20 Reviews
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Fallout (2024– )
20 April 2024
Disclosure: I know nothing about the game, nor do I care about the game. I watched this with no clue and no expectations.

So, obviously its for teens. Gamers? Viewers who like robot-ey things and senseless violence. Im not offended or grossed out, its just all kind of silly.

This reminded me alot of 1995's Tank Girl, but longer, slower, and more dramatic. None in a good way (not saying that Lori Petty movie was great, but it was quick and fun for what it was) This is not a good show. It jumps around between groups, environments, slowly tries to bring in a plot....maybe. The underground, bunkered people are afraid to go to the surface...where people seem to be living just fine? Huh?

I guess its just not interesting enough for me to continue past the first couple of episodes.

2 stars instead of 1 for the cool sci-fi angle.
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Ripley (2024)
18 April 2024
I dont know who is giving this garbage such high ratings. I suppose some pot smoking artsy film making wannabes mesmerized by the black and white cinematography?

Slow and boring doesnt begin to describe this dribble. Poor casting? Holy canoli (see what I did there?). The guy playing Greenleaf Sr.... I think I just saw him in a Wal Mart commercial.

The lead has absolutely zero character or charisma, especially if we're to buy him as a grifter.

If you can sit through eight episodes of this you must be partially comatose. I have to believe the high raters are affiliated with the producers of this masterpiece of nothing.
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The Baker (II) (2022)
Nothing Special
15 February 2024
This was ok. Could have been better without so much of the kid. I get that she is part of the story, fine, but why make her such an annoying little B and give her so much screen time? Oh, and she doesnt speak....thats always nice and really makes for good viewing. NOT.

The story is nothing new, but its simple enough to work....loser gets in trouble with some bad guys, family gets dragged in, blah blah blah.

Perlman is as good as expected. Koteas and Keitel the same. No real substance here, a few jumps and gaps, some weird over character development with Koteas, but just a decent action crime gig. Nothing I'd ever watch again.
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
Started out really good....then...like always...
10 February 2024
So heres what Ive been saying for about 4 years now...Netflix, and others, do not need to draw out these shows for more than about 4-5 episodes.

This started out great...fun story, good actors, quirky and interesting characters (almost Fargo-esque). I loved the first 3 episodes and was looking forward to the rest...and then .... Starting with #4 it got slow, REAL slow, a lot if pointless dialogue, then the mind-numbing boringness carried over to #5 and they added some vague twists and a bonus drug induced psychadelic flashback for the main character that lasted most of the episide. Huh??

It just got goofy.

I probably wont finish it. Especially now that I see season 2 is coming, I cant do 15 more episodes of this. Too bad.
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Boon (2022)
30 January 2024
So, as I watch... 20 minutes in, no clear plot yet. Just some cheap bad acting, and it looks like it was shot with a cellphone camera. Flanagan's accent seems over the top and forced more than normal (yes he is Scottish). Teenager and his single mom...great, that always makes a movie good.

Waiting for Steven Seagal to show up any minute. Its that kind of movie.

Who are all these characters? Zero backstory.

Lots of typical drunken hillbilly gonna mouth off and get beat up by the mysterious hero scenes coming up I fear.

40 minutes in... Thats it. I've seen enough, I cant force myself through this garbage anymore. The ending? ....who cares.
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Fargo: The Birthplace of Civilization (2020)
Season 4, Episode 5
20 January 2024
So I watched seasons 1-3, and 5. I just went back to watch 4.

I cant. I cant finish it. I gave it four episodes and turned it off midway through the fifth.

This is horribly slow and boring with little or no start or progression of a plot. Really zero resemblance to the style or interesting way of the other four. So uninteresting.

The lead for the Italian family is clownish and his brother is literally acting like he is in an old silent picture using his over the top fake "crazy eyes" for every line in every scene. Its unwatchable.

Chris rock...great comedian, horrible actor. Wooden personality on screen.
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Fargo: The Tragedy of the Commons (2023)
Season 5, Episode 1
20 January 2024
So I watched seasons 1-3, and 5. I just went back to watch 4.

I cant. I cant finish it. I gave it four episodes and turned it off midway through the fifth.

This is horribly slow and boring with little or no start or progression of a plot. Really zero resemblance to the style or interesting way of the other four. So uninteresting.

The lead for the Italian family is clownish and his brother is literally acting like he is in an old silent picture using his over the top fake "crazy eyes" for every line in every scene. Its unwatchable.

Chris rock...great comedian, horrible actor. Wooden personality on screen.

All the characters are fighting, but again, no real goal for either side in sight.

Multiple characters throwing around random anctedotes that mean nothing.

Slow. Boring. Bad.

