
6 Reviews
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i LOVED this movie!
19 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I love movies 1, 2, and 3. I was not disappointed and I don't think it was lacking anything either. Unlike some other viewers, I enjoyed this movie and I thought that it was the best of the 3.

I was satisfied to know who gave Davy Jones the Music Box. Although, I think that about all the viewers agree that the Black Pearl would be one of the worst places ever to have your wedding especially during a fight.

It is sad to know that Will Turner can never see Elizabeth on land for another 10 years. I realized that Will Turner never saved his father from the years of eternal serving to the Flying Dutchman. Instead, Will Turner died, left his beating heart to Elizabeth, and is now the captain of the Flying Dutchman (his father still serving the Flying Dutchman).

I do not understand how some of the viewers' comments that I have read label it as a disappointment or it lacked something. One comment's (which I highly disagree with) last words were: this movie SUCKED! Some people, like that person, absolutely DO NOT know a good movie when the see one.

I cannot wait to have this movie on DVD so I can add it to the other two Pirates movies.

-Kelly Hofschneider
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The Replacements (2006–2022)
this show stinks
18 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
i hate this show! this show is one of my tie breakers in my "Most Hated Show List." One of the shows is "Yakity Yak" which showed on Nick for so short and "Mucha Lucha." O my gosh those shows were horrible!they make fairly odd parents look good. If they made a movie it would be a waste of money. Currently i sprained my ankle and compared to watching the replacements it was less painful. To me, they should cancel this show, but for now, all parents, block this show! Disney why did you disappoint us so? You know, to all the people i know who watched this show you'd better replace this show. After all this is the name of the show. I don't care if i don't make sense just don't watch it.
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Not the best
18 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had always thought that Shrek the Third would be something worth waiting for. I watched it with my friends at times it was funny but then it started to go on and on. It was repetitive, and the funny moments weren't as original as they used to be. The whole story sounded like they copied something from an old cartoon. It was kind of a bad influence on other kids. If you'd watched it with kids around the age of 13- 15 you would understand that it is not the same. The puns in the commercial are so lame. "The wait is ogre" the wait is over and when you watch it Shrek fans you'll cry. Honestly it is so disappointing if you want to watch a real movie go watch Nancy Drew or Pirates.
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Unfabulous (2004–2007)
I don't really care about it
18 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
it is not so bad, but i rather watch something else. They act so great and fashionable with their hand made (Geena made it herself) clothes, but actually i saw Geena's clothes on another T.V. show! I absolutely think this show is a waste of time. It is your average show that you watch and don't really care if it gets canceled. The movie was weird because she followed her crush all the way to Chinatown (that is so creepy)! Come on would you want that to happen to you? Also she picked up his cell phone from the trash can (Ew!). anyways think what you want to think, this is just my opinion. Addie's songs are funny (because they are weird). She sings about her being 13...."I'm 13 yeah 13 years old. I don't have to do what I'm told." It is so unoriginal because she is a singer and her last name is singer. also the weird thing is Zac's basketball shorts are so tiny they look disgusting on a boy and what kind of last name is Fabiano?! They act like such wanna be's. The good thing about it is that i like one episode, the crazy one where she was hunting down her C.D. about Jake. I like it because she acts crazy and she breaks his C.D. player.
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This show is the best of Teenick!
16 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
this is my favorite Nick show! It is so funny! You can laugh when Gordy tries to catch the weasel -who turned out to be a girl, who knew!-, when Cookie makes that face when he gets nervous, when Moze punches Ned, when Ned overreacted when he thought Suzie was going to break up with him, and basically almost every minute!!! To me, the episode, Field Trip, was funny (especially when Gordy destroyed the school door and when Ned told Suzie that he just had to have the Wild Boy skirt- short thing). Although, I wish it would be a little bit more exciting when Moze and Ned finally got together and I don't know, there was something missing! It didn't feel complete to be the "biggest Ned's Declassified Ever." And the Alternate Ending was so disappointing! But I know everyone has different thoughts, so if you liked to more than me, OK and if disliked it more than me, OK. Anyway, my main point is, I love this show and I hope Field Trip wasn't the end of it...
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Nancy Drew (2007)
ummmm... read this comment!
16 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this was cute. I enjoyed it, but if you didn't, that is your fault. Emma Roberts played a good Nancy Drew, even though she isn't quite like the books. The old fashion outfits are weird when you see them in modern times, but she looks good on them. To me, the rich girls didn't have outfits that made them look rich. I mean, it looks like they got all the clothes -blindfolded- at a garage sale and just decided to put it on all together. All of the outfits were tacky, especially when they wore the penny loafers with their regular outfits. I do not want to make the movie look bad, because it definitely wasn't! Just go to the theater and watch it!!! You will enjoy it!
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