
8 Reviews
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Beowulf (2007)
As a fan of cgi...
28 March 2008
I was unimpressed with this attempt at utilizing new technology to tell an old Norse tale. This movie started out great, it looked good, was amazing use of new technology. Then I opened my eyes, and realized that this wasn't really Beowulf at all, this was some sort of bad imitation of the amazing book. I have to if studios would use their brain, they would realize that debuting this technology in a full feature length movie, of not just a complex story but an amazingly complex NORSE TALE, was one of the worst ideas that could have been conceived. The movie itself was satisfactory, but if you ever read Beowulf, you would most certainly be with me in my thoughts that this movie did not bring the book justice.
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Waking Life (2001)
Amazing "thinking movie"
28 March 2008
Along the same lines as a scanner darkly, however this time you are in a surreal dream, where all of your questions will be thought about and hopefully answered or at least clarified. The idea of this movie is not to "wow" the audience with special effects or a glamorous witty character. This movie gets right down to the nitty gritty of thinking. It portrays a teenage boy who travels throughout the expanses of his mind thinking and answering his own questions. These questions are posed by himself, and answered by many people that he has either met, thought about, or created. These men/women range from friends to professors. The questions range from why are we here, what is keeping us, to what the media has done, and is our government really the best.

Some say this movie is boring, others say that it is amazing. Really I can't tell you either way, you will either hate it or find it one of the best movies to stimulate your neurons. However, what I can tell you, is that you and everyone else should at least watch this movie, whether it be for the revolutionary roto scoping, or for the questions that bore holes in your mind everyday.
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Con Air (1997)
Seen a lot of movies, but nothing quite like this
28 March 2008
Hands down one of my favorite movies, that doesn't make me think but has enough action and plot to keep me watching, and watching.

Not one of Nicolas Cage's best performances, but he is the same actor in almost everyone movie he is in, his voice never changes, and neither do his expressions. However, he is nonetheless one of the main, and key characters in this action flick.

John Cusack, actually, one of John's best acting performances, really I haven't seen a great John Cusack movie ever, however, with these set of actors he actually puts on a very suspenseful drama induced part, of an FBI agent.

Steve Buscemi, he adds to the motley crew of killers and rapists that all happen to be on this airplane. He is in fact a very smart and intellectual killer, but he is said to be psychotic.

What makes this movie so great is its simplicity, yet complexity. It's a very simple theme, however, the cast of characters that were casted for this movie is just so diverse that it makes this simplistic theme a drama ridden tale.

After watching this movie you sadly won't be any smarter, or no anything more about the world. However, you will be throughly amused and delighted. Unlike many of the great "thinking" movies of the last decade, this movie plays on it's use of great acting, and average story to produce a wonderful, and likable movie.
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Lucky You (2007)
I'm going to have to say, great movie
25 March 2008
A little boring in the beginning, but the movie picked up very fast. It was absolutely amazing by the middle the amount that one man will go through to try and live his thought to be dream is amazing. He goes through a lot of serious bumps in the road to try and find his life. It's a really great story of one man trying to sort out his life, and try and live up to what his dad wants him to be, while trying to win the heart of a girl. It's quite a sad story, yet a story that needs to be told, it's really not just about the turn of the cards like many other poker movies, including but not limited to "Deal." This is o so much more than just another poker movie, this is a movie about what one man will do, in life, to try find himself.
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Half Nelson (2006)
Heart wrentching tale of one man trying to just live life
25 March 2008
Another movie about a man that tries to overcome his vices and better himself, despite the lack of love from his parents, and the lack of close friends. However, he finds help from some unsuspecting character, that helps him to overcome his vice. This movie will help to make you understand just how lucky you might be, and how worth life is worth living, no matter how bad it gets, it can always be worse.

The acting in this movie is absolutely amazing, even though there aren't any named actors in this, the actors that were selected for this movie, are absolutely wonderful. The storyline is alike to a few other great movies, as in its a tale of one man trying to overcome his vices, and life what society deems a "normal" life.
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Pineapple (2008)
Very intriguing look into the life of a seemingly "normal" man
25 March 2008
The story line of this movie is absolutely amazing, the only aspect that really draws from this movie is the acting. The acting is sub par, probably because it doesn't have any named actors, and no real rising stars. This movie really makes you think about what boarders and limits you are unwillingly to cross in your "normal" life. And to what extents a "normal" man will dip into that world of darkness and debauchery. This movie is a another look into the underground drug world, so if you didn't like loaded, and train spotting then you probably won't care for this. However, if you can expand your mind you will see the inner thoughts of two differing human beings, and what brings them together. This movie will change your thoughts about life, through the downward spiral of this poor mans life, who goes from everything to absolutely nothing in the matter of a few short weeks.
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Absolutely riveting !
25 March 2008
Some like to say this is a typical cult movie, but I have to say that there is a lot more to this movie that most people don't realize until after many views. A lot of people in this current age don't like to realize that this kind of a movie can be our future. The script for this movie is absolutely amazing, there are sections of the movie where the sole purpose is to make you think about life, and what our purpose in it is. Then there are other parts that build the underlying storyline of the movie, that allow the characters to show their real selfs. I would have to argue that this might be Robert Downey's best movie, considering his other movies were just sub par, Keanu Reeves makes another great "thinking" movie, with this. The animation, in my opinion, is perfect, they used a technique called rotoscoping, to apply animation over top of actual film work, which adds an abstract and surreal feeling to the movie, which is exactly what this movie is, an abstract representation of life and the meaning of it.
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Smokin' Aces (2006)
Buddy "aces" Israel is a small time Vegas showman, however, when he lands himself friends in the mafia his life starts to change. He becomes a leader of the syndicate.
3 July 2007
I agree with the above critique to some degree, it did have an excessive amount of unneeded violence. However, the plot in my opinion was very good and kept the viewer on their toes. The entire movie seemed very simplistic until the end where unexpected twists begun to unwind. The end of the movie is very compelling and it lets you see right into the heart of the FBI agent. It also lets you see into the real nature of the characters involved. However, I can see where the changing in moods and style throughout the movie can aggravate some people. The movie has a very unique way of killing off characters that should have important roles, and the movie lets you see into those characters lives and then all of a sudden they vanish and never re appear in the movie.. Overall, I thought this movie was very good, in the way that it approached the ending of the movie and never gave it away. It was a true action based twist.
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