
27 Reviews
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Rake (2014)
Dear Anerican friends
1 June 2024
First off let me clarify, the original Aussie Rake is one of my top 10 shows of all time. I haven't yet seen the U. S version as can't seem to get hold of it here in the UK, but will judge it on its own merit and not compare it to the original when I do find it. So, even though I'm yet to see it I feel compelled to make a comment purely based on some of the frustrating comments on here about the original and in particular the main characters behaviour and questions about why call it Rake? First off, you need to understand the meaning of the word Rake. In a historical context, a rake (short for rakehell, analogous to "hellraiser") was a man who was habituated to immoral conduct, particularly womanizing. A rake wastes his money on gambling, wine, women, and song, incurring huge debts in the process. Now, anyone who's seen the original please tell me that Richard Roxburgh captures this perfectly. I like Greg Kinnear a lot and look forward to seeing what he brings to the character, but for me there will only ever be one Clever Greene, and he has an Aussie accent.
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Argylle (2024)
What don't people get here
19 April 2024
I really don't understand the poor reviews here? All I can say is all those who complain about it being cringeworthy, OTT, silly, unrealistic etc etc just DON'T GET THAT ITS SUPPOSED TO BE!! These are probably the same people who marvel at the Marvel films (like they ARE realistic aren't they). I thought this film was tremendous fun and both my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I've scored this a 10 only to make up for the totally unfair low scores on here, and would actually say its a solid 8.

Yes, it borrows ideas from lots of different movies, but then takes them to the next level. The cast clearly had a lot of fun making it and are all great, particularly the two leads (Howard and Rockwell).

The soundtrack by the way is also fantastic.

Ignore the poor reviews, suspend belief, forget all your troubles for a couple of hours and sit back and enjoy.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Good but not great
22 February 2024
This is a good film, but it isn't a great film. Yes, the performances are very good, particularly from Emily Blunt and Robert Downey Jr, but the story is a little confusing, jumping around between different timelines and isn't helped by some of the actors mumbling to an extent when it's very hard to make out exactly what they are saying.

The movie does however manage to portray the moral dilemma Oppenheimer must have surely felt, particularly after the nasty old government actually had thecaudacity to use the bomb he'd helped develop, killing hundreds of thousands of people.

There are some great scenes intertwined within the 3hr run time, but for me these are too infrequent to rescue it completely, and what's left are long periods where nothing much happens.

Worth a watch for sure, technically brilliant yes, but for me tries to be a bit too clever for its own good.
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Interesting but soooo sloooow
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this so much. I thought the first half of episode 1 was great and really drew me in. The characters were interesting and there is clearly a compelling back story involving the hunt for both a serial killer and his unidentified victims. So far so good. However, from then on everything just slows down, and I mean right down. There are lots of flashbacks that just go over the same thing again and again, and even in the present the pacing us pedestrian at best. I found myself wanted to scream at the screen for them just to get on with it. This could very easily have been done within a 2 hour movie. Underneath it all is the all too often covered story of the dangers that AI pose for the human race if left unchecked.

One good thing about it is the sound track, with loads of great songs from a number of eras so something for everyone.
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Hijack (2023)
Too many unanswered questions and plot holes
13 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong, this is pretty tense and at times will have you on the edge of your seat, right up until the end when the wheels come off a bit, literally. It all seems to be wrapped up far too quickly, as if the original plan was to have another concluding episode that ties up some loose ends and fleshes out some more details about the organisation behind the hijack, but then they ran out of money or something.

Plot hole number 1- the ringleaders when held up by an unexpected road block, turned off their intended route and drove through farmland on tracks, all the while being monitored by a drone. They end up under cover in some woods before reappearing. Surprise surprise, when eventually cornered they had switched and it wasn't them. When in the woods out of sight they changed vehicles and switched places with a couple of other guys. But wait a minute, they weren't even supposed to have gone that way in the first place, and only did so because of the blocked road.

Plot hole 2 - a passenger shot the pilot in the head and locked herself in the cockpit, all apparently because 'they' had her daughter and said they would kill her if she didn't do as they said. At the end she called her daughter to say she was coming home. So she wasn't kidnapped then? Surely, if you're going to shoot somebody in the head and then crash a plane all because you wanted to save your daughter you'd want to see some proof that she actually was being held wouldn't you?

