movie anywhere near you - i urge you to do so. you've never seen anything like it and probably never will again (unless these guys make another movie).
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