I gave it 2 stars for production...costumes, cars, buildings etc.
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Bad. Boring. Dumb.
4 January 2024
Does Mr Willis have no one in his life that cares about him? Who is letting him do these movies? I mean, his part is tiny. But still.

Please stop him. Preserve his legacy.

This movie was made on par with those local lawyer or car lot commercials. Its a very strange video-like, low budget production.

Every character is a bad cliche'. Rooker is comiclly bad.

Its described as an action flick, but it tries to be an X-Men type of rip off, too...well maybe? Its just a mess.

Shot mostly in a prison. Big leaps in these "super powers" parts of the story. Convoluted character intersction, weird rivalries not explained.

Just bad film making. Again. On Prime. Again.
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An Expensive Sharknado
31 December 2023
Now, the first Meg was no oscar winner, but it was a fun action movie. Statham always delivers. But even he couldnt save this ridiculousness.

Plot...well, it kind of had to do with giant prehistoric sharks, but not really. It was more like Jurassic Park under water...until oh wait, it turned into regular Jurassic Park. Huh?

And I understand one must suspend disbelief for this type of movie, dinosaurs and all, but the fantasy technology (underwater suits, computers, radar, comms, weapons) were also just too over the top.

Overall a mish mash of bad acting, weak and cheesey characters, and cartoon-like stunts. It reminded me at times of those bad SyFy channel movies...this is just a really expensive version of Sharknado. Just another bad idea. Lazy film making.
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Nothing Special as a Movie
27 December 2023
So, as a way to shine a light on the horrible attrocites of the group of sub-human animals that live amongst us, this is decent. As a movie, its not so good.

Disjointed sequences of events. Alot of leaps are to be made to follow the storytelling. It kind of plays out like an episode of Miami Vice, but not as well done as that show was 35 years ago.

The main character is way over dramatic at the wrong times. Its weird. Then it gets kind of hero on us, but without a big pay off. Im not sure what this movie wanted or was trying to be. I actually went into it thinking it was more documentary, which it is certainly not. And its nowhere near as brutal or sad and disturbing as some have described. Its certainly a rough subject, but I didnt feel compelled to cry or get emotionally involved with this movie. Its actually quite boring, mostly.
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Asteroid City (2023)
No Need For This Movie
21 December 2023
2 stars for an interesting set and great cast.

Unfortunately, that cast is wasted on this pointless, artsy dribble. No real substance of a plot. No delivery of a payoff for sitting through this bore of a film.

Im admittingly not a Wes Anderson fan, but will recognize if there is at least something there for those who are. To those fans who enjoy this type of cinema, this method of (not) moving a film in any particular direction, I suppose sitting and staring at pretty colors can be entertaining given the proper dosage of recreational narcotics.

This is quite simply a dull, pretentious, poorly written attempt to convince viewers that all art is appreciated.

Its not.
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Obliterated (2023)
Bad. Just bad.
12 December 2023
Ok fine, this is good and bad. Its good if you enjoy the simpleton cop shows flooding primetime nowadays, bad if you are expecting a real show written, directed, and acted like a serious movie (Secario, Zero Dark Thirty, The Bourne franchise).

Its bad network tv with curse words and D* jokes. I'll admit there are a few laughs, a few moments of entertainment, but no way could I sit through 8 episodes. I made it through 1.5 and called it quits. Cheesey hammed up actors, and they managed to even work in some LGBT characters (of course, its mandatory now) that were just forced and weird. It doesnt ruin this already bad mess, it just doesnt bring anything to it and makes it even more unbelievable.

Just lazy film making.

*EDIT* I ended up catching parts of the rest of this.

It seemed to be a drunken frat party full of weirdness, stupidity, and ALOT of penises. Yes. Penises. I dont know why the makers felt it necessary to show men's junk so much. I wasnt offended, its just so bizarre and out of place. Little to no female nudity, just di**s everywhere.

Oh, and I don't know if there is any discernible plot. Just alot of weird raunchy-ness. If I were 22 and drunk I may have liked this show.
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10 December 2023
Well....this was, during its first hour, a really good movie...interesting plot, good acting, very tense. Very much reminded me of the earlier, better M Night stuff. Then it fizzled into a senseless ending. Again. Ugh.

Im a sucker for a good apocalypse movie, but this one ended up having so many holes and just went nowhere. (It seems to be a trend of making movies with open endings.) It doesnt have to be some easy predictable ending where the good guy(s) win, or some hero saves the day, but damn, wrap it up for us somehow.

Part social commetary, part warning of horrible humans' behavior, even part fantasy (whats with the animals?). But all a stranded mess.

This is why people flock to the moronic, simpleton cartoon-ey comic book flicks...at least they know what they're getting. This one tried to be smart, then failed.