Plot hole 3 - the guy who apparent set up 'the deal', where did he come from and why was he even on the plane? He wouldn't have had to be on the plane to have set up 'the deal' as this would have been done far in advance of the hijack, at the planning stage. He was obviously written in so that he would be confused with the actual 'beardy baddie', who remained on the plane to set up a final showdown with our Idris, which was both unnecessary and a big let down. Also what exactly was 'the deal', it isn't clear.

Plot hole 4 - who actually were the two 'most dangerous criminals' released from prison on demand from the hijackers? They had clearly been locked up for some time and yet were apparently able to concoct and coordinate a massive, multi national plan involving many people being held to ransom and killed in a number of countries, all from the comfort of their prison cells. Really?

Plot hole 5 - where did the 'cleaners' come from who went round to Idris's flat. The whole Idris situation was not planned for, so we are to believe that this gang had spare assassins just sitting around doing nothing and ready to go anywhere at the drop of a hat. They even had a couple in the Middle East 'cleaning' up the crooked security lady at the airport and her family, killers all over the place clearly.

Plot hole 6 - how was the hijack financed, it would have cost an arm and a leg. Also who was financing it? The whole thing was apparently being done to make the airline company share price crash, which they had bet on to make money because apparently they 'had people to pay', suggesting they had little money themselves.

Plot hole 7 - who was the smarmy guy who handed the Home Secretary the demands letter, and what happened to him?

I could go on, there are loads of holes in the plot, and a lot of loose ends that are just left hanging. It's as if the writers had this big idea of a huge, powerful, ruthless multi national criminal organisation behind it all, akin to SPECTRE, but just couldn't be bothered to flesh out what would be needed for such a thing. They were apparently so dangerous and powerful that the mother of two of the hijackers said they knew and saw everything and threw herself in front of oncoming motorway traffic rather than face what they would do to her. And we are supposed to believe this has all been masterminded from within a prison cell by a couple of lags? Come on, give the audience some credit.

Overall, a very lazy production all round. You have been warned.
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There's a message here
1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't think the reviewers who either didn't get or didn't like the ending missed the point. Like many people these days, the girl was more worried about watching her favourite TV show than the mayhem and destruction that was going on around her. She was only finally happy when she found the DVD stash and she could sit down and watch them. The father, when begging Kevin Bacon's character, admitted that he was rubbish at everything, couldn't do anything of any significance when faced with the crisis in front of him, again like many people these days who'd rather sit back and let others take the strain. As long as we can order our Just Eat or Deliveroos whenever we want, whilst binging hours of TV we are happy.

That is what the underlying message is here. As a society we cannot function if our phones don't work. We are becoming totally reliant on technology to sort everything out for us. Take that away and we are lost, and panic sets in. Anyone with teenagers can testify to that when the WiFi goes down even for a little while!

I think the movie gets this across pretty well. The cast are all decent, if not outstanding, and the story ticks along at a good pace, despite some reviewers comments.

This is NOT an all action apocalypse disaster movie, and doesn't profess to be. It is however a fairly decent piece of social commentary and we really should wake up and see how we are sleep walking straight into future issues with our eyes wide open. Now that is the real disaster waiting to happen.
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Bad Boys (1983)
26 January 2024
I first saw this in the 80s when I was a similar age to the characters and was totally blown away. After the best part of 4p years I finally got round to watching it again, thinking that it wasn't going to be as good as I remembered. How wrong I was, it was way better.

Yes it's dated, but underneath its a stunning, brutal movie. You can see that Penn is still honing his craft, but the pitential can already be seen.

The movie is let down down a little at times by a weak screenplay, but the action scenes are brutally well done.

This movie is violent, but is in no way gratuitous. The violence is needed to show the lives that these boys lead and the environment in which they find themselves.

Give it a go.
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10 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I must be one of many of the millions of people who, having seen this drama, are angry, nay livid! Livid that the real criminals in this diabolical tale have still not only been prosecuted, but are living a life of luxury from the £millions they received of tax payers money in salaries and bonuses for not only being incompetent, but downright dishonest and evil.

