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Saw a screening of this in Boston tonight!
25 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Best Worst Movie" is a very well done film and lives up to its hype. Nearly every actor from "Troll 2" makes an appearance, minus Deborah Reed, Troll 2's vegetarian villain from hell. But Michael Stephenson was there to answer questions and he said that she is in the DVD extras. If you had to say there's a "star" of the documentary would have to be the extremely likable Dr. George Hardy who played the role of the father in Troll 2. We were fortunate enough to also be graced by his presence at the screening as he too took questions from the audience. He was a great choice as the primary focus of the documentary. He comes off as very genuine as the sheltered Alabama Dentist he is today embracing the cult film hero he has become.

One thing I was surprised about was the movie doesn't show a lot of the "key" footage from Troll 2 that makes it so awfully great. For instance the infamous "Oh my gaaaaawwwwd!!!!" line wasn't featured or even mentioned once, yet the actor who plays that character, Darren Ewing, is featured in the documentary quite often. My guess is that maybe Stephenson thinks most of the documentary viewers haven't seen Troll 2 yet but will after the documentary's release and doesn't want the Troll 2 viewing experience completely spoiled. The scenes with Troll 2 director Claudio Fragasso are priceless. Still directing 20 years later and coming to terms that he has made one of the worst films ever. The man's got quite a chip on his shoulder to say the least and almost every minute of screen time he gets is a riot.

Overall, the documentary is very funny. Catching up with Robert Ormsby (haz-ah! Granda Seth is still alive!) was surprisingly a light-hearted scene, but easily could have been edited to come off as sad or depressing. However, when they find Margo Prey, better known as Joshua's mother in Troll 2, is slightly terrifying. There is no doubt the lady has some "complicated" issues in present day, but if you've seen Troll 2 does that really come as a surprise?. Still, Michael Stephenson was able to keep those scenes from being overtly sappy or gut-wrenching and thus prevents killing the pacing or overall theme of the film. Stephenson has really proved himself to be a good filmmaker with a lot potential. I highly recommend this film to all, even if you haven't seen Troll 2. There is mention of Claudio Fragasso's next film project that's in development at the end of the documentary: Troll 2, Part 2. Seriously. The theater roared and applauded at this notion which most assumed was a joke, but Stephenson and Hardy confirmed that it is being written but remained tight lipped beyond that. Even if it comes out as another "Lost Boys 2" I will be seeing it for sure. If you enjoy documentaries such as "King of Kong: Fist Full of Quarters" then you will love Best Worst Movie.
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