
11 Reviews
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Interesting small movie with a decent plot and nice dialogues
12 March 2023
This movie has a nice beginning and goes on with some twists. Characters are interesting and you wanna know more about them. End is simple but pretty good in my opinion. Other thing I like to point out are the cultural references and some songs that help to create characters personality, add certain nostalgia and say a lot. Certainly this flick doesn't seem to have a big budget. It could be a theater play as the dialogues are the important bit. You can consider it a comedy but there is also drama and mistery. In summary, a small independent product very watchable, maybe it doesn't reach the 7 out of 10 but it comes pretty close.
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Starts ok but goes down. Endless overlong predictable gags.
12 March 2023
It is a good idea, no original but no that bad. Movie starts fine but then it goes down from one unreal situation to other. Predictable and, most of the time, boring. Who has watched "The Day of the Beast" from the same director, will be highly disappointed. This is not witty at all. Situations are unrealistic, but not in the funny instant-classic way of the movie before mentioned. On the contrary, everything is predictable and gags go on and on endlessly, without any kind of planning. The lack of preparation and care of this product is so obvious.

If you want to watch a Spanish movie, with a shared car story, try "Dime dónde viajas". It is not a very good movie but at least, story is more compelling and the main character more interesting. Also there is a bit of mistery that goes on and some references to songs and popular Spanish culture. In this product, on the contrary, you can find nothing of that, bed scenes, love scenes, action scenes are mediocre. I give a 5 because it is watchable but, the 1hour 35 minutes seems to last forever, just one hour is enough to tell this story that goes to nowhere.
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Tunnel (2017)
How to do everything right
9 February 2023
This story is an example of how to do everything the right way. It doesn't go out of the rail. Maybe someone can say it is predictable sometimes but it doesn't matter.

It is not an Agatha Christie kind of story where only the really clever viewer can find what is going on. No, this product is made for entertaining, for everybody.

I love almost every character that appears, the process as they know each other. The best thing you can say about a show it is that you care about the characters till the point of missing them when the 16th episode finish... but this goes beyond it, and even the "scifi" part, without being perfect, it is solved in a clean way and kind of make sense all the time. It is not the main subject but it is treated really well and the show tries to tie every knot.

In this show you will find love, mistery, police work, sci-fi,phycology, fantasy, comedy, drama... and kind of looks real, I mean characters are down-to-earth, normal people, humans with weak spots, backgrounds, stories. This is very very recommendable, if instead of being a korean product this was an American tv series we would be speaking about it a lot more. It doesn't have the special effects of big series like Game of Thrones, it doesn't have the skocking reality of "Chernobyl" or the fiction powerful "Breaking Bad" perfect ending show... but without the budget, without the close-to-perfection of the biggest ones... just a step behind, this product will deserve a place in your mind and heart.
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The Menu (2022)
It starts great and goes down
28 January 2023
I guess the 7 score average it is because of the "original" try. Problem is, in my view, this movie tries to "shock" the audience all the time and, as the customers in the restaurant, the repetitive thing drives to "the same again" feeling too soon.

Yes, the movie is a "critic" to society, with mind twisted characters, silly acting characters and mostly highly unrealistic ways.

I can sincerely live without this stuff in my mind. I put 6 because they have spent in decoration and actors are good. Having said this, I cannot fully recommend this movie. It is so similar to others, full of "look how cool I am" stuff and weird "phylosophy of life" nobody in his right state of mind can buy. No good for the times we are living, I can find kind of the same emotional experience by watching the news.
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M3GAN (2022)
Good stuff. No a master piece
28 January 2023
It is not original. It is not outstanding, but it is what I expected. Predictable but still enjoyable. Technology quite up-to-date expectatives. Of course, maybe the robot itself and some "programming" decisions are not that subtle... but I think the intention of the movie is that, make the things totally noticiable, no deep science knowledge required. I stick to the message, the psychology which is, in my opinion, quite well-done, much better than average. Also, characters are quite likable, I mean, they don't do, in general, silly things, everything is quite natural.

Another thing, the robot is, in my view, original and more realistic than others I have watched... I fully buy "her" potential to be a real product and why the characters can feel sympathy for "her" as her way of thinking and act it is quite logic.

As a summary, we are not facing a product that tries to create something new or that tries to blow out our minds... no, on the contrary, quite a normal mostly predictable story, with decent performances, classic plot and some quite realistic messages one can relate to. Recommendable.
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If Only (2022)
Good intentions but nothing to remember
19 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was following this show, as many here, expecting to find out what was all about. So ending was a little bit disappointing. I have to confess I felt a bit of envy with the friendship the characters kept. All of them were part of a group.

The ending explains a lot, everything was the result of a mental disorder... like a dream... so nothing has to make sense. The plot has to explain nothing, you do not need to make connections... characters are just manage by the damage brain of the protagonist. A pitty there is not, after all, time travel.