Now that's off my chest, about the drama. This is without doubt one of the finest pieces of television ever made. The casting, acting, script, soundtrack are all spot on. Yes, Toby Jones is, as ever, excellent, but the real star of the show is Monica Dolan, with what is one of the finest performances I've ever seen. I was in tears at the end when her character was cleared of all charges. If she doesn't win a BAFTA for that performance then it will be almost as big a miscarriage of justice as the Horizon scandal this series captures so well.

This TV show has actually forced a government to introduce a new law to, on mass, exonerate every single one of the sub-postmaster and mistresses to have their convictions quashed, such is the scale of this miscarriage of justice. This is absolutely unprecedented and testament to the strength of feeling this show has galvanised.

Even if you've been living on Mars and have no idea what this is about, watch it, you will be gripped and I guarantee will have to binge watch it like I did.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Pretty good
21 December 2023
Don't understand all the negative comments about this? Yes, there are some minor plot holes here and there, but nothing glaringly silly. It's not meant, nor is trying, to be a super serious, realistic espionage thriller. It's a well paced popcorn action series that let's you switch off and enjoy the ride for an hour or so per episode, and it does this pretty well.

The lead characters are likeable and the acting throughout is good from the whole cast.

The storyline keeps you engaged throughout and the pacing is good, never spending too long on action sequences, and has enough twists and rurns to keep you guessing. Yes, the assassins all of a sudden couldn't hit a barn door or fight their way out of a paper bag when confronting our heroes, but hey you can say this about every other program in this genre couldn't you?

If you want something to put on and switch off for a while then you could do much worse than this. Give it a go.
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Don't understand the reviews
16 December 2023
I really don't get the negativity some of the reviewers have for this. Yes, it isn't going to win any awards, nor does it give us anything we haven't seen before, but it actually isn't that bad a movie.

It is based on the captains journal as written in Bram Stokers Dracula, where the final voyage aboard the ship Demeter is documented.

It's very well shot actually, and really captures the dark atmosphere aboard the ship. Yes, the sailors actions are stupid, but I guess the same can be said for every horror movie ever made, were people split up to go search alone, or decide to fight vampires at night rather than during the day etc!

The special effects and make up are actually very good, and the creature is pretty well done.

Some of the criticisms made are unfounded, such as comments that the creatures lair is locked when they find it so how did it get out? It literally shows you the mechanism used to open and close it in the movie.

This is the perfect film to settle down to on a cold wintry night, with the lights turned down low and a nice wee dram to sip on.

It is a little longer than it needed to be, but these days what film isn't?

Don't listen the very low scoring reviews, it isn't that bad, and if you like gothic horror and vampires in particular it's worth a watch.
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Indy Forever
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't as mediocre a film as the IMDB rating would have you believe. I really don't know what people were expecting from the last Indiana Jones movie, given that the man is now around 80 years old (both Indy and Ford). The first half hour, with the CGI aged reduced Indy, is actually really well done and harps back to the fast paced, over the top derring do action sequences of the original films. OK, so far so good. Then when we fast forward to the current, old aged Indy, now in the 1960's, when for me the film really takes off properly. Here we see a much more vulnerable Indy, where he's way out of his comfort zone. He's outdated, unimportant, invisible, tired, and he knows it. The World he now lives in is more interested in rock and roll, space travel and man landing on the moon, not ancient history and artefacts of the past. Not history of the past, but history actually in the making. All of a sudden, the dashing hero of the 1930's, the man museums turn to to obtain rare artefacts, is obsolete, lonely and living in a world he neither understands nor can keep up with. It's not the years, its the mileage!

But never fear, there's always those pesky Nazis lurking somewhere plotting to conquer the world, and they need stopping. This time it's an artefact that will allow time travel, when they can go back to the beginning of the 2nd world war and make some 'tweaks' here and there that will allow them to win, thus changing the course of history forever. Our now reluctant, hesitant, self doubting hero is forced once again to don the hat and unwind the bull whip in order to save the world, with some new, and some familiar help along the way.

