
4 Reviews
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Poor Things (2023)
An extraordinarilly fantastic plot! ...But with an disapointing second half
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is fantastic in a lot of ways, i'd go as far as saying the first 20 minutes of the movie is some of the most well constructed in film of all time!

The overall concept and plot of the film is very interesting and have a lot of ways it could be done and i think this film does a decent job of doing just that.

I mean, the cinematography is probably the best i've seen in a full length film ever, it's done so well even Wes Anderson should take notes!! That together with the totally awesome costume design and steampunk setting the film is some of the most visually appealing i can think of. And the choice to make the first 30min~ or so in black and white both sets the tone of the film perfectly and makes the colors feel so much more vibrant and alive when Bella eventually leaves her habitat (which can be interpreted as a beautiful metaphor).

So the visuals are a clear 11/10 and the acting is also a clear 10/10 but to be honest the movie lost me in the second half, about the time when Bella became a prostitute, my main problem is that the film focuses way too much on sex when there's so many more interesting ways they could've gone with the wonderful character of Bella. If the movie had focused more of lets say her interest in science and surgeries like we see in the end of the film i think it would be more interesting. Although the ending of the film is great and i would recommend this movie to most people.
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Most moving film i've seen in a long time
1 March 2024
This movie is gutwrenching, beautiful, tragic, hopeful, pessimistic, optimistic and funny at times.

This is in my eyes one of the best swedish films i've seen in a good while and by far the most beautiful i can think of.

This movie made me speechless for almost an hour after seeing it, it singlehandedly made me rethink how i see documentaries. It made me fear getting older and the concept of aging in an important matter.

The overall beauty of this film is not just because of the lovely characters and heartwarming nostalgia but also the incredible camerawork, colorgrading and music the film uses.

I think most people should watch this film just to experience the struggle of aging and losing spark.
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So underrated you can't believe it
8 October 2023
This film is so charming, i've watched it two times now and i find it a bit hard to understand why no one ever talks about this movie. It's as much a movie about a couple of young guys hanging out as a drama about blood, sweat and tears.

I did'nt expect much going into this movie but i got out with so much more than i would ever expect from a film about longboarding.

But i get it, this is probably not for everyone but i would have no problem seeing this become a cult classic in the future. The cameras, music, editing and overall feeling it creates is unique and all the people are so very loveable. Overall, good job!
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UFO Sweden (2022)
Best Swedish movie i can think of!
26 December 2022
I have been looking forward to see this movie for a long time now and i expected a decent feel good experience, but this was SO MUCH better than i expected! The whole storyline is amazing and you never feel bored watching it, you get hooked by the first minute! The actors are AMAZING, i can't think of a bad actor in the whole movie and the characters are likeable and feels like real people.

The soundtrack is also something that makes the movie so great, it always has a special feel to it and it makes every scene stand out with it's own personalized feeling. And the vfx are great, i've never seen a Swedish production with this good vfx!

All and all i can't think of a better Swedish movie than this, i absolutely love it and think everyone should take the time to see it!
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