On top of that, everything is reduced to the discovery of an infidelity. Nothing more.
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Try "El transplante" season 2 episode 1
8 December 2022
As it has been pointed out, some stories are weak and in other cases, it is better to see the original series by Chicho Ibañez Serrador. Having said this, if you want to try, start watching "El transplante", story must be known but performances are good. Contrast between realities are well expressed and the complete absence of humanity is really something. At least this story, in my view, achives the purpose of transporting the viewer to that utopia and make you think a little bit. Ideal for watching in this Christmas season so we can be closer to other beings and forget, for some time, the need of being to involved in our own selfish reality.
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How to spoil a good idea
3 December 2022
I am a fan of "time travel movies" and I enjoy even mediocre movies if they, at least, contain references to other movies. Even parody movies with lack of imagination are appreciated. But this is something really bad. I gave a 4 (which is a lot) just because Javier Gutiérrez, a decent actor, was in.

I also want to confess I wanted to stop wasting my time after 30 minutes, but I did an effort to watch the whole thing.

Vulgar, repetitive, without chemistry... a mix of "comedy" (no a single decent joke) and no science (no even good for a mediocre parody). Acting bad, situations out of reality (nobody behaves like that, come on! Are people that empty, clumpsy, unreal?)... only thing that can be saved is a 1991 song or a cultural reference, but not even those were enough to put it in context... everything looked out of place, like in a bad decorate.

Plot... is there a plot? Characters... well, nobody cares about any character. And then the need of creating swallow characters, no a single one, no even a secondary character conveys something decent. These guys who created the product... Did they dedicate more than 30 seconds to think about it?

In summary. Idea is good, a few references to 1991 (objects from that time) and a couple of pop songs. Rest, a mix of empty, unpleasent characters nobody cares about. Vulgar jokes and non-sense sex references that are so out of place, boring dialogues, unrealistic situations and movie starts as a vulgar thing and goes (unbelivable!) down and down till make the whole thing one of the worst, if not the worst, "time travel" movie I have watched in my life.
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History great, presentation no so good
12 November 2022
First, I have to say that I am a fan of Anciant Roman History, so every bit of information about that period is very welcome. Secondly, this documentary series counts with "Santiago Posteguillo" a great Spanish writer, reading "Trajano Trilogy" is really something you should do, interesting and entertaining at every level, also, maybe crude and detailed in the depictions of violence and sex, but definetely worthwhile.

This documentary has a positive thing. The historical figures depicted are really interesting, also some theories about the "real vs propaganda historical-account debate" are interesting.

However there are 3 problems in my view:

1) Using latin is a good idea, but, maybe just my perception, as acting is not so good, actors seem to have learnt the dialogues by heart. They suffer to be articulate in latin... of course, I do not know like latin sounded at that time, but it seems "artificial" in the documentary, as if they were given a "latin class" to a group of students (beginner level).

2) The historians, mostly that I can remember (except the writer) are women. They try to give their opinions about everything. Like 90% opinion 10% facts/history. It is really annoying sometimes. In particular, when they insist on repeating again and again and yet again, how the women were treated as children, how hard their lives were, how much they were suffering as they were considered "children" all their lives. This is repeated episode after episode, several times. "Come on, I got it. It is good to know but... can we focus on the individual person depicted?" (Besides, they were rich women, with power and priviliges... sure slaves (men and women) have much more crappy lives.

3) Regarding the depiction of violence, sex and sordid scenes. I think 10% violence, 40% sex and 50% sordid scenes, including like several "give to birth" scenes in every single episode. Well, at least, after watching the series, you will learn that women, and no men, at that time, gave birth. I should have expected a "whipping scene" or a "execution scene" with all the details also or maybe some battle were men were also brutally treated or killed. In reality, I think 90% of all the these violent, sex, sordid scenes were gratious and unnecessary.

In summary an interesting tv show that I have watched fully as I like the subject, with no so good performances, latin "forced" inclusion, too many sordid, pointless and repetitive scenes, and too much opinion like trying to put in our brains a message rather than a piece of history.

I really would like that someone could make a movie or tv-series about one of the many Santiago Posteguillo books... really missing fresh different historical movies with other historical periods (I know it is really hard to create that universe, but they do House of the Dragon and other many fantasy worlds, why not a more real one?)
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Wolf Like Me (2022– )
Best tv show little treasure you can see in Amazon
6 November 2022
This Australian series is great. I am in love with female protagonist character, she is so real and authentic. Humour bits are there without being out of place in any moment and the story unfolds really well in my opinion. I think there is chemist between the protagonists, between all of them, all the pieces come together and in the end you care a lot for them and want to continue (in next seasons) watching the show to see what happens to their lives. Looking forward to the next season and looking forward to see products as fresh and engaging and natural as this one in the future. Products that do not try to lecture you in any way.
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García! (2022)
Problems with history
6 November 2022
Acting is not the best and the "historical period" and "fictional present time" are not well depicted, full of prejudices about an interesting time in Spanish history that could have been treated much better. Good news are that if you take the story as something completely fictional and ignore the history bit nuisances, you can enjoy kind of a "parody" of spy movies, science fiction, eternal youth experience with very nice 60's-70's Spanish pop music and the contrast between a time where people speak to people and have respect vs current cold, tech-driven society. So see it if you like something different but do not take seriously the historical facts.
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