For me, as an ardent Indy fan, I liked it a lot. Yes, it's not as good as Raiders or the Last Crusade, but I liked it better than Temple of Doom and WAY better than the not so good Crystal Skull. I still remember seeing Raiders for the very 1st time when I was around 16 and being totally blown away, by the character as much as the film itself. Here was a hero every man wanted to be, and every woman, well just wanted! I've even had times in my life since, when faced with adversity, when I've thought "How would Indianna Jones handle it" and tried to deal with it in the same way myself, and there are very few character who have that kind of influence on people! Both the writers and Ford give him a great send off here, and even bring him full circle back into the arms of Marion Ravenwood in what is a very touching finale.

I guess much of today's audience weren't around when Indianna Jones 1st hit our screens in the 1980's, and haven't grown up with him and therefore don't have the same affiliation with him as those of us who did. If, like me, your one of those people who were there at the very beginning, you will hopefully like this film as much as I did.

"So long Indianna Jones, and thanks for the ride". Now, put your feet up and take it easy!
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Boat Story (2023)
BBC doing something different to period dramas
21 November 2023
I really can't understand the low scores on here for this? They must have watched a different program than I did. This is one of the best things the BBC have done in a long time. It's gruesome, witty and totally clichéd, but you know what, it's brilliant. If you like Tarantino this is right up your alley. The story is set in a fictional Yorkshire coastal town, where a couple of dog walkers stumble upon a boat washed up on the beach. Inside they not only find a couple of dead bodies, but also millions of pounds of cocaine. For various reasons they decide to take the drugs. What ensues is a tale full of twists and turns as the true owners of the drugs want to get their stash back and will do anything to achieve it. The actors are all superb and the dialogue is sharp and witty. I was totally invested in it in within the first 10 minutes. Well done BBC for doing something other than another period drama.
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The Changeling (2023– )
Trying to be too clever
18 November 2023
This show is, unfortunately, a total mess. I say unfortunately as I really wanted to like it, and watched every episode with as much enthusiasm as I could muster, which by episode 3 was very little. The whole things just smacks of trying too hard to be different and as a result it ends up being drawn out, boring and far too complicated than it needed to be. The last episode is only 29 minutes long, when all the others are 45+ minutes. This tells me that by the end, even the cast and crew had had enough and just wanted to wrap it up and get out of there as fast as they could. Save yourself a few hours and give this a miss.
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Just WOW
11 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about this other than you must watch it. One of the best series I've seen for a long time. Great cast, great sets and great special effects. The story centres around the Usher family whose patriarch Roderick Usher, played superbly by Bruce Greenwood, is the CEO of a huge, corrupt pharma company which has made billions on the back of a worldwide addiction to its opioid painkiller drug (sound familiar?).

But how did it all begin, and at what price? Although it's not hard to work out the answers to these questions early on, it's still tremendous fun seeing the sordid tale unfold.

Not for the squeamish, although not overly gory, we see tragic death after tragic death befall upon the thoroughly despicable Usher clan, seemingly at the hands of the same mysterious woman, and not even Luke Skywalkers Jedi powers can stop her (in joke, you need to watch it to understand).

At the heart of all this is the message that greed corrupts and consumerism drives it. After all, without demand there would be no need for supply would there.

I loved every episode. Top quality stuff if you like your TV to be dark, atmospheric, sordid and merciless. Even ET's Elliot meets a well deserved sticky end (another in joke)!
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The Whale (2022)
21 October 2023
Really don't understand the negative comments, some of which are based around the film being "anti Christian" or the main character "isn't a nice person so how can you feel sorry for him" and even "what am I supposed to take from this film". Come on, this is supposed to be for reviewing the actual film, you know, the acting the story, the cinematography etc.

Seriously, anybody who doesn't appreciate this film really shouldn't go to the cinema. This is far and away the most stunning film I have seen for years. Yes, none of the characters are particularly likeable, but you know what, there are people in this world who are like that. The point is that every actor in this film play their part supremely. Obviously Fraser got the Oscar, but they all were superb. Frasers character does not seek pity, he's just caught up in his own self loathing and knows he hasn't led a creditable life. Yes, he's made some bad calls and behaved poorly at times, but haven't we all.

The film is beautifully shot given it takes place pretty much in one place. The pace is great and the 2 hour running time goes by in a flash.

I watched it with my wife, and we were both totally moved by it, not particularly because it was sad, it really isn't, but really just because it was so emotionally powerful.

