
12 Reviews
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just loved it, but you will need Kleenex, lots of it.
30 May 2005
Want a movie well acted, with good moral values? well here it is... loved the book and love the show. Mr. Holmoka was great as Uncle Chris. and even the kids were well acted. It is the story like i have heard it from a vanishing group of people. who came here through Ellis island etc. legally, worked hard for their kids to get ahead, learn English and compete with the the best, and be the best. The son is to be a dr., they scrimp and save for everything. They don't buy until they can afford it, and they sacrifice one thing to buy another. Like papa giving up tobacco so that Nels can have the money to go to high school. the sisters will babysit to contribute for his books and clothes etc. Sacrifice, thrift, frugal living for the good of the whole family. Something we have been losing for last few generations. and they are strong and cheerful throughout. even in times of crisis. If you love a good tale, watch this one, then go on and read the book. You will end up loving this whole family.....
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a beautifully filmed movie.
9 May 2005
This movie was made in Hungary i think. anyway,the countryside is gorgeous,the people who play the farming folks were totally fascinating. their horsemanship is awesome. I got more into the native people, the farm life, and how heroic they were trying to hide Brady from the evil Nazis who where looking for these parachutists. They even sacrificed their life in several instances. the young orphan lad that Brady befriends was a sweet kid. you will marvel at the riding i think, and the action of trying to evade the Nazis. it is entertaining and comic in some spots and very tragic in others. Ladies have hankies handy, as you will be devastated at the end. i own it, and have watched it several times. in other words, not just a one time around flick. its a keeper....
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Barbara (1995–2003)
we liked it,but we're american,so who knows....
29 February 2004
didn't see one with a dead body, but loved the episode where they bricked up her doorway. a good example of someone causing themselves the most harm. we are flying in the face of the other reviewers,but we enjoyed the show. we also like fine romance,are you being served,as time goes by, and one foot in the grave. wish more of our american comedy was as much developed and fun.....I have always like the dry British wit. Barbara reminds me of so folks I actually know, that is why it is even more fun. I didn't find it "predictable,and trite" I found it very down to earth. It may not have been good enough for more than 2 seasons, but it was fun to watch anyway.
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26 March 2002
WOW is what I say for a start. A great tale of how our world lives and dies in cycles. Won't spoil this great tale by commenting on the life cycles that occur in it. Suffice to say that the end will make you either stand up and say "Oh my God" or it will just give you chills. I would never consider watching it in a dub either, I think it would lose some of it's Impact.... Check out this flic, it will help you to understand in a small bit of the conflicts in the Balkan's too....
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Shaka Zulu (1986)
Henry Cele was great.
17 February 2002
It seems that the best actors were the tribesmen, done on location, and very graphic on the gore. Could tell right away that this wasn't American Television. The Aussie's and New Zelanders, definately make better mini-series than we do.
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Sacred Ground (1983)
beautifully filmed
17 February 2002
Story based in fact of a mountain man and his indian woman, who accidentally violate sacred burial mountain of the Piute's, the ensuing battle, and eventual truce after quite a few lost lives. A white man who CARES that he had encroached on these peoples sacred land, and would have liked to have just gotten off and gone away, but unfortunately doesn't get to. Very beautiful scenery shots of the Rocky mountains and some pretty nice music, make up for some of the acting. Along the lines of Grizzly Adams, Sellier does a good job on probably a rather tight budget. I enjoy rewatching this from time to time. Even if it is a bit of a dated piece.
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found this an entertaining story
15 February 2002
Along the lines of Miss Jane Pittman, even has Cicily, I stayed involved all the way through, enjoyed it enough to buy a copy so that I could view it without commercials. Donald is a brute, the widow deserves all the bonuses that she got, in the end. a good tale. easier to stay with that the book.
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Tenko Reunion (1985 TV Movie)
I loved this series
15 February 2002
A very gritty, gutsy portrayal of a part of world war 2 history, that most of us in the U.S. had/have no idea ever occurred. I would love to have this on video. It only was shown on t.v. one time as far as I know, back in 89or 90. I have asked around for this movie, and most video stores don't even know about it. Great actresses all around, Wish that I could see it again. Top notch series.
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great players all....
15 February 2002
the late actor who plays the Major-General and the late Tony Azito who is the captain of the constables, were just part of this great cast, this is a great tribute to two men who died so tragically. Can't think of a better venue to showcase all of these actors/actresses and singers all.
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a fantastic movie
15 February 2002
very well done, realistic and believable,filmed in Africa,Oscar pulls out the stops. more graphic than I usually watch, but is a very worthwhile movie. Its a shame that more people don't know about this movie...better than the fodder that gets fed to the viewing public nowadays as an action flick. AWESOME.....
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Raymond does okay,
15 February 2002
You find yourself comparing them to Basil and Nigel, but it is worth a watch, if you can find it. Wish he had done some more. I think with a few more episodes he might have caught on. It is a worthy addition to the assorted folks who have portrayed mr. Sherlock.
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I Liked this series.
13 February 2002
This work kept me interested throughout, especilly enjoyed the photography and the insights into the Indian culture. Tim was totally evil and the girl was wimpy, but people are that way!!!! Sometimes your heroes aren't all that heroic, You don't have to love and hate every character in the show. If any fault at all, the characters could have been even more developed than this mini-series did them, and there could have been more explaination of some of the traditions of the Indian people. (like the Sutee scene.) Over all I enjoyed this series and rewatch and pick up new things every couple of years.
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