
8 Reviews
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Bay of Fires (2023– )
27 July 2023
I was really looking forward to this series but when I found out it was filmed in Queenstown, the other side of Tasmania from the actual Bay of Fires (look it up, nothing to do with fires), it dulled my appetite a bit. The first episode was watchable despite the obvious plot flaws, and I made it half-way through the second episode before I started fading fast. Painting the locals as scheming, inhospitable but colourful characters seems lazy and hackneyed, and a tad too Americana for my taste. Adding the obvious potential love interest - the only rational person in town - is one-dimensional and clunky, and the dodgy real estate agent is too cliched for words. With all that talent, couldn't the series have been more original and tighter? It's a no from me. I'm gratified that the Apple Isle is attracting more filming activity, and the Tasmanian scenery is often touted as the real star of anything filmed in my home state but it needs support.
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Queen of Oz (2023)
So, two lesbian koalas walk into a bar. Ouch.
22 June 2023
Pleasantly surprised after the first episode, it's not as hackneyed or cringey as I expected. As a not easy to please viewer, I found a couple of laugh out loud bits and, compared to the other fare Auntie offers us currently, that's a decided plus. Also, any comedic material in the capable hands of Catherine Tate has a more than average chance of success. And, a good point made by another reviewer about not bingeing but going old school on the episodes - definitely recommended in this case. Let each episode percolate.

Now, to fill up the quota.

Klsenfcewvi euhr;aoimsfd alksdjnvlieruhtqowiecmaskd jnf.
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Designing a Legacy (2021 TV Movie)
...finely nuanced, gentle, compassionate...
14 June 2023
Tim Ross provides more than an architectural history - as well informed and compleate as that is - of Australia, he delivers a finely nuanced, gentle, compassionate and respectfully humorous social commentary on the development of all forms of housing. Often tongue-in-cheek, always entertaining, Ross effortlessly walks us through the growth of housing, social and private, and showcases the effects these paradigms have on the human soul. From one architectural tragic to another, I applaud this series and look forward to more episodes. The ABC seems to screen a lot of home-made content these days (a result of repetitive funding cuts?) and the quality has suffered considerably; Tim Ross's show exceeds all expectations and I for one am eternally grateful.
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Alone Australia (2023– )
It hurts!!!
9 June 2023
This is embarrassing; as a Tasmanian living not far from the area this was filmed in, I vacillate between incredulity and frustration watching this. From the foul-mouthed high school teacher swearing her head off to the Vietnam Vet losing it for 15 minutes because of the helicopter noise (Redgum, anyone?), this show represents Aussies as inept, foul-mouthed, self-absorbed and feeble - with the exception of Gina. Point in question, the contestant who caught himself in his own trap. Sigh.

And every second contestant has to acknowledge their connection to Land. Woke enough yet?

The producers' constant injection of contrived drama is laughable in a country where the most dangerous native inhabitant in winter is a leech.

No bears, wolves or pumas.

2 stars for the beautiful Tasmanian landscape.
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Alone: Frozen (2022– )
The invasive species.
9 June 2023
So there are a few issues with this show. Not calling it a reality show because it isn't. These people aren't expected to survive naked and unresourced with no opt-out device - that would be pretty real.

Sick of the heartfelt thanking directed to a dead animal, the life of which was sacrificed in the pursuit of financial gain. None of these people HAVE to be there, so don't dress up killing native animals (and starving their offspring) as an honourable, life sustaining act. Go home and eat a hamburger.

Over the proselytizing, personal justifications, getting in touch with one's roots (seriously?), the living in harmony with the land, the slow and inevitable mental and physical deterioration and unending efforts to cope with this self-imposed and totally needless challenge, driven by the desire for lots of money and to prove some personal ability, ably assisted by survival accoutrements and the ever-ready rescue teams. Seriously?
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Nothing to see, back away slowly...
1 June 2023
This is one of my favourite books and when the film came out I was appalled. Redford is 30 years too old for his character, Nolte is unintelligible, the story has needless changes, the emphasis is skewed, some standout bits are completely overlooked, the 'humour' is cringey and the whole thing is a hot mess. Sad that such a great read gets such poor treatment when it could have been a really funny film. Fail. Now to fill in the required amount of characters - asdfg hjkl;'z xcvbnm,./qwert yuiop1234 567890 AZSX DCFVGB GBHNJMK, L.;/' QAWSE DRFT GYHU JIKO LP;vbncmx, 123 456 789 0-= CDEWSX ZAQ RFV.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Uh? Where's the funny bits??
3 April 2023
I must be watching a different show from all these rave reviewers. Forced myself to watch S1 and didn't manage one laugh. Not. One. I'm even sick of seeing Ted's face front and centre on the Apple TV landing page. Over it. Mawkish, uninspired, forced, boring. No, this is not the comedy we need. I don't personally know anyone who watches it, no idea where all the 8s and 9s are coming from. Just so you guys know, a show CAN be kind AND funny. It's just not this show. I resent the time I wasted waiting for the fun to start. Embarrassing, trite, expected, awkward, pedestrian and just not funny. Seriously????
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Still waiting for the rating
28 January 2023
Watched the first episode because of the 9.3 rating. I've never heard of the comp game so judged the tv series on it's own merit. I've watched two episodes so far and just can't see 9.3, it's not ground breaking or novel in any way and I think the rating is way ott. It's quite predictable and expected in many ways and the acting isn't brilliant, just average. I'll keep watching and hopefully it will improve, as a TV series it has to stand by itself and not rely on adaptations or original format. I'm confused why so many people think it's brilliant with great character development. It's average, IMHO.
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