I'm not a great fan of Aranovsky, but loved this film. See it.
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Obviously whodunnit
29 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Don't waste your time on this. Poor acting, weak storyline and obvious who the murderer is by the 2nd episode (at least it was to me).

The premise is simple. Father dies suddenly, his 3 very unlikeable children expect the inheritance, unknown second wife appears who declares will was changed and she now owns everything.

The main problem is that none of the characters or situations are believable, from the disinterested police officer to the loan shark ex husband.

Spoiler.... let's get to the murderer. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to know who it is very early on, just look at the character who keeps showing up intermittently and is totally incidental to the story. Besides, who trustsc'estate agents' anyway.

Complete waste of time, not exciting, not action packed, not suspenseful, no unforeseeable twists and turns, no point!
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Gets you thinking
18 August 2023
Well, they say "you are what you eat" and I do believe thats true. If everything in this one sided documentary is accurate then humans should not eat meat, fish, diary products or even eggs FULL STOP.....EVER! Apparently our ancestors were predominantly vegetarian as were even the mighty gladiators of Rome. When you realise that gladiators were in fact imprisoned slaves is it any wonder they were only fed grains, and didn't our ancient ancestors have a lifespan of around 30 years! There is absolutely no way our ancestors didn't eat meat, fish ir eggs, but unlikely in the quantities we eat them today. Too much of anything is a bad thing. Do we need to cut down on meat and dairy products, not only for health but for environmental reason... absolutely. Should we cut them out altogether...absolutely not. A healthy, balanced diet comprising of fruit, veg, meat, fish and dairy covering all major food groups and vitamins is surely the answer.
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A must see
4 July 2023
What can I say. As a man who naturally gravitated towards action thrillers or murder mysteries, I wasn't too excited when my wife said she wanted to watch The Marvelous Mrs Maisel. So, with a degree of resignation I settled down to watch the 1st episode with her. Wow, how wrong I was. I was completely absorbed in this from the off. The acting is great from all the cast, especially Tony Shalhoub, the story is fast paced, the script is fabulousl and extremely witty but with plenty of laugh out load moments, and the costume design and set pieces absolutely convince you you are in the same decade as they are on screen. We are now on the final season with only 2 episodes left to watch and I can honestly say it is with a heavy heart that we will soon be saying goodbye to this. Watch it, you will not be disappointed, and I've learned a valuable lesson in that I really should listen to my wife more!
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This John just got on my Wick
1 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so the fight choreography, cinematography, locations and set pieces are great, but not great enough to save this film. It takes us nowhere different to where the first three took us. However, worse than that, it includes far too many over the top and completely unbelievable action sequences in which our hero gets hit, run over, shot, falls from great heights only to walk away from, that he may as well be Wile E Cayote in a Road Runner carton episode. I mean he falls from 3 or 4 storeys onto a car that crushes the roof and just gets up. In a scene around the Arc de Triomphe he's hit time and time again by numerous vehicles and just carries on like nothing's happened. It seems that everyone is now bulletproof just by putting an arm to their face when being shot at. In the fight scene on the huge flight of steps he just keeps rolling and rolling all the way down to the bottom when all the bad guys only fall a few steps when hit. Much has been made of the long fight sequences, but in fact they are too long and just become tedious and tiresome rather than exciting. The film is far too long to sustain what is a very flimsy and simple story. Shame as I loved the first John Wick, and didn't mind the second one too much either, but I'm sorry to say it has now run its course and if I wanted to see superhuman people who are bulletproof I would have gone to see a Marvel movie.
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Tragic tale
3 May 2023
Yes, as some other reviewers have commented, at times this is soooo slow and by the end if the episode you feel like you're no further on in the story then you were at the start. In saying that it is a pretty powerful piece of story telling, brought to life by some good acting by everyone involved. Elle Fanning and Colton Ryan as the two main protagonists are both very good. Ryan in particular has some moments on screen that are both touching and tragic in equal measure and I think he may go on to do some notable things as his career progresses.

The story raises some important issues that we have to face in today's society of social media and the increased pressures to be 'accepted' and liked, but underneath it all its really a tale of the devastation that suicide can cause to the lives of everyone around it. The inevitable questions of why did they do it, why didn't I see it coming, why didn't they come to me.

