
5 Reviews
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Just not good and felt like it was trying way too hard.
10 June 2023
I just got back from seeing this movie and wasn't impressed at all. It's quite clear that there's a initiative to cast more non white people in movies. I don't really think that matters much as long as the movie AND acting is good. Sad to say the acting was just not good. It was like they just plucked a couple of peple off the street so they wouldn't have to pay them any significant amount of money. I'm going to come out and say it, "I groaned when the rap music began and the actors spoke in the inner city ghetto slang that Hollywood thinks all non white people speak in. The Transformers (robots) actually speak better English than the human cast. I thought that was hysterical. The female lead was portrayed as a highly intelligent woman who could read ancient and unknown hieroglyphics, but could speak proper English. What are we doing here? Are we trying to normalize poor speaking habits in our society? As for the plot, I found it the same as all the other Transformer movies. Something happens and the humans need to save the world with the Transformers help. Just skip it and wait for it to come on Netflix.
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Not too bad at all
7 October 2022
I just got back from seeing this movie and it really wasn't that bad at all. I've never seen any of the actors in any other movies so I wasn't expecting much, but all in all I wasn't angry walking out. The story was O. K. and the demon itself was a bit of a plus. If you've like movies like Insidious or other movies dealing with ghosts or demons then you won't be dissapointed. In my opinion the best performances were by the brother characters Ben and Wolf. If you've already seen Barbarian and Smile then this is a movie you may want to go see. All I can say that it has to be better than the movie Bros, which I didn't see.
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Solid Science Fiction Movie
16 August 2022
I'm not sure where all the negative reviews are coming from. The story was solid, the acting was good, and the visuals were good. What more can you ask for?
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Project X (2012)
12 May 2022
As a middle aged man I think this movie was a lot of fun. I saw it in a late night showing at the local theater and all the kids loved it. Could very well be one of my best movie experiences ever along with Superbad.
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I Am Legend (2007)
Boring... Boring..Boring...
21 December 2007
It is very sad that every movie Will Smith stars in is more than 50% self centered. It pretty much ruins the movies. He should stick to comedies or athletic roles, because me or anyone else believing that someone could spend so much time on their appearance then the other half of his life on solving a world epidemic is just so ridiculous. Depression would of set in after a couple of months let alone three years. I can't see anyone going that extra mile to groom themselves so properly if there was no one else alive to see it. Almost like the saying if a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a noise? All in all, just some very poor acting and casting.
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