
10 Reviews
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Decent watch
12 June 2023
These 3 episodes from the tidal zone special were all decently enjoyable (except the 3rd one) but first I'll start with welcome to binary bottom. So spongebot (idk if that's the name but anyway) goes through a day in binary bottom but robo-gary comes in to spongebot's body and in the krabby battery robo-gary gets glued to squidbot and everyone gets chasing squidbot and karen is a fish which was funny but in water they all get glued to sandroid and that's the end it was fun now to the second episode is called you're going to This episode was a bit wasted but still ok. Mr krabs chases a quarter and he sees a pay phone and brings it to the krusty krab. But it hypnotises him to be generous repeat the last part 3 times with different things (like money krabby patties etc) then mr krabs gets angry with the pay phone and sees a demon in it and they swap places and squidward throws the payphone out and that's it. The last one is in my opinion the worst not only of these 3 episodes but of the tidal zone crossover as well it's called a skin wrinkle in time. So grandpat is in the tidal zone and it refrences the theme song then he's in the wild west for a minute then after a bit he's home. It feels like the writers just has 0 ideas so just written a 5 minute maximum episode. So these 3 episodes are really fun go watch.
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Two Brothers (2004)
Good but not perfect
16 April 2023
So two brothers is a good movie but has some flaws 1. The tigers don't talk so sometimes it's hard to understand. But it's the worst with the beginning because I could hardly understand what was going on. 2. Some scenes can drag on for a while. That's the only 2 flaws I could think of now onto the positives 1. The two brothers have interesting and opposite adventures which come along greatly in the climax 2. The ending is brilliant but I won't spoil it. You can find out for yourself. Those are the positives. Anyway the movie's great, you should see it and the flaws don't drag it down it's an 8 out of 10.
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Lightyear (2022)
I can't believe the bad reviews seriously 6.0?!
30 December 2022
This movie is great first the story I don't wanna give spoilers but it's great buzz has a good arc overall 8/10. Animation is like a video game and I love it overall 10/10. Characters are great buzz has a good arc sox is pretty funny so are buzz's sidekicks overall 8/10. Problems are buzz's arc isn't fleshed out enough, characters could be better,some jokes are not funny,is a pretty decent origin story it's better than it should be , overall 8/10 so if you want to watch it you should to at least see if it's good or not and it shouldn't be a 6.0 or 60 on metacritic hope it gets mor appreciated soon.
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Enjoyable show but not as good as the movies
20 December 2022
I was sceptical of this show at first but was enjoyable but not as good as the movies there are 9 episodes and all of them are enjoyable in their own way. But some are weak like episode 6 is the weakest because not much happens. But the animation looks better than I thought, characters are nice and I like the new characters as well. But not every new character is great because some are not some are not developed well,and some episodes are boring and I don't care for them and some episodes are too chaotic to the point where they're not fun to watch. Overall it's just a nice fun adventure series with chaos fun and interesting characters overall if you're interested in it watch it.
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Aladin (1993 Video)
This thing has a 3.1?! Awful
19 December 2022
This movie is awful the animation is just Aladdin's animation if it looked worse than cartoons from almost 100 years ago characters are just Aladdin but 1 million times worse voices are laughably bad they probably decided how about we let our kids voice instead of actual actors I'm happy I watched a bit of it for free on youtube because it isn't worth even a penny/cent I think this is worth a 0/10 but I have to give it a 1/10 if you want a million times worse aladdin this is for you and it's probably not good at distracting children if you wanted that you could get minions or minions the rise of gru overall don't watch ever.
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Nicely charming
15 December 2022
This movie is nicely charming overall characters are charming and enjoyable and some scenes are funny and charming and is super funny in some scenes and the actors are really good at their roles in especially rodrick's actor overall he did a really good job at acting and make the characters even better but some scenes are boring some jokes are not as good but for a diary of a wimpy kid movie it's pretty decent and charming and overall I think if you like the diary of a wimpy kid series you should watch it so overall characters 8/10 actors 11/10 story 8/10 overall 8/10 you should watch it soon if you like the idea.
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Fun movie
10 December 2022
Was a fun movie story was engaging characters were enjoyable and animation was very unique and looks really nice and has creative jokes but it doesn't give as much superhero action as I'd like but I liked the rest though and they should've given more time to the finale because it's really entertaining but the rest isn't bad some jokes were so unexpected that they were more funny and the animation has very good small details that I like to notice so if you think it looks interesting you should watch it overall story 8/10 animation 10/10 characters 8/10 overall 8/10 you should watch it now if you like movies superhero movies.
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Roblox (2003 Video Game)
Best game ever made
4 December 2022
This is the best game ever made because of over 40 million great games ( idk if all of them are great and I'm not gonna try) and Roblox studio while confusing at first is where all Roblox games come from and so many great games like piggy,many obbys but it has issues like far too many obbys it's probably a million obbys in the game and it's more like many games rather than one game and I like that because if a game sucks the entire package sucks but for Roblox if a couple ( or over a million ) games suck the entire package doesn't suck because of that overall is the biggest masterpiece ever created good job to whoever had the idea for roblox.
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Best of the 4
4 December 2022
This movie is the best of the 4 hotel Transylvania movies it's gimmick is good characters are nice animation is better than ever but the gimmick is shown in the trailers so it's not suspenseful what the transformations will be Murray,frank, Wayne,wanda,mavis and Erica appear for 10 minutes maximum and they could've been fleshed out more but Johnny and Dracula are more fleshed out for some reason and the villain (if you can call it that) only appears for 5 minutes and barely appears in the middle in fact I forgot it existed until the end where it is defeated in 10 seconds overall was a fun ride would watch again.
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Open Season (2006)
Good movie but
26 October 2022
This movie is great but a bit generic good movie to distract the kids but won't be as good for adults. Funny but can be hit or miss and some characters like mr weenie ( yes that's his name) barely does anything and how come they couldn't get these voice actors for the later movies and the animation is a bit rough looking by today's standards but even though I sounded a bit critical there I still enjoy the movie and it's a bit rough looking but still looks nice ( plus it's sony animation's first movie) characters are likeable movie was impressive for sony animation's first movie but they've done better.
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