
2 Reviews
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Kolobok (2017)
A beautiful masterpiece
25 February 2023
Before stumbling upon this motion picture delivered by god himself, I was at rock bottom. I was dead broke, my wife left me and took the kids, I had no food, everything I owned was being repossessed, and worst of all, a raccoon wanted a bunch of bells from me. I remember the night like it was yesterday. It was a long, rainy, and depressing night. I was trudging down the streets, when I noticed a strange man in a trench coat and hat. He gave me a card with a link to a video that would change my life. Knowing that I had only a short period of time to watch this before they repossessed my laptop, I quickly rushed to my run-down apartment to watch the video, and when I did, I was enlightened. During that short amount of time, I learned about how the world was made, how to succeed in life, and the purpose of life itself. After that, I found a briefcase full of money, my wife came back to me, I bought a bunch of food, the repo men told me that they made a mistake and gave everything I owned back to me, and the raccoon got assassinated. I look up to the creator of this film and see an angel who found me at my lowest and enlightened me to go on a path of success Thank you.
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Chernobyl (2019)
A horror movie which gets scarier when you realize it's real
18 December 2022
As someone who was born in Minsk, some of my relatives lived through the events of Chernobyl. I am extremely intrigued with this subject, and this film portraits the effect Chernobyl had on the USSR. This series has everything. Perfect acting. Particle affects. Beautiful filming. Shows how the Soviet union's lies cost lives. One thing I wish this had was an option for a Russian voiceover, sort of like how prey had an option to listen to it in the language Naru spoke (I forgot what it was called), but beggars can't be choosers. This is a perfect series in my opinion. Anyone who hasn't watched it should.
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