Too bad. (And a waste of alot of good talent. )
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Hunter Killer (2018)
Hollywood Cheese
6 December 2023
I shouldn't complain because at least this isn't another comic book movie.

It is a little fun, has some good action. Easy cut and dry Rambo-esque plot. Heroic US military going after the ruskies, and thats cool. They even throw in a spec ops team (SEALs?).

Over acted, and Butler is his exact same character...he is the equivelent to Liam Neeson now I suppose. Rinse and repeat.

If you like the cheesey over the top-ness of movies like all the ".... Down" movies...White House, Olympus, London, then you will like this ham fest. If you like The Hunt for Red October, or even Crimson Tide, then skip this one.

But its not a horrible flick, just nothing to think about or ever watch again.
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Pavement (2002 TV Movie)
Nothing Special...Kinda Bad
7 November 2023
This is a very basic movie written and produced for the simpletons who watch and enjoy any of the dozens of primetime procedural crime shows on nowadays.

Cheesy overacting, formulated plot, reeeeally absurd villain. If you like those tv shoes, you'll like this movie.

I normally like Robert Patrick. He's predictable and sticks to that in this. He did his normal thing here.

Lauren Holly...yikes, I guess I never realized that she really can't act. She was better in Dumb n Dumber.

I had this movie on as background noise as I was doing something else...just another easily forgettable amazon movie.
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The Misfits (2021)
Kind of embarassing
23 October 2023
Umm...well, I made it to the end. Albiet while reading something else on my phone. Trust me, you don't have to pay attention to this movie.

All the other comments are correct regarding good actors in a bad movie (except Cannon, he should not be acting...ever).

Weak copy cat plot but without any clever dialogue or twist. Intended humor fell flat every time, cringey even. Its rushed and silly, narrated by Cannon for some god awful reason. Kind of shot and directed like one of the dozens of simpleton procedural cop/detective shows all over tv nowadays.

I gave it 2 stars over 1 because I like Roth and Brosnan, but there is no reason for you to watch this movie.
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Inside (I) (2023)
Suspend Disbelief
15 September 2023
Boring. Long and boring. Some of the repetitive scenes will have you reaching for the FFWD button.

An okay look at a man's degradation while trapped in isolation.

The premise is not new, and this could have been a good take if we weren't expected to believe it took place in a penthouse apartment that somehow had zero ways for a grown man to figure out how to escape.

I know, its a deeper look at the psychology of this situation, but since the set (house) is basically the co-star, its just too goofy and far-fetched.

I gave it 3 stars instead of 1 because Defoe gives a great performance, as always.
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Aniara (2018)
Intillectual and Worth Watching
6 September 2023
This is a very good sci fi movie. Its not for everyone, and is way more a dive into human coping and behavior than a flick about traveling through deep space.

Its decently acted, and there are a few areas that you may need to think about characters' real motives. The effects are limited but fine.

If you watch this, you will need to fill in some assumptions about how the crew got where they are, and what the real goal is, but that subtle mystery is part of the tension and grip of the movie. Get your head around BIG numbers as you often have to do with deep space movies. It gets a little weird and artsy at times, but not annoyingly. I liked the ending, too.
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6 July 2023
Ooph...this is tough. I grew up with Indiana Jones. Saw Raiders at the drive-in theater with my dad. Saw every one since on opening weekend. Probably in my top few franchises.

I liked this movie, but I wanted to love it. The effects were great, as usual. Action non-stop, at times to a fault. The dialogue lacked the wit we have come to expect, but it was good enough for a few chuckles.

Characters...eh, a little flat. The bad guy was a little wooden, not "evil" like Raiders and Doom. The new girl, liked her. Fun, smart, quick, kinda cute, very "wordly".

The story, this is where I struggled. Its not bad, but they had such a good idea with so many options that I waited to be explored, but to no avail. The ending fell flat.

I think they made a good movie, but they could have made a great one.
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No real focus here...
30 March 2023

I will say that it is interesting in how this movie was written, directed, produced and conceived. Also a neat twist on casting that you really never see as it is a true life family. Cool.

The idea of a virus spreading via the internet or social media is interesting. I think the underlying theme of the addictive or dangerous nature of the Internet are subtly presented fairly well.

The odd three minute seen toward the end was actually pretty suspenseful and creepy.

However I am not quite sure what the overall plot of this movie was. Was it some cross inter-woven dual reality going on? Was the main or other characters dreaming? Partially dreaming? Who were "they"? Who was in "control"? It was very hard to establish a baseline of reality and that only works if you tie it all together at some point which I don't believe this movie did.

I can kind of see that the idea was all of the above, or some of the above, but it was all thrown at the viewer very disjointedly. I think one had to really reach for some connectivity between ideas in this movie.

It's not the worst movie I have seen lately but it is not good enough to watch again to try to figure out.
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