
3 Reviews
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The Ghoul (2016)
I love, I love, I love!!
8 October 2023
I'm autistic and my special interest is Tom Meeten and this is the first movie I've ever seen him play a lead role in. This movie will, from now until forever, hold a very very special place in my heart. If I could keep this movie in a tiny heart shaped locket I would.

I found it beautiful from start to end. It follows a homocide (I absolutely butchered that spelling) detective who pretty much thinks his therapist is killing people (from my understanding, take this VERY lightly, I've reviewed this for fun)

Yet I was quite heartbroken at the end for some reason?? I don't know why it just broke me.
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Intruder (2021)
Well disappointing.
5 October 2023
I'm neurodivergent and my special interest is Tom Meeten (as well as other comedians) and I was absolutely delighted to finally watch this but then when I got round to it I was super disappointed. I didn't understand anything of this. The plot was just so bad, I couldn't explain it if I tried.

As I said, this was a total let down for me as a massive Tom Meeten fan and yet this show really really makes me want to scream and peel each individual layer of my skin then take out my eyes and cut off my ears.

I love you Tom but this was awful.

(Writing isn't my strong point, please don't come at me.
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I, imo, loved this x
10 September 2023
I absolutely LOVED THIS!! I'm a neurodivergent teen, making it hard for me to pay attention and It can take me weeks to watch a full movie, and this is one of the very few films I've watched in one sitting!!

Me being who I am, usually makes me find the unfunny, well, funny, and there's a lot of movies that are supposed to be serious or are poorly done I find hilarious. I think if you're apart of genZ and have poor humour, you'd enjoy this film like me and my sister (I'd also recommend watching this with someone so you can mock/add commentary to the film.)

Imo, this has to be my FAVOURITE movie that Tom Meeten has been in, I was excited to watch this because I've enjoyed him in many other movies or shows and this didn't disappoint me.

But then again, I am just a neurodivergent teen writing a review just for fun, so listen to the many other reviews that there are.

I also apologise if this is written very poorly, I wrote this at night plus I'm not a good writer at all.
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