
6 Reviews
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Wellmania (2023)
Looks pointless. Not going to finish this
15 April 2023
So I've watched two or three episodes of Wellmania, it's not engaging and I'm not following through with it. It doesn't seem that the show is going to get better or more nuanced.

How many TV shows about an awkward rude self-anaware loose leads are there? How many more do we need? I've seen this picture so often now, that I don't feel for such a character anymore.

Supporting roles are also not really interesting to watch and the diversity seems more checkbox than authentic. The only character for whom I care and for whom, I hope, things get good, is the mother of the lead. But I'm sure, she figures things out just fine without me watching it, I trust her.

Also, I kind of am fed up with the tv-shows portraying the leads blowing powder like it's studio 52 just for the sake of it. Why is that still a thing? It's not fun to watch, it's not relatable (well maybe it's just me), it's not shocking or new, it's plain boring and dirty and the bigger issue is, it doesn't serve the plot and it doesn't drive any point home.

So the verdict: the show looks outdated, full of token characters and done tropes, it's not entertaining and it's a shame, because I wanted to like it.
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Shrinking (2023– )
Relatable and fun
15 April 2023
The general feeling from this TV show is, it's kind, funny, relatable. It's about life. It tells about imperfect but loving people able to learn - and I fully support this kind of media.

I knew nothing about Harrison Ford as an actor, as I haven't seen him in realistic roles before, but I enjoyed so much watching him in this one.

Jason Segel also gives a great perfomance, and so do Krista Miller and Jessica Williams, well no need to resite the cast names, they all are very interesting to watch and became familiar and beloved in our home.

When I think back, I didn't enjoy some side-plotlines, but nothing cringeworthy or unbelievable happens (is it a spoiler? Idk).

At first I doubted it would be a good show because arguably 2 of main characters are really bad therapists. BUT the show addresses its heroes personalities and flaws, an this self-awareness is relieving and admirable.

The main journey of the lead characters was simple, logical, exciting and still with a pinch of predictability. Good TV is good TV.

This is a rare case when I hope that there's going to be another season, even though not much is going on and the story feels complete.
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Loot (2022– )
It's fun and easy on the eyes
14 March 2023
IMHO the reviews on IMDB don't do this show justice. Sure, it's mostly predictable and somewhat cliche characters are present. However, in my books, some amount predictable is not bad, on the contrary - it's what makes a comfort-watch.

The jokes are light-hearted and simple, but created with taste and grace. Many are rooted in pop-culture so you have to be there to understand, some are too on the nose, and the creators clearly know about it, and that's why they are funny.

The story is made with kindness, with heart and nobody tries way too hard or too little, just the right amount of effort behind it.

And the cast is amazing! Maya Rudolf looks like a real live woman and I love her for that. MJ Rodriges - oh, I just fell in love with her, she's so spirited and energetic. All the characters are lovely.

Last but not the least, let me mention the colors, the decorations and the light in the show. It's beautiful and brings up the optimist in me.

Sure, it's no Brooklyn 99, no Office, you can't laugh your bum off and quote "Loot" to your friends and children for years to come. But so what, all of those exist already, don't they?

And this here is a heartfelt funny show to give your eyes and you soul some relaxed time.
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The Circle (I) (2017)
What is this movie?
5 March 2023
I don't get it, how did this movie end the way it did? What was that? The story was built up but never ended, it's like it's just half a movie.

The movie is a waste of time simply because it doesn't go anywhere. They create a scene, introduce characters, start the narrative and then, out of nowhere, it just ends.

Did the crew forget a bunch of pages from the script in the printer?

Another question is, how is it a thriller? Maybe back in 2017 the scene in itself was horrifying (no it was not). Anyways, here on Earth in 2023 companies as the Circle are mandane and the whole set up is not enough to thrill anyone.

I loved Karen Gillan here, heck, the whole cast was good, the idea and teased moral is timeless, but the plot is a total mess. It's a pity though because it felt like it led somewhere.
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Freaking out here
18 February 2023
It started as a very bad Netflix movie, but grew to be a cute romcom afterall.

Some parts of it were cringy though.

First of all, I am a fan of Crazy Ex-girlfriend tv show, but both Vella Lovell and Rachel Bloom did not belong in this movie.

Second of all but mainly, I couldn't help but be disturbed by the looks of Ashton Kutcher and Reese Witherspoon. I am 31 and I've been watching these actors on screen for over 20 years now. I did the math and can safely bet that in 5 years from now they are going to look younger than I look today.

So, you know this type of scare, when you look at something very familiar, and your brain recognises it but at the same time it doesn't, because even though all parts are there, it's just somehow not the same? So unsettling. That's psychological horror stuff 101.

So that's what I felt looking at Ashton Kutcher for this hour and a half.

Yes I know, that people in Hollywood rarely age, and Ashton is gorgeous, but it was freaky as hell and generally scared me.

Anyways, the human part of the movie, the portraits of friendship were OK, and I enjoyed the dialogue.

The best result of watching the movie is that it made me think about joys of reading a good book and how I should avoid seeing moviestars getting surgeries.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
A good comfort watch
21 August 2022
I got Disney+ subscription to watch latest Thor movie but it wasn't streamed yet, and then my eyes fell on the How I Met Your Father TV-show poster.

Based on the Internet reviews and the fact that it was supposed to be a remake (disclaimer: it's not and thank god!), I expected it to be terrible and decided to give it a go just for that reason - a hate-watching session. But it didn't deliver.

I found myself laughing on the light jokes and enjoying the dialogues starting from the first episode.

I've binged the show in two days and will be waiting for the 2nd season.

Frankly I enjoyed it better than many modern series. It's uncomplicated, colourful and relaxing.

Yes, it's characters are clueless and naive, the whole plot is 100% predictable, but so what? It's also witty but totally non-offensive, the characters are likeable but not flawless Mary Sues, the diversity in the cast is so organic, real professional - for once at anything Disney related!

This TV show is sweet. But not too sweet. It's a great comfort watch!

The nods to the HIMYM are very enjoyable and delicate, and it's not overdone.

There are so many angry HIMYM fans in the review section. Well, honestly, I believe it's unreasonable to expect this 2022 show to be a remake of HIMYM. Why should it be? Or why should the jokes be the same?

Or why you'd expect to grow as keen to the people you see for the first time in your life, as to the people you've been watching, for several years?

HIMYM is cult classic, I loved it when it was on air and several rewatches after. And it's also a show of its time, it wouldn't land right today - at least for me.

In my opinion, it would be beyond ridiculous to reconstruct the same characters, the same plot or the same kind of jokes in HIMYF.

I am soo thankful to the creators for the fact that it's not a sequel or a remake, but a spin-off with its own vibe.

(And also that we don't see the kids, who listen to the story, which at least means that the story is not set to be killed visciously by its ending....)

So, in conclusion, this show is definitely better than expected and from personal experience it can make your evening or two, if you're tired of toxic overeventful cynical mess that is modern media.
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