
8 Reviews
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Grimsburg (2024– )
A new low standard
12 March 2024
I love Jon but this is an absolute disaster.

There is nothing funny here. The jokes are so atrociously bad. It's like you are at a party and that nervous socially awkward kid came up to you to regale you with cringey unfunny jokes for half hour. That's the kind of torture this is.

The plot is bad and seems more like an afterthought. The plot is nothing more than a vacuous background for all the unfunny humor.

Honestly all the script writers need to go. If Jon wrote some of the jokes, then Jon need to fire himself.

The only thing this series is good for is as a case study for how not to do animated sitcom. This abomination is unsalvageable.
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True Detective (2014– )
S4 is the Yawn Country
25 February 2024
Season 4 is an example of why murder mystery should mostly not be more than 120 mins long.

The entire story should have been compressed into a movie. Instead, they padded it out with inconsequential side plots for six episodes. And everyone seems to be sleeping with everyone else.

I was so bored going through this that by Episode 2 I was googling episode recap while watching it. I quit by Episode 4.

The payoff isn't worth it. At this point, I've already given up and just read online recap. It sounded so contrived.

If you like murder mystery check these instead Knives Out, Glass Onion, Murder Mystery, Devil, Flypaper.
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The Cursed (2021)
The cursed boring plot and editing
10 February 2024
This movie started well but quickly went downhill after the first 10 mins or so.

The first glaring problem with the movie is the editing. It's so jumpy. For example, someone would call for the doctor and immediately in the next frame the doctor arrives.

Then there's the plot holes. After the kid was bitten, everybody conveniently forgot who bit the kid. It must have been an animal? There's half a dozen people there who saw who did the biting for crying out loud.

The movie meanders from disconnected situations that doesn't add to the story. The story itself quickly devolves into a generic low budget monster movie. You barely see the monster. It's all a quick blur.

Ignore all the high ratings. Those 9 or 10 star ratings are scarier than the monsters in this movie. This is a solid 2 star effort.
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Astartes (2018– )
Tour de force of action animation
9 February 2024
This is close to flawless if you like action animation.

The animation itself is beautifully done. The marines are true to their design. The enemies are interesting.

The sound is superb. I can feel the heavy footsteps of the marines. I can feel the bullets tearing through the enemies.

But the piece de resistance is the action sequence itself.

The director perfectly chroreographed the action sequences. The action is fast, economical and brutal. It really sells the idea that the marines are fearsome, tactical fighting machines.

Furthermore the action is creative. There's more than a few setups where the action sequence is new to me and I didn't expect it to unfold that way. No copy paste action here. Just carefully thought out action.

As I was watching this, I wondered to myself why the big studios can't do something like this. I fell off my chair when I later learnt that this was done by one person.

This is a tour de force by one seriously talented director and animator.
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Black Noise (2023)
Lame action flick on a McD budget
4 February 2024
This is a low budget, badly written, badly directed movie.

You basically have 5 people walking around randomly pointing guns as if they are doing some tactical SWAT stuff. It's like nobody had any weapons training.

These cosplay SWAT fellas can't even climb over a gate. They need to wait for the techie to hack the console.

One moment the team is casually walking in and talking loudly. The very next minute, they decide to put on tactical gears and pull out their weapons and start doing recon. Absolutely deprived of logic.

Visually, this looks slightly better than those cheaply shot adult movies. And in all honesty, there's better script in those adult movies.

Don't waste your time on this.
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Still sick with that Disney disease
25 December 2023
This is yet another Disney type of show.

And by that I mean the same kinda uninspired stuff you expect post Avengers Endgame.

As it has been with Marvel shows post Endgame (with exception of WandaVision, Loki), this is just one big fat nothing burger written by ChatGPT.

It's another derivative plot that introduces nothing new except to pad up streaming catalogs. The story absolutely won't wow you cause it's written by ChatGPT. Let me take that back. ChatGPT would have written a better plot.

It really doesn't matter if you watch this or not. It's similar to those Saturday morning cartoon level of entertainment. You just put it on to distract your kids while you are doing the dishes.

The only question you'll have after watching this is "What if I have not wasted my time watching this?"
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
A new level of bad
21 December 2023
Man is the story bad. There is no logic or realism to the deaths. The victims all just die cartoony deaths.

The whole movie is a string of cartoony deaths and easy kills by the masked murderer. It's as if the writers thought of half a dozen death scenes and then try to figure out how to string them together as an afterthought.

The murderer has no real finesse or menace. The victims never really fight back. There is no tension or suspense. It's just wham here's another cartoony death scene. And wham here's another death scene.

This is a pale imitation of Scream. You'll be better off rewatching the first Scream rather than this very lazy attempt.
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Terrible story, bad fight sequences
19 November 2023
The story itself is terrible and filled with illogical situations e.g. The protagonist picked up a meteoroid that just dropped from the sky with bare hands. The story is full of gaffes like this. It's like they hired 5 year olds to write the script. You really have to suspend your disbelief to watch this show.

The worst sin is the fight sequences. They lack gravity and everyone looks like they are fighting on the moon. They are also unoriginal with elements copy pasted from other animations. You want fight scenes? Look at Samurai Champloo that came out 20 years ago.

The animation itself is beautiful. Everything else is terrible. This is the equivalent of sushi with barbeque sauce.

This fully deserved to be cancelled and I hope Netflix does.
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