A solid score of 7, but would have been more if they'd cut it down from 8 episodes to 6 I think.
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Doc Martin (2004–2022)
I shall really miss it
30 April 2023
This is one of the best shows on TV. Yes, the characters are all fabulous, the stories filled with just the right mix of drama, sentimentality and comedy, but throw in the scenery around location as well and you're on to a winner. I actually had a slight tear in my eye as I watched the final ever episode, although I'd like to think that we may be treated to the odd Christmas special now and again.

It is set in the fictional fishing village of Port Wenn, but is actually filmed in Port Isaac, which I've been lucky enough to visit a couple if times on when on holiday in Cornwall way before the show became such a huge hit. No doubt it will be far busier these days as fans make their pilgrimage to the area.

Look out for the unusual patient names as they are called out in the waiting room, including greats such as Wendy House, Helen Highwater, Iona Castle, Theresa Green, Albert Ross and my personal favourite, Scott Chegg!

Gentle, charming and just about as perfect Sunday evening viewing as you can get.
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The Estate (II) (2022)
Terrible with a capital T
17 February 2023
First off, the reviewers who say "Dont believe the terrible reviews" are WRONG! This is one of the few films I have been unable to sit through in it's entirety. If I could have left a 0 star review I would have.

It is just NOT funny, or at least the first 40 minutes I endured wasn't. I didn't laugh, chuckle or smile once.

Every single 'joke' has been done a million times before and can be seen coming from a mile away. There is zero comic timing on display from either the writing or the delivery from a bunch of actors who quite honestly should have known better and stayed well away from this turkey.

Can't imagine the pay cheques for this would have been that high, so utterly makes you wonder why the likes of Toni Collette, David Duchovny and Kathleen Turner agreed to do it?

Basic premise is a group of cousins hear that their not very nice aunt is dying, so try to get in her good books in.order to be included in her will. This leads them to try numerous ways in which to do this, ranging from breakfast in bed to suggesting your husband has sex with her so she "can feel a man inside her one more time". Well, I laughed my socks off...... not!

I was lucky and had the sense to turn it off after 40 minutes, thus only losing 40 minutes of my life, others won't be so lucky.

You have been warned!
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
Sci-Fi at its best
10 February 2023
I have to admit, I'm a huge sci-fi fan, ever since I saw Rod Taylor in The Time Machine when I was a kid. For me, this up there with the best of them. The story is involved and believable, the technology depicted is breathtaking without being OTT. I really do think motorbikes like the one Jack has will happen, and as for his aircraft and 'loft apartment', well just wow! The film grabs your attention immediately, with the fantastic score by M83 perfectly fitting the bill. However, underneath all the tech and action sequences is a very good story with a nice twist. Let's just say all is not as it seems. The cast are perfect and the acting is good, making the characters believable. For me this is one of the most underated films of the last decade or so and should be scoring much higher than it does. You don't have to be a huge sci-fi fan to enjoy it. Trust me and give it a go.
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Spirited (2022)
Classic of the future
9 December 2022
Really don't understand the low rating for this. It's totally full of Christmas cheer, great songs and choreography, funny jokes and great performances all round. Sure, Will Ferrel is really just being, well Will Ferrel, but hey that's what he's good at!

Based on Dickens' Christmas Carol, it adds a few twists here and there, but it's really the quirky songs and dance routines that make it enjoyable. Sure, it's no Greatest Showman in terms of unforgettable songs, but they are catchy and made me tap my feet along with them.

One minor criticism is that I think it's a little long and probably needed to be about 15-20 minutes shorter.

Leave your worries behind, pop on that Christmas sweater and enjoy.
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Three Pines (2022)
Death in Paradise in the snow
6 December 2022
I've never read the books but liked the look of the series so gave it a go. On the whole it was OK, but only that in my view.

Couldn't get past the fact that it was really just Death in Paradise, but set in a cold Canadian town in winter rather than a sunny Caribbean island.

The clues are there, the suspects are numerous and the lead detective is way smarter than everyone else around him.

The acting is solid enough, as is the story line, the location great, but for me there's something missing that takes it from being just OK to something better. Can't put my finger on what it is though. It's a solid enough piece of light entertainment to help pass an hour or so on a cold winters night.

I've only watched episode 1 and will continue to watch it and maybe it will get better. If so I will update my review accordingly.
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