
1 Review
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This is a time capsule.
9 February 2002
A Certain Sacrifice is a basement film, or more accurately a guest room film. As the person who convinced S. Lewicki to finish this film I must stand up for it. This film has a small, but hard core, cult following because it is genuine and unvarnished. The technical quality may be non-standard in some spots, but the film itself is a true time capsule of New York in the late 1970's.

The actors were responsible for their own words. The camera work was dynamic and free flowing. The grim and gritty nature of this movie will stand the test of time as a testimony to all film makers that reality can be captured…that even the `home producer' has a chance to get his work seen by an international audience if the conditions are right.

This film is a "Blair Witch" cinema verite style revenge drama that may disappoint those who look for slick production values, but there are few films that can match it for its raw and natural portrayal of New York before it became a cleaned-up mega mall.
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