
2 Reviews
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A delightful romp
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a blast! A full redemption of a movie I pretend never existed. The characterization is strong - I actually give a rat's ass (ha!) about every character. The cinematography is fun, dynamic, and creative. The cast is stacked with A-listers who know their roles. The tone is delightfully self-aware and tongue-in-cheek and does not take itself too seriously.

The thing I loved most about this movie was the opening sequence where we see our first team of hopefuls get absolutely slaughtered. It takes your guard down and lets you approach the main team with no expectations. Every character has some sort of arc, even if it's silly (Nanaue is the best boi).

There are so many great shots! The Pacemaker vs. Flag fight has the coolest shot in the movie, followed by parts of Harley's hallway escape sequence.

This movie is **hilarious.** The jokes are well-timed and character-driven and everything is well-paced overall.

I also personally love that rats save the day in the end. I am a rat lover and it's fantastic to see some good PR for my beloved rodents.
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Swarm (2023)
One day binge worthy
18 March 2023
This show did none of the things I expected it to. A fantastic character study with captivating performances and cinematography, and creative sound design. The pacing was a perfect mix of exciting and artistic violence with periods of contemplation.

While I'm not up to date on all the Beyonce drama, I thought this was an engaging look at obsession and the extremes it can be pushed to.

I really love Glover's touch with the camera. He's not afraid of long still shots and extreme closeups, and there's never a boring shot. And I cannot praise the sound design and soundtrack enough. The buzzing bees and ominous stingers (no pun intended) when Dre's psyche are tested add so much suspense and reminded me of Candyman in the best way.
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