2 Reviews
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Love Tactics (2022)
Lacks originality
1 October 2022
Have you seen the movie How to lose a guy in ten days? Well this movie is a very bad remake. This Turkish version literally did copy and paste from the original movie. Demet's acting is the same. She needs to get away from the same childish antics. They are not cute anymore and quite frankly embarrassing. I have seen her on previous series and her gestures are the same. Her mannerisms are the same. She needs to get more into the character and not be afraid to act. The kissing scenes kill me. Can actors take classes on how to kiss?! The shyness she portrays is not believable. She has potential but needs to not be afraid to act. The original movie version is superb!
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Viola (2022– )
Loved it!
1 October 2022
First time for Can Yaman acting in Italian on Italian tv. This is a great stepping stone to what's to come. I don't speak a word of Italian and Can Yaman's characterization of Francesco Demir kept me intrigued and I understood his actions perfectly. I particularly loved his sarcasm. Again, I don't speak Italian but understood perfectly well his interpretation of his character. It will be interesting to discover his background story in the next episodes. Viola characterized by Francesca Chillemi, a journalist with a special condition that she utilizes to help others. Viola is funny, smart and beautiful!
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